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  1. #1

    Default Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    I haven\'t had great success with the Pheros....yet. I\'m trying to not be discouraged and keep trying different combinations. I am a good looking guy (26) slim,fit and clean-cut. I never had any trouble with women, I thought pheros would just give my that little extra \"edge\". I have tried to intentionally OD by dumping tons of the stuff on me, but to be honest I noticed no change from people around me, strangers or friends. Like I said, I never had any trouble with women, I am well spoken, and confident. I just haven\'t seen any advantage from phero use.
    Is it possible they just don\'t work with my body chemistry? With all I have read on the forum I thought it would be a drastic effect. Hmmm.
    Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    What products are you using, how much of it are you applying, and how are you applying it?

    - Krish

  3. #3

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    I found out about pheros last November ; bought SoE, PI , NPA and APC and tried every possible combination, amount and under various conditions ( four seasons and and many social situations ) and have never seen any reaction from anyone that I would have received without them. That is almost a year of trying.

    I definately believe they will not work for some people due to body chemistry or whatever. This is just the way it is for some people and there have been a few others besides me who have also seen nothing as a result of using them.

    I believe some of these \'hits\' are exaggerations (some as silly as a waitress asking if you need ketshup being considered a \'hit\' due to a phero ... LOL ... come on! ) of regular, everyday behavior that wasn\'t noticed before , but I believe most are seeing positive results.

    I still check this forum out as there are other things discussed that I like to read and sometimes contribute to and still like hearing of others success with the stuff.

    Best of luck with your phero experimants.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    I\'m always curious when I read comments as yours. I don\'t question your report of a lack of success with the pheros, but I wonder have you always had success with women/and positively attract women?? I figure guys in this category who are maybe already considered \"attractive/approachable/alpha etc\" to women will probably find that pheros do nothing much so the behavior that other folks report as \"hits\" are maybe run-of-the mill kind of behavior for you. I do acknowledge that a lot can be exaggeration, and secondly perhaps the only reason why the ladies are responding more positively is due to the confident vibes you are giving out because of the placebo effect i.e. you know you\'re wearing pheros so you are more confident, smile/chat more to the ladies, they respond and your ascribe this to a chemical response when the pheros may in fact be doing nothing. But I know there are some folks who pheros would do nothing for - I have a friend from high school who can practically get any woman - he\'s had this gift since he can remember and women fall for him like crazy - always dated gorgeous gals and pheros would do absolutely nothing for him since women are already nuts for him, so perhaps maybe you are not to this extreme, but maybe it is related to something along these lines?? Pheros help me from the perspective that I have always looked very intimidating/unapproachable (just what my lady friends have told me as their initial impression of me), so playing around with pheros I\'ve reduced this effect somewhat and find much more positive initial reactions from women, which is important in getting women to give you a chance to show them what you are like inside.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    Thanks for all the input guys. I wasn\'t too popular with all the girls in High school, I was too skinny, awkward, and lacking any self-confidence (typical HS student?). That started to change in college. I now work in a unique and rewarding industry, have grown into my body, and gained the self-confidence I was missing before. I am by no means the \"mac-daddy\" but I\'m not shy. If a woman is attractive I\'ll start talking to her - not necessarily to get her in the sack within the hour, but just chit chat and see if she can actually hold up her half of a conversation. I had a feeling that Pheros were more of a \"Dumbo\'s magic feather\" as opposed to a life altering magic discovery that would make every woman in a club start begging you to take her home and give her the night of her life. Anyway, I went ahead and ordered some other products, I had the newbie kit. (Edge, musk-oil, and SoE) I tried with two sprays of TE and two dabs of oil. I thought I had \"hits\" here and there at first,(maybe some girls don\'t react?) but I don\'t think it was anything that wouldn\'t have happened without the Pheros. I worked up to the point of five sprays of TE 4 dabs of oil and a half a packet of SoE.(wrists,neck, chin, chest) ..thinking this was definately an OD...still got \"hits\" here and there but again nothing out of the ordinary.
    This is not to say that Pheros don\'t work, I believe they do for some, and I will try the KOTW mix (ordered the stuff last night) if nothing else I can experiment and see what smells good. Women still like it when I smell good, regardless of Pheros. (p.s. - Candies for men - I have gotten more \"you smell soo good\" from women when I\'m wearing that stuff than anything else)

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    chummym\'s 2 cents

    alot of the change people get from phero use is a boost of confidence. people who otherwise lack confidence notice big changes because they can feel the effects first hand and are much more attractive as a whole to others when they are confortable with themselfs. from what i gather you don\'t have any confidence or physical concerns. if i were you i would use a heavy -none product and see if it has any mood altering effects. IMHO that is the best way to see if the phero\'s actually do something for you. if you are in a good mood where you feel strong and confident it will show andstrong reactions from others should be very easy to see.

    hope that helps

  7. #7

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    Proteus ;

    Thanks for the response.

    I mentioned before that I didn\'t think I was benefitting from the pheros and had some good replies like yours and some where my \'no results\' post was taken the wrong way as if I meant they didn\'t work for anyone, anytime, in any situation.

    True, I never had problems with confidence or relating with women and have had short and long term relationships. I\'m in the same boat as you in that I\'m considered \'intimidating looking\' , but as soon as I open my mouth people immediately realize I\'m not a rabid axe murderer.

    My only reason for experimenting with pheros was because at 50 , most women in my age range are married and I thought maybe pheros could intice the truely available ones to break the ice with me instead of the other way around, saving me the aggravation of the \' I\'m married \' news after wasting time with the ones who don\'t wear their wedding bands. But it didn\'tt work that way, LOL. Like one lady here mentioned ... guys still have to make the first move.

    You noted something in your reply about the confidence boost many are getting as being one of the reasons new phero users are seeing a sudden social turn around as soon as they use them. I couldn\'t agree more. If all pheros are doing for some is increasing their confidence by a placebo effect, that is a damn good reason to continue their use. Anything that improves self confidence is worth doing.

    I think that if your confidence is already up and you aren\'t a social basket case then pheros probably won\'t make a noticable difference in the way you see people respond to you.

    Just my opinion/observations after almost a years experimenting with four of the most popular ones.

  8. #8
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    Jim, I agree with you 100%. I think if you are secure in yourself,than Pheros are no more effective than a nice smelling cologne. The problem with this sight, is that way to many people \"embelish\" their hit stories. I think the main thing a Phero can do, is give you a bit more confidence, in dealing with the opposite sex,

  9. #9

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    Jim, I agree with you 100%. I think if you are secure in yourself,than Pheros are no more effective than a nice smelling cologne. The problem with this sight, is that way to many people \"embelish\" their hit stories. I think the main thing a Phero can do, is give you a bit more confidence, in dealing with the opposite sex,

    Well, I\'ll agree with you that some people on here may embelish their stories....but I disagree with your assessment that pheromones are no more effective than a nice cologne. While being secure in yourself, and acting confident around women DOES make a difference, I can attest to things that have happened to me with women where I never lifted a finger to approach them. For example, I was once just sitting in a restaurant, eating my salad, when a waitress I had never seen before, nor had ever interacted with, brought me my soup, and after setting down my soup, she the just suddenly sat down in the empty seat across from me. She asked me what my name was, and then said that she had just seen me in there a few times before and wanted to meet me. Then, when leaving, she asked me to ask for her section next time.

    I did nothing to initiate this reaction from her...I had never met her before, and had never interacted with her. Yet, she\'s the one who initiated this with me, although I\'m easily twice her age. Some people wouldn\'t call this a hit....and maybe it\'s not. But, it\'s not the kind of thing that ever happened to me prior to using pheromones, and I\'ve gotten things like this happen to me numerous times since using them. So, I\'m one of those who does believe that they give a little extra edge over just self-confidence.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    Upsidedown ,

    No way I\'d discount your waitress experiance , I\'d definately call THAT a \'hit\'. What you got was what I hoped to see once I hooked up with the right phero / phero comination.

    If she just asked if you wanted more coffee to be a good waitress, no that isn\'t a hit - though some things as little as a girl throwing a couple extra ketchup packets into a fast food bag has been reported here as a \'Major Hit, Dudes\'!

    You obviously know the difference. Continued good luck with your pheros.

    Curious about what phero you were using ?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    No way I\'d discount your waitress experiance , I\'d definately call THAT a \'hit\'. What you got was what I hoped to see once I hooked up with the right phero / phero comination.

    Thanks. I know I\'ve seen some people on here say that anything short of a kiss isn\'t a hit to them. But, for me, anytime I get unsolicited attention like that, I consider it a hit. Just anything out of the ordianary that opens the door for me to pursue further if I choose to is all I can ask for from pheromones. BTW, in case it wasn\'t clear in my story, this waitress wasn\'t my designated waitress that night...I actually had a waiter who was supposed to be taking care of me, but this waitress just appeared from out of the blue and brought my food anyway, so it wasn\'t like she was working for a tip.

    At that time, I was wearing a combo that I\'ve gotten quite fond of. It\'s a mix of AE:NPA:A1 @ a ratio of 10-2-4. I call it my Dr. Pepper mix because of the 10-2-4 ratio. I was wearing about 3 drops of this mixture that I had put on about 1/2 hour prior to the encounter, and about 1/2 an SoE gel pack that I had put on about 2 hours earlier.

    BTW, that waitress I mentioned......I didn\'t come across her again until about 3 or 4 weeks later. When I saw her again, she was once again bringing out my food (even though I was in another waitress\' section and not her\'s) but this time after setting down my food, she just stood there with her hand on my back/shoulders kind of rubbing slightly. When she didn\'t remove her hand right away like I expected, I decided to duplicate her behavior and put my hand on her back. When I did this she immediately took the initiative and gave me a nice little side to side hug (put her head up next to my head with her arm around me), and stayed around a little while and talked with me like we were old friends. I may have contributed to the hug by putting my hand on her back....but she initiated it all by just standing there rubbing her hand on my back when she first got there and I didn\'t do a thing to cause was just what she did.. And, again, this was only the second time I had seen her, and she was the one who initiated our introduction on that first encounter.. So I know it wasn\'t due to any extra special behavior on my part due to a placebo effect from pheromones. It may be that I was just lucky, in the right place at the right time, and the pheromones didn\'t contribute. That\'s possible. But, as I\'ve already mentioned, this kind of thing wasn\'t happening to me prior to pheromones, and I\'ve had enough experiences similar to the one I mentioned to feel like this wasn\'t just a one-time lucky experience....I really feel like the pheromones are contributing something.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    Holee Macaronee -
    I had no idea I would get this kind of response from one simple \"copy of an e-mail\". Well at least you have brought my spirits up regarding \'mones. I\'m looking forward to receiving my new batch of goodies. I ordered New PPA, NPA, AE, SoE, and APC - this seems to be the basic \"chem-set\" for the cookbook so hopefully I can find a combination that will change my outlook. From what I\'ve read AE alone should produce results, someone suggested using a product with a high -none content (???) back to the cookbook to figure out which one, maybe mix it with something that has copulins - (back to the cookbook again) with a little studying and a lot of luck I should reach the magical mixture that works for me. HOWEVER!!! I will always believe that how you carry/present yourself will have more effect on a woman than any nostrality (I made that up - nasal+monstrosity) you can invent at home with a $200 chemistry set. In fact take a chick out, spend that $200 on her - if you don\'t get\'re gay, or stupid. And no amount of pheromones will fix it (not that there\'s anything wrong with it)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    .....unless you live in NY - you can\'t have a decent dinner in that city for less than $100 bux. Add entertainment (any \'ol run-of-the-mill date) and you\'re pushing $250...if you count cab fare - and who wants to take a date on the subway???

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    No-one should be spending $200 taking a gal out in hopes of getting laid, unless of course you\'re a zillionaire and $200 is like spending $1 to you (only exception as you said is living in NY as I do lol). That\'s supplication of the highest order and IMO you lose respect from a woman if you spend so much green on her, unless of course you\'re already in a relationship with her.

    <<<<<<<<RscuRngr wrote:

    In fact take a chick out, spend that $200 on her - if you don\'t get\'re gay, or stupid. And no amount of pheromones will fix it (not that there\'s anything wrong with it)
    >>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>

  15. #15

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    I had the same problem you are having now. Not only with love-scent products, but with other phero products as well. Some cost as much as $100. I recently tried AE/m and that works great for me. It may be that you need to find the right product or the right combo to make phero\'s work for you. It took me over 2 years of trying different products to get the responses that I was looking for. Keep trying, you may find the one that works for you...

  16. #16

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    OK OK - I\'m not gay, but it\'s quite possible that I am stupid. I\'m not a zillionaire...erm how much is a zillion again??? Anyway, I have taken women out on overpriced dates, and had an awesome time (laid or not), I\'ve had a good time on dates that cost nothing too so go figure....
    Well, to get back to the subject of Pheros, I am not one to give up easy so, you\'ll be seeing more of me from now on. I have invested in the basic set of nostralities (see previous note) and I have no doubt there will be a combination that makes waitresses bring me that extra ketchup, those bartenderettes that put \"extra\" ice in my glass, and those female cabbies who bring me the added 1/17th mile to my front door for FREE! ... All joking aside, I appreciate the positive influence that this forum has provided. I obviously have a certain level of faith in the program to continue returning here regardless of my doubts. Even if it\'s nothing more than \"Dumbo\'s feather\" well [censored], it helped an elephant fly, imagine where I could end up!
    -Pats lost today - but there\'s always next week

  17. #17

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    Hey, a fellow patriots fan you must be from New England... Which NE state are you from? I live in Ma.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    At that time, I was wearing a combo that I\'ve gotten quite fond of. It\'s a mix of AE:NPA:A1 @ a ratio of 10-2-4.

    What is A1? I\'ve seen this abbreviation several times on the forum. I checked the abbreviations in the Pheromone Reference Material section, but coudn\'t find an abbreviation for A1...

  19. #19
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    Male horniness is still frustrating despite pheros. That could be part of it. If pheros make you get laid three times as much, most of us single folk are still sleeping alone most nights.

    I do think they are effective. So is working out, getting a fake suntan, acting like you have buttloads of money, being willing to lie a lot, putting a sock in your underwear, and acting like a jerk.

    I prefer the multimodal approach.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    What is A1? I\'ve seen this abbreviation several times on the forum. I checked the abbreviations in the Pheromone Reference Material section, but coudn\'t find an abbreviation for A1...

    A1 is listed in the cookbook. There is a link to it in the reference material. It\'s in the first part under abreviations. I will paste in the text about A1 from the cookbook below.

    ------FROM COOKBOOK-------

    A1, A-1, Andro-1: stand for androstadienone, possibly the most unknown. It seems to act as a mood enhancer for women, and it mitigates PMS (Pre Menstrual Stress). It is almost sure to be an ingredient of Realm for Women, BTW Erox\' approach to pheromones is directed at making products that should work on the wearer making him/her more confident and attractive, oppositely to the main tendency which is to make potential targets attracted to the wearer.
    Detectability: Lighter smell than androstenone, but it\'s still there. It can be worn alone without many risks however.
    Pros: Women mood enhancer, PMS mitigator.
    Cons: Men could get annoyed and depressed by it, if exposed for too long.

  21. #21
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    \"No-one [sic] should be spending $200 taking a gal out in hopes of getting laid\"

    If the only reason you\'d arrange such an expensive date is to get into her pants, then it will usually be a waste of money.

    On the other hand, I can really enjoy a night on the town and if I can share that with an attractive, intelligent, and sexy woman, all the better. If she isn\'t working hard enough to help us have a pleasant evening, then she gets taken home early and the social life goes on without her. (See \"Tao of Steve\" thread on \"Off-Topics.)

    As to the main topic, female reactions to pheromones can be quite unique to my experience. I\'ve had a reasonable amount of experience with women and a satisfying amount of success before pheromones but some of the reactions to \'mones have been startling. I\'ve had women raving about how handsome I was - on first meeting! That sometimes happens after great sex but... standing in line at the Post Office!? DIHLs, uncontrolled and frantic hair flipping are a couple of other \"symptoms.\"

    Pheromones can stimulate dramatic and almost unique behaviors in others. It is a matter, I think, of generating oppotunities and paying attention.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    Clearly I need more practice in this arena. I have pretty much tried a mish-mash of combinations without really paying any attention to which product contains which phero.
    I have four products right now (more on the way).
    TE, SoE Gel, The musk oil, and a mix i created using the atomizer. Basically the mix is 50% TE 50% Candies Men cologne with maybe a dozen drops of musk oil for good measure. it mixed well, and retains it\'s scent. However the more I read, I think maybe it\'s a little bit too diluted. I have used up to a half a packet of SoE on arms & neck with up to five sprays of TE...I thought this was definately an OD, but perhaps it\'s just not enough?? Or as someone suggested maybe just the wrong combination of pheros for me. I\'ll keep at it, but definately will keep better track of what I\'m using and in what quantity. Hopefully the hits will be rolling in.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    For reasons unknown, I seem to have alot less reactions these days to pheros than I used to get. Of course ,it may very well be that I have become used to the reactions and they don\'t stand out. Possible but I don\'t think so. I have pretty much everything on offer here so I do mix and match. Its possible I just OD all of the time now. My most effective mix was Andro 4.2 and PF. Has anyone experienced here gone through a lean patch and what did they do to get out of it??


  24. #24

    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    Thanks for the info upsidedown.... Sorry about that. Never occurred to me to check the cookbook..

  25. #25
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Copy of E-mail to Bruce

    Very well said Whitehall !!! I think I need to look for this Tao of Steve movie as my curiousity is definitely piqued now. As regards whether pheros really work or not, I have had enough feedback from my ex-gf, lady friends to know that without a doubt pheros have a significant effect. Why they don\'t work for some is the 3 million dollar question, but I don\'t doubt that for some folk this stuff has no impact whatsoever. But as long as I\'m continuing to get good results I will continue to use them and test other phero products as well and I doubt I\'ll be losing any sleep over those folks who can\'t get any hits :-).

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