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  1. #1
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    Default Androstadienone vs Androstenone


    guys this is my first post on this forum. I am just starting to dabble in the world of pheremones and hopefully they

    can benefit me as much as they have benefited many of you.

    Because I am a little skeptical about things that

    seem like "magic pills" I decided to look into the science of pheremones. The trouble was that there is very little

    research on this topic. Anyways, i got too excited to care at one point and just ordered some NPA, sample packs

    (perception and edge), and 10 gel packets of Chikara. I have yet to recieve the Chikara and I am yet to use the

    other products that have arrived.

    After reading all the great things about NPA i stumbled upon a wikipedia

    article on the main ingeredient:
    I didnt like what it said.

    This article directed me to something that was "more promising":

    What Im confused about is that androstadienone is

    available on Love Scent but its says that no one knows what its for.....

    Anyways i degress.

    Id like to hear

    your opinions on my selection of pheremones and how they would work on my physical profile: 20 years of age, 5'11,

    155lb, atheletic build.

    I have a hot date coming up with a very attractive girl(i dont wanna mess this up, could

    be long term) and i was wondering what the best choice would be.

    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    The most important thing to know is

    that research into pheromones is still in it's very early stages, even today. There is even still some debate as to

    *if* there are human pheromones, and trying to identify the human pheromone receptors (if there are any) is very

    hotly contested.

    Essentially we here are in the vanguard of testing and research. Plus some of what *has* been

    found is bound up as corporate "trade secrets." Also Wiki is just one source, and not always accurate. There is

    still a lot of guesswork and conjecture.

    I've seen enought to believe that pheromones do seem to have an

    effect. Not univerally, and not always consistant. And often nowhere near the hyped claims and stories one hears.

    Consider it part of a grand adventure and yourself as one of the trailblazers. Right now pheromones are kinda "our

    secret" and could very well give users a bit of an advantage over others in business and personal relationships. Get

    it while you can before everyone else finds out...
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  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Rbt's insightful post is

    correct Infurnaz, and should guide your approach to using pheromones. Don't expect that 'magic pill'. You can,

    however, expect to have a lot of fun, because the stuff works. You just have to find what works for you.

    At 20

    you probably won't need a lot of -None (NPA). I'd start with Chikara (C7) on its own, without mixing. Its better

    to start with single products to see what they do. C7 is a great standalone, and there are lots of good


    Androstadienone (A1) is something you might want to try later on, when you have more experience. Its

    effects are more of comfort and security. When mixed judiciously with other -Mones it can have a powerful effect.

    But you have other great toys to play with first.

    I'd recommend trying TE before NPA, its the same thing but

    easier to dose since its weaker.

    Keep us posted, and welcome to the forum.

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Androstadienone, AKA A1, is the

    bee's knees when it comes to living with women on the rag. Unlike most other mones, it is the magic pill for PMS:

    lifts mood, relaxes and generally helps transform her from a fire throwing bitch 'o hell into a cheerful little

    quasi-angel. One of two drops of the chemset A1 and a few sweet words and she's like clay in my hands.

    Unfortunately I haven't found it useful for much else, and I have tried it extensively for years in mixes and


    One gotcha: some guys experience depression when donning A1 so tread lightly until you know what the


    I started using TE 5 years ago and it's still among the most effective products I have tried, and I've

    tried a boatload from here and the "other" place. I prefer NPA as I can mix it 5 parts cologne to 1 part NPA and

    enjoy the same strength as TE but with a far better scent. The scented TE variants (Heat, etc.) smell terrible so

    try unscented first and cover with a nice cologne.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I never thought of it that way

    but that's a great point about the 5:1 mixing ratio. NPA used that way is drop for drop the same as TE.

    Absolutely agree with the unscented advice, with the only exception being A7, it works with every scent I like, and

    I like it on its own.

    I've had great results from A1 both for what Gegogi describes, and in terms of mixing for

    general use. My mix of SoE/A7/A1 has done wonders. A1 brings a very soft and comfortable vibe to the mix. I would

    even say trust. The A1 "tweak" is great for relationships, or in any intimate setting where you want a quieter

    approach. I love this stuff.

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    My wife uses the subdermal

    birth control so she goes for about 6 months between insertions. During that time she doesn't have periods so I've

    not tried it for that purpose. It is a very nice thing to have a semi-rational woman around who doesn't fly into

    strange temper tantrums without reason. I give her enough reasons as it is. Hormonal fluctuations would just make

    matters worse.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  7. #7
    Newbie jumprunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infurnaz View Post

    like to hear your opinions on my selection of pheremones and how they would work on my physical profile: 20 years of

    age, 5'11, 155lb, atheletic build.

    Ha and I weigh the same...but Im 5'7...need to stay

    light cause Im a shortboard surfer.

    The androstadieone, I was thinking about using this with another product

    called "Instant Openness" from another manufacturer, which causes mood elevation, and intense mood elevation if you

    use too much, but this may stop depressive effects of andro.

    I wanted to use androstadienone as a way to get

    attention of girls at the club scene, or just in general. Question is, will it work for that purpose? I was thinking

    of getting the chemistry set version and adding it to a bottle of Pherlure I had bought, so appreciate any input on


  8. #8
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumprunner View Post
    Ha and I weigh the same...but Im 5'7...need to stay light cause Im a shortboard surfer.


    androstadieone, I was thinking about using this with another product called "Instant Openness" from another

    manufacturer, which causes mood elevation, and intense mood elevation if you use too much, but this may stop

    depressive effects of andro.

    I wanted to use androstadienone as a way to get attention of girls at the club

    scene, or just in general. Question is, will it work for that purpose? I was thinking of getting the chemistry set

    version and adding it to a bottle of Pherlure I had bought, so appreciate any input on

    If you are obtaining any decent results with Pherlure then use some

    A1 in combo with it, but do not go adding your whole suppy of A1 to the Pherlure, as 2-3 drops A1 per application

    will be perfect.

    A1 works well when used in close

    intimate setting with most females will soothe/smooth them out.

    Some men experience depressive self effects from the

    A1 but if you are one of the rare ones that fall into this category then the A1 may be successfully worn on your

    wrists, or back of your hands or anywhere away from your direct nasal intake area.

    Yes Instant Openess is a decent attractant for fun and lively responses, or

    CTTM 2 may be worn for the best of the a Alpha/Beta Nol experiences.

    I have also used Alpha7 and Scent of Eros combined

    and this can certainly produce some nice results as Idesign has mentioned is a favourite of his and also a favourite

    of mine.

    I would be hesitant in putting my trust in

    the product that is called Pherlure, so before mixing with this make sure it is actually doing a decent attraction

    job first.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 04-11-2009 at 05:01 PM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  9. #9
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumprunner View Post

    and I weigh the same...but Im 5'7...need to stay light cause Im a shortboard surfer.

    The androstadieone, I was

    thinking about using this with another product called "Instant Openness" from another manufacturer, which causes

    mood elevation, and intense mood elevation if you use too much, but this may stop depressive effects of andro.

    Just to make sure it's been said: Instant Openness is essentially alpha-androstenol with some

    other "modifying/steering" ingredients in it. It's a good product, and does the job of getting people to chat/talk

    more than they might otherwise (sometimes TOO much talk...).

    SOE is also a good product that has some similar

    effects (has alpha-nol in it) with a slightly different "steer" to it, more toward a general all around "social"


    Again I'm going ot put my 2 cents wort in by saying I think A-1 may be more of a "key" ingredient

    than the over-used androstenone. I'd certaiinly suggest playing with it. I may be grabbing some of the "chem set"

    version from here at L-S as soon as my bank account recovers from income tax season (maybe by October... ouch!)
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  10. #10
    Newbie jumprunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    Just to

    make sure it's been said: Instant Openness is essentially alpha-androstenol with some other "modifying/steering"

    ingredients in it. It's a good product, and does the job of getting people to chat/talk more than they might

    otherwise (sometimes TOO much talk...).

    SOE is also a good product that has some similar effects (has alpha-nol

    in it) with a slightly different "steer" to it, more toward a general all around "social" product.

    Again I'm

    going ot put my 2 cents wort in by saying I think A-1 may be more of a "key" ingredient than the over-used

    androstenone. I'd certaiinly suggest playing with it. I may be grabbing some of the "chem set" version from here at

    L-S as soon as my bank account recovers from income tax season (maybe by October... ouch!)

    Ha! I

    couldnt wait! Got a chemset bottle of A-1 on the way, cant wait to get this going.

    over used androstenone...I

    wonder if this is what they put in Turn up the Heat....that stuff got me 86ed from a Starbucks Ive been going to for

    four months now. After spraying it on every day, just one, this chick I was talking to started showing an attitude,

    apparently she said something to the manager there about stalking her or something, dont know what, but whatever it

    was I got 86ed. Had to complain to the corporate office about it.

    I noticed she started taking things I said to

    her out of context, like the latest, I was joking around and held up a biscotti one time I was buying, and went

    'open wide' and thought nothing of it. She must have thought it meant something else (Ill let you fill in the

    blank here), tells me "you cant be saying things like that in here", and I said "what, I didnt say anything what are

    you talking about".

    It was that stuff doing it. They did give warnings about it, like dont use it around the

    workplace, ect., being new to phermones I took it too lightly and used the stuff liberally to try to get a reaction

    out of someone.

    Yea I got one allright. Not a good one. Was using it with more "Instant Openness" but it didnt

    seem to cure the problem.

  11. #11
    Newbie jumprunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    If you are obtaining any decent results with Pherlure

    then use some A1 in combo with it, but do not go adding your whole suppy of A1 to the Pherlure, as 2-3 drops A1 per

    application will be perfect.

    A1 works well when used

    in close intimate setting with most females will soothe/smooth them out.

    Some men experience depressive self effects from the A1 but if you are one

    of the rare ones that fall into this category then the A1 may be successfully worn on your wrists, or back of your

    hands or anywhere away from your direct nasal intake area.

    Yes Instant Openess is a decent attractant for fun and lively responses, or

    CTTM 2 may be worn for the best of the a Alpha/Beta Nol experiences.

    I have also used Alpha7 and Scent of Eros combined and this can certainly

    produce some nice results as Idesign has mentioned is a favourite of his and also a favourite of


    I would be hesitant in putting my trust in the

    product that is called Pherlure, so before mixing with this make sure it is actually doing a decent attraction job



    I trust my product Pherlure just fine, because I already

    mixed some of the other products with it! Cant call it a fake now! At least not my bottle of it.

    The fragrance

    works well with the more powerful phermones, as far as their main ingredient, I wouldnt trust Pherlure to attract

    women. I wont say it doesnt to whatever degree, but I wouldnt rely on it. By the time Im done working it up with the

    other phermones, Id say it is going to be pretty trustworthy.

    2-3 drops, would adding more, say 5-6 drops

    intensify the effect with women? Get more noticed for instance? Hard to say what will happen with the other

    ingredients in Pherlure in combination with what I have already added. We'll see.

  12. #12
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumprunner View Post

    I trust my product Pherlure just fine, because I already mixed some of

    the other products with it!
    Cant call it a fake now! At least not my bottle of it.

    The fragrance works

    well with the more powerful phermones, as far as their main ingredient, I wouldnt trust Pherlure to attract women. I

    wont say it doesnt to whatever degree, but I wouldnt rely on it. By the time Im done working it up with the other

    phermones, Id say it is going to be pretty trustworthy.

    2-3 drops, would adding more, say 5-6 drops intensify

    the effect with women? Get more noticed for instance? Hard to say what will happen with the other ingredients in

    Pherlure in combination with what I have already added. We'll

    I think you are most creative Jumpy, and a good


    Yeah i really wouldn't know just how

    much more efficient using extra drops A1 would work in a general attrction formula.

    I have found my best results using it up close at intimate dinners and

    strolling upon the lounge or bean bag with young women ect.

    Also Instant Female Magic worked well with moody problematic type girls,

    but not so noticable amoungst happy bubbly cheerfull


    Verry good for monthly dilemas, and

    restless women.

    Many times you can see this

    stuff take effect fairly rapidly.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 04-13-2009 at 08:43 PM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  13. #13
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Turn Up The Heat is a very heavy

    androstenone laden product with a smidge of "balancing" ingredients (similar to the "secret ingredients" of other

    androstenone products).

    To me, it's too much for most purposes, at least mine. Similar to Primal Instinct.

    Except for the fact it comes scented it's not really appreciably different from NPA or PI or the like IMO.


    last time I tried it I was in an enclosed car for a day-long drive with a middle aged woman who just fell asleep...

    (no she wasn't driving at the time...).

    Hey, androstenone seems to work well enough for some that it gets an

    occasional rave, but I can't say in my experience that any one brand/product stands out over another. It's done

    squat for me.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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