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  1. #31
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    That is great advice. I think I am going to focus on my body a lot as that is a key to my confidence and I've lost my shape over the last 10 years. Back in my 20's I had the body (not career) of a competitive bodybuilder. I still have decent shape but its no where like what I used to look like. I was training with heavy weights back then, now I train with only 30 lbs dumbells as my condo only stocks up to this weight. I only do multi joint movements.

    As for women yes I want to be the prize but find it hard without alpha status. I am not alpha in personality, body, nor status, so its hard to go around walking like I'm all that. It would just create the impression of a confident guy who lacks achievement.

    I'm about 4 months away from changing that. In 4 months I should carry 10 lbs less fat and maybe 10 lbs more muscle. In 4 months I should have 4 songs up on youtube and able to distrubute my business card. And my personality will automatically change when these things come into play.

    When I was in my 20's all I did was lift weights. I knew little about alphaness qualities and didn't care for learning about it. I worked , lifted and played sports. I scored because I thought that was enough. I was convinced having a great bod could get sex and that's all I cared about. It turned into results.

    Fast forward 20 years. I'm not in a business enviornment surrounded by women (In fact I work from home). Meeting people is damn difficult.

    I think I'll think about mones more after I get my act back together.

    I'm starting to think joining a real gym may be my best bet. I can meet people during the daytime. Once I get the body I will be in a perfect environment to succeed with short term physical satisfaction.

    Any tips how to maximize success at gyms and which mones to use? It seems like if nothing else I will get out of the house which will aid conquering depression of any sort.

    Good thoughts but don't crawl into a hole in the meantime. As you know from doing sports, you have to keep up training at anything. Develop a cheerful demeanor and speak to people whenever you can, men and women both. Practice, practice and practice some more. It gets easier and can be a lot of fun.

    Speaking for myself only, I found I didn't have the time to go to the gym so bought the equipment I need for home use. My 'Gym' has a good quality treadmill, a home gym for resistance training and a heavy bag for practice of my martial arts skills and aerobics. My typical workout starts with a 5 minute warm up on the treadmill then a streatching routine, a routine of resistance training, twenty minutes or so with the heavy bag, then an hour on the treadmill at varying rates from a medium walk to a run. My belief is that the weights and heavy bag use up the available blood glucouse so when I get on the treadmill my body has to pull the energy from the fat cells. It seems to be working and I am losing the fat I gained pretty rapidly while growing my chest and shoulders again.

    I never used mones at the gym after one or two bad experiences. During the day I typically wear A7, sometimes with SoE and covered with essential oils like deer musk and/or Aloeswood oil. It gets me a lot of compliments.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  2. #32
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Good thoughts but don't crawl into a hole in the meantime. As you know from doing sports, you have to keep up training at anything. Develop a cheerful demeanor and speak to people whenever you can, men and women both. Practice, practice and practice some more. It gets easier and can be a lot of fun.

    Speaking for myself only, I found I didn't have the time to go to the gym so bought the equipment I need for home use. My 'Gym' has a good quality treadmill, a home gym for resistance training and a heavy bag for practice of my martial arts skills and aerobics. My typical workout starts with a 5 minute warm up on the treadmill then a streatching routine, a routine of resistance training, twenty minutes or so with the heavy bag, then an hour on the treadmill at varying rates from a medium walk to a run. My belief is that the weights and heavy bag use up the available blood glucouse so when I get on the treadmill my body has to pull the energy from the fat cells. It seems to be working and I am losing the fat I gained pretty rapidly while growing my chest and shoulders again.

    I never used mones at the gym after one or two bad experiences. During the day I typically wear A7, sometimes with SoE and covered with essential oils like deer musk and/or Aloeswood oil. It gets me a lot of compliments.
    Why no mones at the gym? What kinds of bad experiences at the gym? Do you only use A7 SOE on days you don't work out?

    Terry can you chime in here too? What are your thoughts on mones at the gym?

  3. #33
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    Why no mones at the gym? What kinds of bad experiences at the gym? Do you only use A7 SOE on days you don't work out?

    Terry can you chime in here too? What are your thoughts on mones at the gym?
    I was involved in martial arts for many years. When I wore mones while working out others tended to get more aggressive with me and there were several incidences where somebody nearly got hurt sparing due to inappropriate aggressiveness.

    I usually work out in the evenings and wear mones during the day. Now I work out at home so mones are not relevant. My comments had to do with aggression of others when I did work out around others.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #34
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    I no longer attend a public gym as i have free weights and all necessary home made equipment in my lower lever garage and i work out at home.

    However i did at one time work out six days pw for nearly twenty years at a hard core body building gym, and in my opinion the last thing i could have needed was an application of added synthetic AndrostEnone, because the atmosphere was already loaded with free natural Androstenone produced by the heavy working out clients young and old so things could and did get a trifle explosive in nature sometimes.

    I could that a say a person may apply some friendly social type pheromones to their gym workout although even in an air conditioned gym a person getting involved in a serious workout is going to be perspiring and to an extent the application is either going to be diluted and or converted by their perspiration by products.

    However a person who may be going into the gym for a light workout or with the intention of socialising could well apply a social blend of pheromones and achieve some appropriate social levels of success.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    I no longer attend a public gym as i have free weights and all necessary home made equipment in my lower lever garage and i work out at home.

    However i did at one time work out six days pw for nearly twenty years at a hard core body building gym, and in my opinion the last thing i could have needed was an application of added synthetic AndrostEnone, because the atmosphere was already loaded with free natural Androstenone produced by the heavy working out clients young and old so things could and did get a trifle explosive in nature sometimes.

    I could that a say a person may apply some friendly social type pheromones to their gym workout although even in an air conditioned gym a person getting involved in a serious workout is going to be perspiring and to an extent the application is either going to be diluted and or converted by their perspiration by products.

    However a person who may be going into the gym for a light workout or with the intention of socialising could well apply a social blend of pheromones and achieve some appropriate social levels of success.

    Terry for 10 years I lived in the gym 3 hrs a day 6 days a week. Then I went to Martial arts 2 hrs a night 4 days a week. Then I worked a full time job 9 hrs a day. then I commuted in traffic 3 hrs a day. Then I had a girlfriend I spent time with daily.

    I ended up with bipolar doing too much. I was a perfectionist. Bipolar hit at 30.

    Now i'm 42. I've gained about 20 lbs of fat and lost about 15 lbs of muscle since those early days. My weight hasn't changed by more than 5-10 lbs since those days but my body sure has.

    Then again I have a home gym in my condo but it only stocks up to 25 lb dumbells so its more for cardio and light workouts. I like to use it when the weather is bad or for the ellipticals.

    I just joined yesterday LA fitness gym in toronto. I saw GORGEOUS women there that made me wish I was back in the shape I had in my 20's. I was wearing Alpha Maschio 2 sprays. I was lifting light as I'm just getting back into things but I think my body responds fast to weight training. I don't want to be as big and tight as I was in my 20's anymore. I am a musician now, an electric guitar player . I need relaxed muscles, one of the reasons I don't ever train arms. They need to stay relaxed to play.

    I train my whole body 6 exercises only, squat, deadlift, calf raise, back row, incline chest press, and shoulder press. That's it. I find this workout stimulated the most testosterone release.

    Most women in the gym are in their 20's. A few I've got my eye on are in wicked shape. I need to stand out from the rest of the guys..... but how?

    Most in the free weight section are solid, and taller. Competition is tough. I need an advantage. Something that gives me confidence enough to approach women or gets women approaching me. Do you think mones are a good idea?

    I don't lift heavy anymore due to injuries from Martial arts. I have spine, neck, and achilles tendon injuries. I lift only 30 lbs dumbells. I wish to increase the weight to maybe 50 lbs dumbells over the next 6 months but no more. Too much muscle is just not for me anymore.

    But I'd like to cut up.

    Any suggestions which mone products can at least get the girls smiling at me first when I look at them so I can initiate. I feel I need a reaction out of a women to initiate. if their to themselves or busy working out like most people I am hesistant to initiate.

    I need a good book on gym pickups. I plan to spend 6 hrs a week in the gym I might as well make it my home.


  6. #36
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    All i can suggest regarding your gym social target strategy is to experiment by starting of your pheromone applications with 2 drops of Wolf, and then test at 1 drop up to a max of 3 dr, although i have the feeling that 2 drops is going to be your personal signature amount for the duration of your gym life.

    I who will be 60 in forty days time have found out by experience that i can achieve and maintain a good looking and trim body with a decent degree of natural muscle by using the art of visualization meditation as my first and most important fitness health tool, this then leads me to subconsciously and naturally adopt the easiest and most direct route to achieving the goals that i have
    visualized and this occurs with seeming ease and enjoyment of movement, yes visualization is a potent tool for transformation, stay calm and do not be overcome by negative emotion and negative fears, just be at peace with the perfection that lies within. . . . . . . . . . . . .
    " Let it be "

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  7. #37
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    Hello HM, I was wondering if there are any recent findings and/or experiences with Wolf that you'd like to share with us. Hey Terry, how are you doing man, good to see you're still active on the forums, both here and the other side...
    Last edited by DssMaster; 01-24-2012 at 04:58 PM.

  8. #38
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DssMaster View Post
    Hello HM, I was wondering if there are any recent findings and/or experiences with Wolf that you'd like to share with us. Hey Terry, how are you doing man, good to see you're still active on the forums, both here and the other side...
    ITS Its good 2 C U DssMaster, as you know Wolf is one of the most popular and successful mens formulations in the world of pheromones today, 4 me it is similar to A314 in that it garners a good degree of respect although it is far less intimidating than A314 thus making it a most pleasant and productive wear, go ahead and try it at 3 drops with a few dabs of NPA and i guarantee you will see some excellent attraction results from the fairer sex.

    I have decided to not post on this forum unless i receive a call that specifically summons my attention, yes i am also still doing a post on another phero forum now and then with human relations being my reason for motivation, ie there are still some friendly nice individuals around who feel liberated enough to communicate with me, just like your self . . . . cheers and have a great Chinese new year . . . .
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  9. #39
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    Yes, I'm reading about Wolf on the other forum, and yes you're right, I do like the fact that the other side is liberated from product censorship, as its members can post reviews about products from any manufacturer.

    And I'm thinking of jumping in and buying a bottle of Wolf, as the A314 works, but brings in undesirable results for me, as it gets me way too much respect from others, the kind that makes those around me uncomfortable with my presence, due to the high status. And this is at a low dosage of two drops, spread between my neck and wrists. It may be perfect for a work environment, but other than that I don't have any use for it. I need something that projects some high status, but not too much to the point of intimidating others. I don't mind getting some extra attention, as long as I'm seen as friendly and approachable. And from what I've been reading, Wolf seems to do just that, without the intimidation factor. I haven't yet made my final decision to go for it just yet, as I'm also reading about some other good ones: Alpha Machio, Aqua Vitae, and Glace. What's your take on those 3, in comparison to Wolf, if you don't mind sharing it here?
    And have a Happy Chinese New Year to you too...

    By the way Terry, what font are you using here?
    Last edited by DssMaster; 01-24-2012 at 04:54 PM.

  10. #40
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DssMaster View Post

    I'm also reading about some other good ones: Alpha Machio, Aqua Vitae, and Glace. What's your take on those 3, in comparison to Wolf, if you don't mind sharing it here?
    And have a Happy Chinese New Year to you too...

    By the way Terry, what font are you using here?
    The font that i amusing is veranda set on size 3 .

    Regarding Alpha Maschio i have used both the old and the latest updated versions and i do not notice any action from either of these products, also i have used up 1/2 bottle of Glace without noticing any changes in my targets behavior what so ever, i wish i could comment favorably on these A D products because their creator is a nice person.

    Now i certainly do see a degree of good action from AV because its main pheromone component of AndrostEnone is tempered very well with just a light sprinkling of six other pheromones, and i also find that the scented option is most pleasing.

    I am pleased with my Alpha 7 unscented as it works every bit as good as AV does 4 me, also PI with Ylang Ylang fragrance works well whenever i am looking for some added heat.

    For meeting a new client or whenever facing the prospect of meeting up with an unknown target then Wolf is my choice of pheromone because it attracts and keeps the lines of communication open.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  11. #41
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    The font that I am using is veranda set on size 3 .

    Regarding Alpha Maschio I have used both the old and the latest updated versions and I do not notice any action from either of these products, also I have used up 1/2 bottle of Glace without noticing any changes in my targets behavior what so ever, I wish I could comment favorably on these Alpha Dream products, because their creator is a nice person.

    Now I certainly do see a degree of good action from AV because its main pheromone component of AndrostEnone is tempered very well with just a light sprinkling of six other pheromones, and I also find that the scented option is most pleasing.

    I am pleased with my Alpha 7 unscented as it works every bit as good as AV does 4 me, also PI with Ylang Ylang fragrance works well whenever I am looking for some added heat.

    For meeting a new client or whenever facing the prospect of meeting up with an unknown target then Wolf is my choice of pheromone because it attracts and keeps the lines of communication open.

    Have you tried it in different ratios? And what cover scent have you used it with, if any? The reason I'm asking is because I read on the other (liberated) forum, a post by a member (as33156), in which he made a mix using Alpha Maschio, Glace and Androstadienone (A1). According to his tests, this mix (one of 3 he has experimented with and gotten great hits) has gotten him great results. Here is the ratio he used and found to be the most effective:

    6 sprays of Glace
    3 sprays of Alpha Maschio
    3 drops or 30 mcg in total of Androstadienone (A1)
    Cover Scent: Aqua Di Gio

    He also mentioned that the cover scent he now uses (Aqua Di Gio) gives the mones a longer range (a
    minimum of 9 feet range with some instant effects on both men & women), much more than the old cover scent he used to test it with (Curve), which he said it gave the mones a range of 4 feet max, with a minimum of 3 minutes needed to see effects.

    Here are the mixes that have brought him the most success:

    "Combo Mixes:

    6 sprays of Glace + 2 sprays of Alpha Maschio +
    3 drops of Androstadienone (A1), 10 mcg per drop, = 30 mcg total.
    6 sprays of Glace + 6 inches of Nude Alpha + 3 drops of Androstadienone (A1), 10 mcg per drop, = 30 mcg total.
    6 sprays of Glace + 2 drops of Wolf +
    3 drops of Androstadienone (A1), 10 mcg per drop, = 30 mcg total.

    I have had nothing but success with these 3 combos
    NOTE: 6 sprays of Glace alone = Ramble Potion"

    Here is the application method he used:

    3 drops of A1 (5 ml in 10 ml bottle for 10 mcg per drop) - 1 to throat, 1 to each side of neck = 30 mcg in total rubbed in.
    1 3-inch strip of Nude Alpha to each side of neck and rubbed in.

    Last edited by DssMaster; 01-25-2012 at 04:32 PM.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by DssMaster View Post
    Have you tried it in different ratios? And what cover scent have you used it with, if any? The reason I'm asking is because I read on the other (liberated) forum, a post by a member (as33156), in which he made a mix using Alpha Maschio, Glace and Androstadienone (A1). According to his tests, this mix (one of 3 he has experimented with and gotten great hits) has gotten him great results. Here is the ratio he used and found to be the most effective:

    6 sprays of Glace
    3 sprays of Alpha Maschio
    3 drops or 30 mcg in total of Androstadienone (A1)
    Cover Scent: Aqua Di Gio

    He also mentioned that the cover scent he now uses (Aqua Di Gio) gives the mones a longer range (a
    minimum of 9 feet range with some instant effects on both men & women), much more than the old cover scent he used to test it with (Curve), which he said it gave the mones a range of 4 feet max, with a minimum of 3 minutes needed to see effects.

    Here are the mixes that have brought him the most success:

    Here is the application method he used:

    3 drops of A1 (5 ml in 10 ml bottle for 10 mcg per drop) - 1 to throat, 1 to each side of neck = 30 mcg in total rubbed in.
    1 3-inch strip of Nude Alpha to each side of neck and rubbed in.

    Sound like massive OD. I get best results from 1 spray of AM and I'm 42. I think with all that AM, Glace, and Cologne, one would be a stink bomb!

  13. #43
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DssMaster View Post
    Have you tried it in different ratios? And what cover scent have you used it with, if any? The reason I'm asking is because I read on the other (liberated) forum, a post by a member (as33156), in which he made a mix using Alpha Maschio, Glace and Androstadienone (A1). According to his tests, this mix (one of 3 he has experimented with and gotten great hits) has gotten him great results. Here is the ratio he used and found to be the most effective:

    6 sprays of Glace
    3 sprays of Alpha Maschio
    3 drops or 30 mcg in total of Androstadienone (A1)
    Cover Scent: Aqua Di Gio

    He also mentioned that the cover scent he now uses (Aqua Di Gio) gives the mones a longer range (a
    minimum of 9 feet range with some instant effects on both men & women), much more than the old cover scent he used to test it with (Curve), which he said it gave the mones a range of 4 feet max, with a minimum of 3 minutes needed to see effects.

    I have tried an assortment of good quality colognes with AM and also Glace and have also tested them at different ratios and still no luck sigh . . .

    That application recipe above mentioned certainly contains a large dose of pheromones in total to equal 876 mcg wow that is nearly one gram of pheromones in one application, also with an expensive cologne added for dispersion effects i can understand that targets near by the user are certainly going to have a great chance of being drawn under the influence of this great pheromone cloud as it envelops them.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  14. #44
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    Default Wolf

    Quote Originally Posted by DssMaster View Post
    Hello HM, I was wondering if there are any recent findings and/or experiences with Wolf that you'd like to share with us. Hey Terry, how are you doing man, good to see you're still active on the forums, both here and the other side...

    I've got a better handle on Wolf now that I've had my bottle for a few weeks. It's a status product. Will get you feeling VIP, and treated VIP. It also gets woman giving you free things, and better service. I've had a woman give me free coffees, I've had a store manager give me boxing day prices well after the boxing day sale was over all because of Wolf. Also both men and women treat you with admiration.

    My only concern is that it is a rather serious product, as opposed to a touch feely type. I wouldn't wear it to a party but for work it can't be beat.

    I myself work out of my condo and therefore it doesn't matter if I use a status product or not.

    Wolf last very long on the skin and is a pleasure to wear. Ordering takes forever, my bottle took 3 weeks to a month to arrive. I'm spoiled by other manufacturers. If I had to pick wolf vs A314 I would go with wolf. There's no intimidation but at the same time you get status.


  15. #45
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post


    Wolf last very long on the skin and is a pleasure to wear. Ordering takes forever, my bottle took 3 weeks to a month to arrive. I'm spoiled by other manufacturers. If I had to pick wolf vs A314 I would go with wolf. There's no intimidation but at the same time you get status.

    Wolf certainly does last long on the skin, also i have received over 12 orders from this manufacturer and to Australia it is an average of only 7 days from order placement to my mail box.

    I add a few dabs of NPA to 3 drops of Wolf and this makes me a walking chic magnet.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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