Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
I will have

to give it a rest in about 5 days as i like to change my signiture every so often otherwise the stuff will become

over familiar, as its a good blast to get back on after a months rest.
Hey terry... I like

the concept. Ya` really think it makes a difference?
Even in a serious relationship with a wonderful

never-to-be-lost-type g\f?

For example, my g\f is gonna go for a vacation abroad with her brother for like

2 weeks before she begins the university. She's not at all the type to cheat so have no fear. And I opened her mind

good (and she loves it) so i's all good. Aaand.. of course, I give her a truly great sex life so... hehehe... it's

not like I have to make her stay... we have a great thing going for us

Anyhow, lately I've been adding A1 to

my mix and it truly helps her feelings pump up into the "secrety-(yet-very-showing)-in-love" side of things

So I'm wondering... maybe it would be a good thing if once in a while I change the TE in my mix to a little

bit of NPA or PI (I'm 23, she's 24 by the way)... Ya` know... just to pump it up in a different way for a moment;

to give her the feeling I have more than one side (though she already saw a few of my sides but that's outside the

point) and make her realize that eventhough our sex life is great... I can sometimes make her even wilder

And most of all: To make her curious about what else she can find in me if she keeps on exploring. To

make her think of me at nights when she's abroad... even more than she thinks of me at the moment. I mean she does

call me in the mid-week to say both she misses me and she's horney for me... but a little `none kick once in a

while might be good too right?

Reason I'm asking is both `coz I'm a bit afraid of `none-ODing around her, and

`coz you seem to have experience with changing your signature once in a while.

So... what d'you say?

else feel free to reply as well of course )