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  1. #1

    Default Excellent Strip Club Hits (lengthy)

    First let me begin by saying that I am relatively new to the pheromone scene (three or four months). The following experience took place in a strip club. I am aware that this is an unorthodox environment in which to test the effectiveness of pheromones. Some might argue that these women are trained to suck up to you. This said, I’ve been in my share of strip clubs, and have never had an experience like this.

    A few weeks ago, while traveling to California I stopped for the night in a well-known, Nevada gambling town. I had some time to kill, so I decided to hit a strip club. After showering, I applied NPA. Two drops spread between my neck and behind my ears. 1/2 drop on each of my outer arms from elbow to wrist. Finally one drop from chest to navel. I finished with a couple of short sprays of Obsession on my neck, and a spray to the inside of my wrist, which I rubbed together. I applied two more drops throughout the course of the evening (about three hours).

    Now, strip clubs are generally all business. The women don’t have much time for you unless you’re a regular, or you are handing them 20 dollar bills all night. It was a Friday night/Saturday morning so the place was nearly packed. It was a nice club, and all of the women were attractive to very attractive.

    When I entered the club, I sat at one of two stages. I quickly observed that the behavior of the dancers was going to play right into my phero plans. When they would take a tip at the stage, they would (without exception) bury their face in your neck and ear area, followed by rubbing their breasts in your face.

    There were to many hits within this three hour period for me to detail all of them here, but there were distinct patterns in most of the hits. These patterns were:

    DIHL: Most hits were accompanied by the classic stunned, bewildered, confused gaze.

    Sense of Familiarity: I had five different women approach me and say almost the exact same thing. “Don’t I know you from somewhere?” or “Haven’t we met before?”. One women actually believed that I had been there earlier in the day, and seemed thrilled that I had returned. For the record, I had never set foot in this club before, and had never met any of these women previously. Being suspicious of such coincidental behavior, I inquired of two different men who claimed to be regular customers. Neither one had heard of this as a canned approach, so I have to believe it was the NPA.

    Raw Sex Appeal: I had four different women comment on (as they perceived it) my strong, rugged, manly good looks. All of their comments seemed to be based in a sort of raw animal attraction. For example, one went on about my “intense, smoldering good looks”. Another compared me to a mountain man. Obviously, the androstenone was eliciting a very primal response in these women.

    My Big Hit: The following hit was the most dramatic of all. The women was about 26-30 years of age. She was blonde, and about 5’11” (about 6’2” in platform heels), and one of the top 5 best looking women in the club. I’d rate her about a NINE. Later I found out she is one of the club’s top producers.

    Anyway, as she was dancing for some guy five or six feet away, when she would turn away from him, she would stare and smile at me. At one point, she started mouthing words at me that I could not understand. When she finished dancing, she walked around the room for a few minutes, staring (DIHL) and smiling my way off and on. A few minutes later I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see her standing over me. She leaned down and said, “Meet me at the bar.”

    Now I thought she was just going to hit me up for dances, but hey, what would you do? I went the hell to the bar! I bet you can guess what were the first words out of her mouth ... That’s right... “Haven’t we met before?” To keep the conversation flowing (I LIED) I said yes, that I had been in the club a year prior, and I was flattered that she had remembered me. We talked for about ten minutes (DIHL) and she seemed so engrossed that she forgot that it was her turn on stage. One of the girls onstage had to yell to remind her.

    After her stage rotation was over, she led me to a couch. I figured I was finally going to get hit up for dances. Nope... During our conversation, she proceeded to comment on my physical appearance in great detail. She said that my hair was longer than she remembered it. She would play with the back of my hair off and on, and further commented that she liked it longer. She also claimed that she didn’t remember my beard (goatee) and that she liked that too. She said she found it attractive and that it made me seem very rugged, like a mountain man. This went on for 30-40 minutes, and during which time she never asked if I wanted to buy a dance.

    Some additional observations:

    - She laughed at everything I said. She acted as if I was the funniest guy she’d ever met. At one point, the drinks were getting to me, and I swear, I wasn’t at my cleverest. None the less, she continued to laugh and giggle.

    - I excused myself to go to the men’s room (thanks to 5 or 6 Vodka 7’s) once during this time. Practically before I took my first step, men moved in to attempt to take my place. When I returned, there was a guy sitting next to her. As I approached, she said something that sent him fleeing.

    - After spending almost (cumulatively) an hour with her, I asked her for a couple of dances. Now, I had seen her dance for a couple of other guys and both times she seemed to dance slow and seductively. She had me slump down on the couch and she proceeded to forcefully bang her butt against my crotch. At times, it felt like someone kicking me in the groin. Additionally, she began to grab, and pinch, and twist my nipples very hard. After a while the pain was so intense that I had to (playfully) ask her to stop. I swear, I thought they were bleeding, she was so forceful. My point in recounting this is as follows. I’m no professional in this area, but could it be that the NPA was driving her to act out some kind of rough sexual simulation upon me. I’ve had a more than a few lap dances over the years, but never one near this rough. It was a lap dance that only some kind of S&M aficionado could appreciate.

    - After she was finished dancing for me, she sat and talked to me for another 15 minutes or so. It was clear she was not going to end this, and I was beginning to get uncomfortable (the bouncers and management were giving us dirty looks ) so I said goodnight, and went back to the stage.

    - One of the other dancers commented on how peculiar it was for this women to sit for such a long period with one guy on a weekend night. She also told me that she was notorious for charging guys if they wanted to just sit and talk during busy times.

    I have got to tell you guys, this was an amazing experience. Half the time this chick had a bewildered look on her face like she was thinking, “Why am I so attracted to this guy?”, “He isn’t the type I usually go for...” Usually, we men are the ones awestruck by such women, and all of a sudden the tables were turned. It was truly unbelievable!

    It makes me wonder if this stuff is being brewed up by a voodoo queen somewhere down in the Virgin Islands... Seems like magic to me!


  2. #2

    Default Re: Excellent Strip Club Hits (lengthy)

    Damn, I think I need some NPA!!! LOL [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Also, I found a good cologne that females seem to like, it\'s called Bulgari Blue, and Bulgari Black is great too. It\'s a masculine scent, but it\'s not something that smells like a tear-gas grenade exploded if you put too much on. Both scents last a long time (IMHO I think they last the longest in the evening, it\'s cooler, and it\'s pretty much an \'evening\' type cologne,) they both have a very distinctive smell that I\'m almost sure will make women want to get in closer for a whiff of your \"Spiked\" cologne. However, they\'re not that cheap, each bottle is about $50 to $60......(Also depends on the store you buy it from.) Anyway, best of luck with your phero use! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: Excellent Strip Club Hits (lengthy)

    Hey Jaeger:

    You read my mind! I have been looking for some good cologne recommendations. I’ll look for the ones you’ve listed this next week. Thanks… I understand \"musky\" colognes blend well with pheromones. If you or anyone else have some good musky smelling cologne recommendations, I would appreciate it. I’m most interested in higher end scents as compared to something like Jovan musk.

    As for the above experience, (as I’ve thought more about it) I wonder if I stumbled across a strip club full of ovulating women. Since these women work together, perhaps they have achieved a synchrony in their menstrual/ovulation cycles. I don’t know how else to explain so many hits in one place.

    Another observation, I used about five or six drops of NPA that night. Some here would call that an OD. Recently, I have cut back some after reading all of the \"minimalist talk\" on the forum. I’ve feared that I was going out smelling like a pig farm. (I obviously can’t smell -none and what I can smell I like.) This said, I’ve noticed that since I’ve cut back so too have the hits diminished. Who knows maybe Obsession mixes well with NPA, and I’ve got nothing to worry about???

    One more thing, on the return trip I couldn’t resist going back to this club to try my luck again. Although my second visit wasn’t near as dramatic, I received one hit that was very interesting. I’ll try to post this (shorter) experience in a few days.

    Thanks again for the scent tips. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  4. #4

    Default Re: Excellent Strip Club Hits (lengthy)


    To me, the Bulgari Black seems to have some musky hints to it. I would explain the scent something like clean, refreshing, woody, sweet, and if you get a really good nose full, you\'ll pick up on the musk undertones. The Bulgari Blue has a fresh, clean, light citrus type scent to it, and it fades into a light sweet clean smell. You\'ll get a much better understanding of the scents when you check them out next week. Glad I was some assistance to you, if I can help you out in any other way, don\'t hesitate to let me know.

    -Jaeger [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Excellent Strip Club Hits (lengthy)

    just wanted to say: GREAT REPORT MAN! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    people like you make this board intresting to read. I will post Long field reports too as soon as i got my PI bottle (hopefully not lost with the post as im waiting 2 weeks already )


  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Excellent Strip Club Hits (lengthy)

    30something. Terrific account. Something out of the usual. I\'m just curious what your a-none score is. Seems to be working with you.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Excellent Strip Club Hits (lengthy)


    Thanks for your offer of assistance (likewise). Once I locate the Bulgari scents I’ll let you know.

    Thanks again.


    Thanks for your kind words. I totally agree with you. I prefer more detailed accounts when possible. These hit reports, and other info on the forum have really helped me with phero use, what to look for in a hit, etc. BTW: I too am waiting for a bottle of PI to arrive, so I’ll be testing it out over the next few weeks. I’d be interested in your impression of the product. I look forward to your posts, and if I can help in any way, let me know…


    Thanks… Yeah I agree, it is unusual. As a matter of fact, I sat on it for a few weeks debating whether I should post it. Frankly, I was afraid no one would believe it. Actually the night it was happening I remember thinking a couple of times, \"Am I dreaming? Is this really happening?\" To make things even more confusing, they were some of the first hits I had ever received (talk about jumping right in - lol), having just acquired the pheromone products prior to leaving (about six weeks ago) on the trip. Fortunately, I had spent the previous couple of months \"lurking\" on the forum educating myself (Thanks to all you pherodudes!) concerning pheros, and the behavior they might elicit. Since then I’ve experienced about 10 or 12 solid hits using NPA and/or SOE, so I know I’m not imagining it.

    Unfortunately, my a-none rating isn’t going to do much to help explain this. My a-none rating is 16, and I was being a touch conservative when I took the test. I fall into the 36-40 age range, so it isn’t do to my youth… As I speculated above, I probably stumbled into a club full of ovulating strippers!?…


    Well, I’m all for enthusiasm as long as they don’t torture me! I have yet to try Alter Ego. Thanks for the tip, I’ll give it a run.

    Thanks for the input guys!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Excellent Strip Club Hits (lengthy)

    I love bringing Alter-Ego to the strip clubs. I t really brings out the enthusiasm, if you know what I mean!

  9. #9
    Banned User
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    "DIHL: Most hits were accompanied by

    the classic stunned, bewildered, confused gaze."

    News flash for ya donotdelete...THAT'S THE


    As to the rest of your report. It's very well written which is a

    surprise given you're such a delusional moron.
    Geez DONOTDELETE. Are you brain dead or what? You could have gone

    into that club smelling like goat ass stank and they wouldn't have treated you any differently.

    and more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is all they care about. Why would you want

    to hook up with a stripper anyway? Oh, I for-got. The brain dead part. There's only one group of women more screwed

    up than strippers and that's Porn actresses(what a silly title) and most strippers are on their way to becoming

    Porn actresses if they aren't already doing Porn. That's the kind of women you want to relate to.

    each his own. Go getem tiger but sell crazy some place else!

    Ash returns!
    Last edited by Ash; 06-13-2004 at 03:20 PM.

  10. #10
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ash

    Welcome back.

  11. #11
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ash
    "DIHL: Most hits were

    accompanied by the classic stunned, bewildered, confused gaze."

    News flash for ya donotdelete...THAT'S


    As to the rest of your report. It's very well written which is a

    surprise given you're such a delusional moron.
    Geez DONOTDELETE. Are you brain dead or what? You could have gone

    into that club smelling like goat ass stank and they wouldn't have treated you any differently.

    and more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is all they care about. Why would you

    want to hook up with a stripper anyway? Oh, I for-got. The brain dead part. There's only one group of women more

    screwed up than strippers and that's Porn actresses(what a silly title) and most strippers are on their way to

    becoming Porn actresses if they aren't already doing Porn. That's the kind of women you want to relate

    to. each his own. Go getem tiger but sell crazy some place else!




  12. #12
    Phero Pro
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    Hmmmm. Porno Actresses and

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in the same post. No wonder the director used to yell at me----- "NOW! Money shot-- Money


  13. #13
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I counted 4 drops of NPA. That

    is typically an OD. Years ago I experienced wearing an obscene amount of animal musks in a strip joint, smelling in

    fact, almost exactly like "goat ass stank"; and getting lots of attention and compliments without spending a

    dime or watching the dancers. When I talked to one perfumer about this experience; the one who originally taught me

    about pheromones, he said that reaction was typical of this target population. So I've always assumed you can OD on

    various nasty things in a strip club. When I wore the same amount around an ex-girlfriend however, she made me take

    a shower, and was completely disgusted by my nasty-ass presence.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  14. #14
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    Mr. Do Not Deleate,
    Yes she was

    giving you loads of attention. And the mones very well could of played a big part of that. But the girls before

    saying "haven't I seen you somewhere before" and "Let's go talk" that may of been legit. I don't know. I

    wasn't there and I wasn't inside their heads. However, and this is a big However, they also very well knew you

    were NOT a frequent visiter of the club. Strippers work the place their in. If one girl is having no luck getting

    alot of dollars on to you she will pass you along to another. Sometimes they set you up. Sometimes they would rather

    sit and talk for a while because they have been dancing and drinking all night. It is excersise for them and they

    need rests. The owners understand that. A common ploy is to act like they are sitting and talking to you for a good

    while hoping you will be more leanient to a dance at the end of the conversation and when their rest time is up.

    Secondly. Why didn't you ask her out to breakfast or something if you were that sure she was simply nut's over

    you? And she may well have been. I am just filling you in on some of their antics. You were there and you have your

    own mind about it. I was not.

  15. #15
    Enlightened One
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    Happyman i guess like any sexual

    business there are well rehearsed tactics - and yes asking to breakfast etc would determine actual interest versus

    buttering you up when they go back to give em some dollars. I have mostly avoided strip clubs - not my scenes -

    nightclubs were easy pickups but now ive gotten to 24 and its more into the social activities / classy restraurants,

    cafes and other "sophisicated veneues" concerts, book clubs, all sorts of weird places - ive seen it all and been to

    a lot in pheromone testing

    Even did the bingo and lawn bowls bit as a bit of fun.

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