Yeah you heard it a million times, get tight abs & get strong, but from what I\'ve experienced in the past week goes even further. I live in the NYC metro area & it\'s cold, some days down right freezing. It\'s tough to get hits unless you wear pheros in your hair when you are outside & that\'s only if they\'re downwind from you. Yeah you can have a great body, but no one will really notice under that bulky winter coat you are wearing. I did two things & I am astounded by the number of looks I\'m getting. Before I divulge, I also want to mention most everyone\'s complexion around here are pale as a ghost white.

1. I took Elana\'s advice & got some sunless tanner - Paula\'s Choice brand, almost the real thing, I think it cost like $20. JUST DON\'T DO YOUR HANDS!!!

2. If you are in a cold climate get yourself a nice snug jacket that shows off your bod. I pulled out this long tweed jacket that I had shelfed in my closet, took it to the dry cleaners & had them reinforce the 3 buttons & sew up the holy pockets. This thing is probably half a size too small for me, but it only shows on my upper body, chest-shoulders-back areas. It goes down to my shins, makes me look thinner then I actually am & projects that nice V-shape that women also seek. I took a detour on my way home tonight & instead of taking the bus I walked like 12 blocks to get some ZMA and any & every women I passed made prolonged eye contact with me, I was freaked out - even some guys were looking at me (egad).

I guess I should have listed the jacket first, previously I\'d wear this humungo sized leather jacket I got like 4 years ago, probably a few sizes too big for me plus it\'s an overcoat, but not so long, goes down to like my thighs. I think it\'s safe to say time to shelf that jacket for when I can fit into it. Lastly some might think it\'s the tan that\'s getting me the \"hits\" if you want to call it that, I\'ll agree that it certainly helps, but before I started wearing this jacket I did not get even a third of the looks I\'m getting now.
