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Thread: WAGG

  1. #61
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Availability

    first couple of times it made me really sleepy. effect was less after that.

  2. #62
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG affects on self?

    So far, what have people noticed by way of emotional responces from themselves?

    I found that my first two applications (4 dabs) made me slightly depressed. This affect was more pronounced when I put a dab on my chin.

    But after continued use these affects went away. My libido was slightly stunted aswell, but again those affects went away.

  3. #63
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG affects on self?

    Similar to A1 for me, but not as freaky. Side effects lessened with time for me too.

    Has anyone got a feel for how it works with -none?

  4. #64
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    By the way, Bruce, congratulations on being able to introduce an innovative new product. This kind of thing is the ideal direction for me to see.

  5. #65
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG affects on self?

    Not on it\'s own, I did some limited testing with SOE/NPA/AE, but never strait none/WAGG.

    Bruce, how many ingredients are there in WAGG?

    Doc, do you think there is some A1 in there? Or just something similar?

  6. #66
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Yes its certainly completely different from anything I have tried before, these new suppliers could be usefull new freinds! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Good work (again) Bruce!

    Oh and thank you for including me in the testing phase.

  7. #67
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG affects on self?

    I doubt A1, since Bruce said everything is unique.

    This is just sheer speculation, but, regarding the 16-androstenes, which are the most likely phero-candidates, I wonder if it\'s androstadienol, or the 3 alpha (beta)-androstenols. These are the parents of -nol, and it would make sense to put them on clothes for the same reason as A1 -- they are parent mones that easily reduce to the simpler mones (-nol or -none) when exposed to aerobic coryneform bacteria (which metabolizes testosterone and produces odour from extracts of sweat).

  8. #68
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    The females generally were more comfortable and easier to talk to. I felt more like talking and did a lot more flirting. Lots of positive body language from young and middle aged women. Never noticed any of the aggressiveness I see with strong none products.

    Wore it a couple times in conjunction with nol and rone (see Wolfe\'s doing lunch thread) with great results. Didn\'t get any DIHL but did get a lot of attention. It will probably be great worn with a high none product

  9. #69
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    When I received mine in the mail, it was practically half full, so I can only test it twice. Once was 2 dabs on a short, went to the mall got no visible reactions. Had lunch with a group of people still nothing out of the ordinary. Second time was a OD test, I massage most of it on my leather jacket collar. Went to the movies with a friend to see if I can get a response out of her, still nothing. I wore WAGG alone with no combinations of other products. I wrote down in my survey that this is a product I would probably not buy.

  10. #70
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now

    The testing is now over, but I received a few PMs wondering how the subjects were picked. With the EW you may remember, we just allowed folks to assign themselves to be subjects. Data received this way can and was very useful \"feedback\", but we were looking for something a little more scientific with WAGG, so I tried to pick forum members at random.

    PM answer
    I am not sure who all the manufacturer sent bottles to. He sent me 20 to be given to 20 forum members picked at random from regular visitors. I just went into a few popular threads one day and started clicking on names that were at all familiar faces on the forum. They could have been anyone of 40-50 regular folks.


  11. #71

    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now

    The WAGG was always applied to my clothes .. I never got to direct skin applications ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  12. #72
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    Default Re: Hey we can talk about it now

    Don\'t remember seeing a reply to a post I made earlier. Has any OD tests been run yet? Just curious to see if the typical -none based OD symptoms are a risk or if it\'s all good, maybe get more of a positive effect.


  13. #73
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    Default Re: WAGG

    WAGG Comments

    The Sample came in a 3ml bottle about half full. Using my calibrated dropper, I had about 1.75ml of WAGG for testing.

    First went three days wearing no Pheros and several showers to hopefully minimize effect of other pheros. Before WAGG testing, was mostly using RM with SOE or Realm/m spiked with NPA.

    The first week, used 2 drops of WAGG each day, one drop applied behind each ear and side of the neck. The first time I put this stuff on, I got very anxious. It was very similiar to the first time I tried A1. By the end of the week, i built up a tolerance and did not notice the anxious feelings anymore. It had me biased to thinking a main ingredient was A1.

    At work, women where goofy-happy around me. A few times i thought to myself i need to OD on A-none to stop the goofiness. now I am thinking, is it a \"SOE\"-A1 type mix, where A1 is turning the \"SOE\" chatty effect into a goofy-happy effect. I havent tried it yet, but I will try a SOE/A1 combo to see what happens. I wonder if 2 drops of WAGG is an OD, and women acting goofy is the OD reaction

    Did not notice any effect from WAGG on men at work.

    At home, during the week of testing with WAGG, I had sex with wife 3 times. She initiated it 2 times. lately, it is very unusual for her to initiate sex. Was it WAGG or not, you be the judge. Wife never acted goofy, most likely because, I applied the 2 drops of WAGG around mid-morning each day. less risk of OD effect by the time i got home in the evening.

    Shopping and Dining out, bought some stuff at Home Depot, nice blonde was running the register. As I got ready to pay, lots of hand touching by her as she took my credit card, handing me the slip to sign, handing me a pen, giving my card back. The wife even noticed, once we were back in the truck, she goes \"what was all that hand touching about?\". I said \" I have no idea, maybe she is just friendly\".

    Next, goto Lone Star Steakhouse with wife. Hostess tells us there is a 30 minute wait, so we wait in the bar section. Wife and I are talking and I say someting stupid, not really a joke, and a brunette a few feet away starts laughing, and says \" you are so funny\". she moves closer. My wife and the brunette\'s date both have that concerned \"whats going on\" look.

    The Second week, I have about 0.5ml of WAGG left, mixed it with Realm/m-NPA. didnt notice any difference between Realm/m-NPA and Realm/m-NPA-WAGG.

    I can\'t wait for this stuff to go on sale on Love-Scent

  14. #74

    Default Re: WAGG

    DAAG! That\'s some good results! The instructions that came with the product said not to put it on your skin, to put it on clothes. I wonder if your success had anything to do with the fact that you put it on your skin.

  15. #75
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Sounds like potent stuff, as the affects of putting on your skin could be hazardous (i.e. A1 headaches). I want some too [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  16. #76
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: WAGG

    ok well I just have one question about this new product: since it calms some of the clint eastwood effects that some guys that produce too much none get...does this mean that it makes you look weaker...and not get respect ???

  17. #77
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    Default Re: WAGG

    That\'s what I\'ve been wondering. Will be testing that later this week.

  18. #78

    Default Re: WAGG

    No, that means it\'s meant for the Clint Eastwood type. Are you the Clint Eastwood type? If not, then maybe this would be not so much your product.

  19. #79
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    Default Re: WAGG

    WAGG was some interesting stuff. I also took to applying it to my skin after noticing no effects (on me or others) from clothing application.

    By itself or combined with other products, WAGG seemed to have a slight \"soothing\" effect on women... maybe as if making them feel more \"content,\" somehow, so that they could focus on me as someone approachable.

    The most marked effect was on me. The most accurate thing to say is that it changed my internal dialogue for the better. I felt more confident, but it was a serene confidence, not a challenging confidence. I somehow felt more comfortable in my own skin.

    I experienced no negative side-effects, and said that I would definitely buy the product.

  20. #80
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: WAGG

    \'The most marked effect was on me. The most accurate thing to say is that it changed my internal dialogue for the better. I felt more confident, but it was a serene confidence, not a challenging confidence. I somehow felt more comfortable in my own skin\'

    Right, Gerund. That\'s what I noticed, as a gay woman : PIm had made me rather nervous (I used it twice only and only got one useless DIHL), WAGG is just the right stuff on this point of view.
    I suppose if you feel serenely confident, others will see you the same way and talk to you more easily.

    No negative side effects on me either.


  21. #81
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    Default Re: WAGG

    I found that WAGG improved my confidence in the same way no end. This could be an interesting product in future mixes.

  22. #82

    Default Re: WAGG

    My impressions from testing WAGG:

    WAGG smells similar to the pheromones I\'ve gotten from Bruce before, but not any one in particular. When I first sniffed it it reminded me of the scent used in bee traps to attract yellowjacket wasps. I felt alittle anixous and light headed the first couple of times I applied it, but got used to it quickly. I used it daily over a one week period, with no other pheros, but with a cover scent. I applied from 2 to 5 dabs, once or twice a day (morning and/or evening). Effects on other people: None that I could detect. It did not seem to attract any additional attention towards me from males or females. It did not generate or enhance affection or sexual responses from my wife. Towards the end of the week I wished I had a larger sample of WAGG to try combining with my other pheros, as I began to miss using them. To be fair to WAGG, the week I tested it did not lend itself to the kind of relaxed social interactions pheros work best in for me. My wife and I were very busy with family, school, and work activities, and little time for play.

    My conclusions: For me, WAGG by itself was not as effective in influencing people I wore it around as combinations of the other pheros I have used (combos of none, nol, rone, and A1). It had an initial effect on me (light headedness) that went away or became unnoticable with continued use.

    I would consider acquiring more WAGG to do further testing, particularly in combination with other pheros, and in a variety of social situations. From the comments of the other testers, WAGG experiences have been varied, but generally positive. I am very happy to see that Bruce is continuing to investigate and add other potentially useful pheros to our arsenal.


  23. #83
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    I\'m going to agree with Ptolemy we need more testing the bottle I got was half full. For me I like to look for visible reactions,(long eye contact, touching,paying more attention to you than usual) I don\'t like to assume that someone was content or relaxed around me and say it was WAGG if that\'s the way they are most of the time.

  24. #84
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    Default Re: WAGG

    2 things

    - We should have got a bit more i reckon, perhaps as a gift for partaking in the trail (no offence meant to anyone but i ran out after 9 or 10 days.
    -It smelt like the secret ingredients in NPA - not that they would be but thats what the scent reminded me of (probably given that NPA is scentless to i have the same thing with attraction unscented.
    -The altered behaviour is a signal of at least the pheros have an effect, FTR and others are correct in that we need to take DIHL as a more involved intereaction and not just a glancing look.

  25. #85
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG - Differences in approach

    In responce to a post by the Doc.

    How have people acted whilst on the pull with WAGG?

    My first experiences were not very exciting, I though maybe WAGG was a bit of a failure on the pick-up scene (bearing in mind I was just teasing the ladies, my girlfriend wouldn\'t have been pleased!!).

    But I persevered, and by chance I wore it on a day trip to London, where I had arranged to meet up with a girl (had met her about a year and a half ago, talked on IM sinse and become reasonable friends) and some of her friends with a few of my mates. She invited me to take my friends to the cinema, so we did. She is a shy person anyway, but I think she was feeling some attraction because she want saying much at all and was quite giggly (this is a realisation in hindsight). She wasn\'t displaying the usual mone hit signs, but sinse I wasnt fishing I want too bothered. But I noticed that whenever I struck up a conversation, or made a joke, or made eye contact, she became all cay (lol) and giggly, and as if she was nervous. I wasnt wearing any -none that day, and no chance of residue, I had a little SOE, but these aren\'t SOE hit signs. All these positives occured when I was being forward, but in a particular way.

    Also, at the trade fair, I had to initiate a lot of the conversations and sell myself (oh, and the product...maybe) to them to get any responce, and to make myself stand out. Again, this is where the hits came.

    The attitude was slightly cocky, but not too arogent. But most importantly very funny, and also kind, but that\'s not really a literal description. Basically, *knowing* that I had \"it\", but not being too aggressive, and acting a little benevolent at the same time.

    I\'m not sure if you all will understand what I\'m trying to say about the attitude part, I will try and rephrase when it comes to me.

  26. #86
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    Default Re: WAGG - Differences in approach

    Attitude is important like a quite confidence. I worried less if i was being noticed by people and by chance mixed with AE to create a real interesting mix with the original 3 pheros of the mens newer version.
    in a 1:5 ratio (WAGG:AE(M) new)
    It wasnt as good for picking up ?
    It has got this weird response though hasnt it cptkipling. I needed to stand out more to get noticed maybe it might be good mixed with SOE or NPA or even DD#1

  27. #87
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG - Differences in approach

    \"It wasnt as good for picking up ?\"

    It certainly isn\'t your typical pick-up phero.

    The responce is very interesting, it needs more testing (luckily I have some left, but not much!).

    Has anyone else got any input to the responces/attitude discussion.

    I have just made an order, so will ACTUALLY be able to continue my usual testing and experimentation. I will definately be looking at WAGG.

  28. #88
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    Default Re: WAGG - Differences in approach

    It wasnt a normal pick up phero - i guess we will just have to wait for the WAGG manufacuturer to comment as far as their pitch for the product. Are we able to put in an order already for the stuff ?
    Keep us updated on youre usual testing outcomes i intend to get a hold of the stuff and also a AE(W) with the xtra EW.

    Anyone interested in ordering EW go here. You get it free with a purchase of Alter ego via this link - we may as well help bruce to clear his stock out.

  29. #89
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Experiences with WAGG

    The first time I tried WAGG (two dabs to the skin of the neck) was on top of a usual, proven NPA/cologne mix. Went to my usual Friday after-work bar were people were unusually pre-occupied with their conversations - i.e. no one wanted to talk.

    Later, I got the worst, most aggressive OD response ever. Two women sat next to me. The one next to me turned her back on me and her partner one seat over kept talking about some man who smelled, who stank, who reeked, all the while looking at me. Over and over. Finally they left. I did strike a conversation with two guys who showed up later - talked about politics, etc.

    This was the worst OD I\'ve had to endure. I blame it on the WAGG but maybe the females were menstruating and were overly sensitive.

    Later that night, I washed up a bit where I had applied the WAGG and applied an SoE pack over it all. Went to the local dance club and found people unusually talkative and friendly (at least one batch), even more so than with straight SoE. No sexual hits though. My guess is that it complimented and enhanced the SoE.

    I tried WAGG by itself at work and at home with no noticable effects. No positive mood effects noted to myself either - maybe a bit negative but not too strong or clear.

    Perhaps my first very bad experience made an unfair impression but I came away unimpressed.

  30. #90
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    Default Re: Experiences with WAGG

    I also tested this product and my bottle came a little over half full but I figured that Bruce\'s recentt new products have been pretty strong, if not stronger by each newly released product. I really believe less is more when products are strong and I agree that this is a pretty strong product.

    The instructions said to dab like 2 to 6 dabs on clothes, no mention of skin. I\'m not used to putting it on clothes but I smeared about 2 or 3 dabs on my collar area of my t-shirt. Unsatisfied, I put and extra dab behind each ear. Not sure if it\'s an OD.

    The bottle smells like some type of wood smell. Like new furniture. Walk into a furniture warehouse and mix that in with some sweaty type smell and that\'s what this smells like. The smell on you probably disappears pretty fast is unscented.

    I have a female friend who is aware of my phero use and I go to her when I want opinions of the smell. She says it smells like pee but it\'s VERY faint and can only be noticed if really close to you, I\'m talking about her nose being less than an inch from the neck in order to smell the piss. But this goes away quick as it was newly applied. Later in the day, like 3 hours, the smell was not there. Could have disappeared way before that.

    Effects on me: By the way, -none heavy products like RM and even TE make me agressive and anxious. I had a similar result with WAGG except not as intense. It\'s like a dulled down version of TE as far as smell goes.. It\'s definitely cleaner.

    I go to school and mall and some other local places. I even try on clothes at some clothing store. No noticeable reactions, then again, my attept to meet people was not there as I was feeling quite nervous or anxious. Let\'s just say, I don\'t like that feeling. I had to put some SOE gel under my nose to calm me down.

    On the survey, I put some negative remarks and probably would not buy the product. This is a VERY preliminary judgement as I haven\'t used it under the best social conditions and the fact that I was suffering from a pretty bad cold. I still have some sample left that I plan on using again now that I\'m much healthier. It was probably just a bad time for me to test the product.

    I will test this thing out on clothes again soon and see if I get no reactions like before or get irritated again. Applying it on skin probably isn\'t the wisest idea.

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