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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default I tried a mix today. BAD RESULTS! OVERDOSE!

    I tried using AE, A1, RM, SOE and NPA all kinda small doses in various parts of my body. I tried to keep it small so I wouldn\'t overdose. I did though. I heard some kid say \"God damn, what the hell is that smell?\" Some girls weren\'t really treating me with that much respect. I think I\'ll stick to the NPA/RM mix with a little bit of SOE. That worked better for me. DON\'T TRY TOO MANY PHEROMONES AT THE SAME TIME! Even if it is in small doses. Learn from my mistake.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: I tried a mix today. BAD RESULTS! OVERDOSE!


    How much of each did you use? Did all of them mixed then put in small doses or something else? The combination of all of these various scents could have produce a really nasty mix with your natural BO.

    I\'ve been trying to push the OD limits today. I mixed in 6 drops of JB#1 into my hair gel. Some ladies were only willing to come within about 8\' from me, but the weird thing is that in addition to lots of hair flipping there was an additional effect that I saw from a lot of ladies I hung around for more than 20-30 second (the effect stopped after 3-4 hours after application) that I haven\'t seen yet. I\'ve dubbed it the \"It\'s getting hot in here\" effect. For example I was waiting for a bus to the U-Dist from Downtown Seattle and after 30 seconds when these two women started to flip their hair they both started to take off their jackets. Mind you that this was outdoors, in the morning and it\'s about 36?-40?. There was this gorgeous blonde on the bus to the U-Dist that was sitting across me that took off her jacket, pulled off her sweater, and unbuttoned her shirt down far enough to see her . . . [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] . I started with, \"Excuse me but do you know what time it is?\" And by the time we got the U-Dist I had Marissa\'s number (plus a few other bits of info [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ).

    (Sigh) Sometimes it\'s just too easy. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: I tried a mix today. BAD RESULTS! OVERDOSE!

    I call that the \"pig presenting it\'s hindquarters effect.\" It may have been an unconscious demonstration of breeding fitness and availability.

    Once, on a -none heavy day a woman in her early 20\'s flashed the beev in a lingering sort of manner in a coffee shop. Another time I was in a co-ed nude sauna and a woman shot a winkin\' beev my way. She just spread \'em in an obvious way, sitting directly across from me.

    Ward wanted to be hard on the beev, let me tell you, but that would\'a been a bit too Eddy Haskell.

    This is one of my very favorite none effects, to put it mildly...

  4. #4
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    Default Pelvic Presentation

    I\'ve had similar experiences lately. I named it \"pussy presentation\" or \"pelvic presentation.\" It really is very interesting and oddly gratifying. I\'d say I can recall at least three separate, unmistakable occurrences. In my case they were wearing pants, but if you\'d been there you\'d see that the pants didn\'t detract much from the effect. I\'m usually wearing P10 (Perfect 10) when it happens.

    There often seems to be a sequence leading up to the opening of her legs. First the girl becomes more talkative and animated. Then she plays with her hair, and turns her body toward me. After a little bit of really good eye contact and smiling, the knees come apart. She blinks less and sustains eye contact as she continues to talk to me.

    The most interesting part to me is how the girls seem totally unashamed or unself-conscious. Their legs are parted better than shoulder-width, and they kept that pose for many minutes. There was no leg-crossing or shifting around once they assumed the position. They would stay that way without moving for so long that it seemed unnatural.

    Furthermore, after a couple of glances, I threw caution to the wind and openly gazed at their crotches. Amazingly, this produced absolutely no leg-crossing or squirming, etc. And when I would finally look up and re-establish eye contact, they\'d just kept smiling and talking, apparently either not noticing that I was enjoying the view for several seconds at a time, or not caring.

    I\'ve been around two of the three women many times, and this was behavior I\'d never before seen. And it happened only when I was wearing pheros that were fresh enough to have an effect. Make no mistake, these women are not sluts. And I\'m not describing legs casually drifting apart for a few moments. This was very blatant behavior. I\'m 44 years old and I\'ve never had a girl do that unless we were alone and both expecting imminent sex.

    And as DrSmellThis alluded to: it is a very satisfying experience. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pelvic Presentation

    Starting to really like this thread ... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Pelvic Presentation

    Yes... thanks guys. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img] Now I\'\'m going to be looking for that response too. lol The woman herself noticing isn\'t the problem....but everyone else in the room noticing me noticing might cause a red face or two.

    heh heh heh.... Don\'t know what to think of this. (Well I do actually. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img])

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Pelvic Presentation

    to hell with the rest of them . they just jealous anyways [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8
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    Default Too Easy? I spoke too soon . . . .

    Hi Everyone,

    I got some good news, bad news, and very ugly news. First the good news:

    Do y\'all remember a few weeks back on the post that I had up on the wild hit that I got from 6\'-plus Heather with 12\" of SOE and two drops of RM? I have a Symphony concert coming up this Monday, the guest violist is Itzak Perlman. I put 5 drops (I figure that might give me the a desireable effect akin to the 6 drops of JB#1) in my hair gel , then I went down to where the swim team that she is coaching is having a meet.

    I ask her and she replied, \"Yes I\'m doing nothing around 7:30 on Monday. The Symphony? I love the Symphony. Yes I can go.\"

    <font color=red> Now the bad news. </font color=red>

    \"Dude we are going as friends, right? You know I have a boyfriend? <font color=blue> (Well I certainly do now! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] ) </font color=blue> He just gave me a ring . . . .\"

    She then gave me her phone # and e-mail address and I promised to call her on Sunday.

    When I got home I called up Marissa, the gal that I met on the bus yesturday. BTW I also forgot to mention in addition to taking off her jacket, sweater, and unbuttoning her shirt she also spread her legs open towards me.

    Anyhow she said, \"The Symphony!? I would luv to go! What time? Cool I can make it. Oh by the way could you call me back later say about 6:30ish? I\'m running around doing errands right now. I\'ll be home around then. Bye-bye.\"

    <font color=blue> And now the ugly news </font color=blue>

    Five minutes later I get a phone call on my cell.

    \"Hello! Who\'s dis?!\"

    \"Uh this is SwingerMD, who\'s calling?\"

    \"This is Marissa\'s boyfriend you . . . (insert 5 sec. of colorful language that her boyfriend used to describe me) . . . . She ain\'t going to da symphony with you you . . . (insert 10 sec. of colorful language that her boyfriend use to describe me) . . . . If I catch you around my girfriend I\'ll make you . . . (insert four impossible anatomical acts).

    At least life with pheros hasn\'t been dull [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] .

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Too Easy? I spoke too soon . . . .

    Swinger - I\'m so sorry to laugh - but this was too funny. Sounds like the kind of sh*t that happens to me. Ain\'t life grand?

  10. #10
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Too Easy? I spoke too soon . . . .


    No problemo. Glad to make you laugh. They can be really turned on by our pheros, but that doesn\'t mean that they don\'t have boyfriends (in your case girlfriends, right?)

  11. #11
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Too Easy? I spoke too soon . . . .

    ooohhh....that reminds me... One of the best hits I got new years... Cute blonde was full on touching, running fingers around my chest stomache, back etc and playing handsies. So what you say? Well her boyfriend was hanging off her other arm! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I\'m sure he knew. considering he was joining the conversation most of the time. lol
    She had had a bit to drink and I thought maybe she wasn\'t thinking straight, but then came up to me later on again by herself and tried all the same. Slurring and all by then though. lol Of course... then boyfriend came back from the mens room too.
    So yeah, they can have boyfriends but they seem to want to keep shopping around still. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    That\'s a cool if sad story SwingerMD. The \'hits\' that I like the most have mostly had boyfriends allready too. Either that or not my type. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img] Oh well.

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