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  1. #61
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    My body feels more satified after working out, than after masturbation. I guess I should go to the gym more often. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  2. #62
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Like I was saying....If it\'s not done TOO OFTEN, blood pressure is not effected.

    Another example; while on a LONG layoff, my bp RAISED to high normal to high.

    When I was doing it 2 and 3 times a day it did the same thing.

    Once a day...

    I have LOWER THAN NORMAL blood pressure.

    Not only that...I have literally 58 beats a minute on average I did the test over and over.....


    It\'s like, you don\'t ever work out, you get high blood pressure.

    You work out too much, the blood pressure goes up, and cortizol is released.

    And people, stop being os dramatic, like I was...

    If you do it 3 times a day, don\'t do it now once a week! lol

    That\'s crzy!

    Just once a day, seriously.

    According to statistcs, men masterbate once a day, and women it\'s once a week.

    I know people that don\'t do it at all.

    INTERESTINGLY they are ALSO very thin, fat.

    These are those people with low testosterone levels....They have no muscle = thin arms, but a lot of fat = big stomach.

    No, they weren\'t born that way...You may be thinking, oh, they have low test, so they don\'t want to....

    Not true, if women do it more often than NEVER that would be untrue.

    It\'s just a thing of too much = not good. None at all = not as healhty.

    Just once a day people, and you\'ll be FINE.

    At 31, I don\'t know HOW you accomplish it 3 times a day.

    You use porn etc? Movies probably?

    But, yeah, I think the shyness is from the body getting lazy.

    Oh, and by the way....All those symptoms, I get after a grueling work out.

    Another thing I notice though, is heat, in the ears. I never get messed up vision, but it sounds like you are underwater.

    Intrestingly though, orgasm increases EVERYTHING, I always get immediately after a cold/hot feeling in the body. I get this same effect after moderate caffeine use (which, by the way, too much caffeine will make you nervious etc. As it is a STIMULANT. However, just a little bit will actually make you FOCUSED! This is basically what ritalin of the trimethylaxanthine....Caffeine is 1,3,7 trimethylaxanthine...

    But, basically, yeah, caffeeine releases energy, makes you focus, same thing with orgasm, so long as it\'s not too often.

    When I had to study for my drivings test...Or, i\'m reading a book...I\'ll orgasm, and than, like 10 or 15 minutes later read it....And remember EVERYTHING.

    Same thing, basically, just don\'t do too much.

    Like, if you run a little bit, and than do something, as long as you didn\'t do too much, you\'ll be more focused, get the blood flowing also.

    Plus, masterbation increases nitric oxide.

    Basically, if there is blood in the penis it will get more nutrients, and grow bigger.

    Another theory, which would seem to be supported. More red blood cells is made in the body. This would make SENSE. Beasue the body TAKES the blood from the REST OF THE BODY to go to the penis....

    Now, while this is happening the body probably tries to makme extra. Now, the only thing you don\'t ALWAYS have all that blood needed for a hard-on, and so, it\'s extra.

    This would CORRELATE to why I\'m able to withstand cold and hot much better!

    I didn\'t think that up..I just thought of it right now. You think it\'s just a theory, perhaps, however, I\'m just going off what i noticed, just thought of it RIGHT NOW....I mean, it makes sense...I felt the reactions...They came BEFORE I made any \"theories\".

    Only thing is, I don\'t know what it would have anything to do with women. When did they ever care about MUSCLE, and more red blood cells, etc. Maybe it will make them healthy though, ie, not get sick; that would be something everyone desires.

    However, I think for both men AND women it would make you more focused though.


  3. #63
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Yeah, for me, it is the opposite, however, I work out from 5-7 days a week.

    But, I still don\'t know if anyone\'s mentioned the OVERCOMPENSATION masterbation gives you....

    It makes you stronger. And more healthy...

    You don\'t believe me...You stop for like a month or more (If you weren\'t OVERDOING IT with like 3 times a day and stuff) than you\'ll be a PUSS!


  4. #64
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Oh no, I won\'t stop. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] I think it is maybe a sign to do less masturbating and more working-out. I should go the gym at least 2 or 3 days a week .....

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    at 31 you don\'t know how?/

    LMAO , dude at 45 i was still doing my ol lady 2-3 times a day..get better info.

  6. #66
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing *DELETED*

    Post deleted by franki

  7. #67
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    ya think so?. just so ya know, i can still do a woman 2-3 times in one day, just cant do that every day like i used to. only way i can do it daily now is if i do it once a day with her.(with a few doubles tossed in once a week r so at best)

  8. #68
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Don\'t know for sure. But to have sex 2-3 times a day every day of the week is even a bit on the high side for a 25-year-old.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    if you say so.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    I am not talking about sex gods here ....


  11. #71
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Well, just experiment. More/less, etc. I don\'t think ANYONE needs more than once a day though. However, just experiment with it.


  12. #72
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Hey marv, 58 bpm? 54 over here [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  13. #73
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    What is the different between too much masturbating, and too much make love ?

    Is there any survey/graph, what is the normal/safe frequency for each age ?


  14. #74
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    beats me(no pun intended) but sure sounds like they telling me i made love to often.(sure am glad my woman didnt think that way)

  15. #75
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    I was trying to say you might have been sexually more active than the average male. I think that is rather a compliment.


  16. #76
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    wasnt really that hard, once in the morning b4 work and again in the afternoon b4 i went to do my workouts, then sometimes we\'d do it b4 bed r middle of the night, only on weekends did i do it one time after the other, rest of the time was mostly 6-12 hrs apart.

  17. #77
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    Yeah twice a day was typical when I was dating the \"right\" girl (meaning the kind that like it almost as much as I do), once when we went to bed (occassionally twice - or more) & once in the morning (assuming we didn\'t have a marathon session the night before) - every day for months - not that unusual I don\'t think. Man she freaked out when we broke up, haheh - her loss.

  18. #78
    WorldEater Icarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too much of a good thing

    As if to

    share my wisdom on events past...

    Ejaculate 1 a week.

    ...You can\'t be telling me the only reason you have

    sex is to imitate a lawn fountain?...

    Watch your brain get back in gear.


    Um.. this only works if

    you\'ve got a ladyfriend though.

    (but, trust me, the sex gets better)

    Make love, not gravy.


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