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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default Holiday Swing Camp

    Happy Holidays Everyone!

    In about twenty or so min I\'m going to be leaving for a week long Swing Dance Camp about 90 min away. It\'s going to be a little longer than the last one I reported on, plus the emphasis is improving dancing skill rather than competition. I\'m bringing along my entire stock of pheros and plan on testing out some of the combos that I haven\'t extensively tested yet (JB#1 and SOE/RM 7:3). Expect a lengthy report, just like last time, a week or two later (perferbly after my feet stop aching and the room stops spinning [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]).

    For those of you that haven\'t looked at my report on the swing camp in LA, here\'s the link: amp;page=93&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=0&am p;fpart=

    Have a swinging New Year\'s all! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    Hi everyone!

    Here it is just as I said, the posts on my (mis)adventures at a weeklong Swing Dance camp from Dec 26th-Jan 1st. I\'ve been trying to piece things together from my sporadic notes for the past few days. I\'ve also been recovering from a off the dancing that I did. With all of the classes and evening dances counted I think I\'ve clocked around 70 hours of dancing in just under a week (no wonder why my feet still hate me [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] ). Oh and all names have been changed except names of prominant people (namely instructors and prominant dancers) in order to protect their identity (actually more so to protect mine [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ). Anyhow without any further ado . . . .

    <font color=red> Thursday December 26, 2003
    Arrival &amp; Welcome Dance </font color=red>

    After getting turned around north of Seattle, missing the 5:30 ferry, and getting lost somewhere around Port Townsend Newton (driver and friend), Babs (fellow passenger), and I walk into the tail end of the orientation meeting. After getting registered, lugage stowed in my room, and 12\" of SOE rolled on I grab a ride to the Fairgrounds for the opening dance. . . .

    <font color=blue> . . . one hour Into the dance </font color=blue>

    Not a bad night so far. I\'ve had many dances so far thanks to SOE and a few long conversations. Not to shabby, just as long as I don\'t run into Matt from Vancouver with this stuff . . . .

    \"Hey SwingerMD!\"

    Oh crap! I knew it was only a matter of time, \"Hey Matt!\"

    \"It\'s great to see you again! This is so much different than Camp Hollywood in LA . . . .\"

    <font color=blue> . . . fourty-five minutes later </font color=blue>

    \"Well, Matt we really should get to dancing again buddy.\"

    \"Cool. See ya later man.\"

    Phew! I thought he would never stop talking. Now let\'s see . . . who should ask . . . .

    \"Oh hi SwingerMD! You remember me from class, right?\"

    \"Um . . . .\",I look at her name tag at her waist, \"Hi Stacey!\" Hmm . . . now what class I had with her . . . someone this cute would be very hard to forget.

    \"Wanna dance?\"


    Wow. The SOE is really affecting her. She\'s keeping her eyes glued to mine. Let\'s see if she can follow this . . . .

    \"Oh opps. (giggles) I believe I\'m supposed to do this. Sorry about that. I usually a lot more attentive follow . . . .\"

    \"Thanks for the dance. You were such a wonderfull lead.\" She pats me on the ass.


    She then slowly walks away with her eyes on me until she nearly runs into a wall.

    Wow. Once again SOE alone works it\'s magic and gets me a sexual hit! Things are really looking up [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] .

    <font color=red> Friday December 27, 2003
    First Day of Classes
    The Streaking Sweede </font color=red>

    After applying 6\" of SOE and 6\" of PCC I head over to the Chapel for my first class. About 20 people are already there including Newton and Stacey [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/cool.gif[/img] .

    \"Hey Newton! How are ya doing today?\"

    \"Not bad SwingerMD. Hey who do think will be teaching this first class?\"

    \"I don\'t know, but it would be something if Frankie Manning is teaching our first class.\"

    About five minutes before class starts in walks Frankie Manning. For those of you who don\'t know who he is Frankie Manning is one of the Fathers of Swing dance. He was the first to do an aerial back in 1935. He started dancing around 1927 when he was 13 so that would make him 88 years old today.

    \"Alright class let\'s get started.\"

    Cool. This should be a nice relaxed class to start out . . . .

    <font color=blue> . . . One hour and 15 min later. . . . </font color=blue>

    \"(huff) . . .(puff) . . . . Oh my God Newt. He kept on putting on faster and faster tempo music . . . .\"

    \"(huff) . . . . Wow,\" said Newton,\" he ain\'t even, \"motioning his head toward Frankie,\"breaking a sweat yet.\"

    \"No . . .(huff) . . . wonder why people call him the Master Yoda of Swing dancing. He sure can move for an eight-eight year old.\"

    Other than a power outage after lunch which subjected our class to an acapella version of some swing music by our instructors Jason C. and Sylvia S. , the rest of the day was fairly uneventful, except for dinner. At dinner I find myself sitting next to the writer of the camp newseletter tunning in to a very interesting conversation . . . .

    \"You guys are going to get a real kick outta the newsletter that comes out tomorrow at breakfast.\"

    \"What\'s going to be in it?\", asks my neighbor Angela.

    \"Well you know the two Swedish intstructors Eddie and Eva?\"

    Angela nods.

    \"They were just coming back from taking their showers after teaching their afternoon class when they discovered that they had locked their keys in the room.\"

    \"Oh my God?! You\'re kidding me, right?\"

    \"Oh no I\'m not joking. I was around one of the staff members when the call came in on the walkie-talkies.\"

    \"Uh we got another problem over here at the instructors cabin.\"
    \"What is it now?\"
    \"Uh . . . Eddie is on the roof and he is wearing nothing except for a

    Angela, \"Oh whoa!\" (LOL)
    \"I guess he thought that the window to his room was left open so he climbed out of Chazz\'s window. He couldn\'t open the window to his room so he tried to get back in, but it was too slick around Chazz\'s window so he was stuck. Oh and the neighborhood kids had come outside to watch at that time so Chazz started to toss out a pair of boots, shirt, and pants for him to wear. Rob one of the other instructors got some really good pictures of Eddie, when he wasn\'t laughing his ass off.\"

    Angela, \"So is he still up there?\"

    \"No the park Ranger finally came, got him off the roof and back their room. Anyhow . . . (turns to me with a puzzled look on her face) wait a sec.. Aren\'t you one of the staff members. You look familiar.\"

    \"Who me? I\'m not one of the staff members. I do know a lot of people on staff and I do hang around them a lot though.\" Hmm must be the SOE and the PCC. They\'re still working after nine hours. Wow.

    Before the dance starts I put on 12\" of SOE and two drops of RM behind the ears. Nothing out of the ordinary to report except for many people I danced with that night (lost count after 15). I also had a guy from Ventura, CA that I just met yesturday take me aside to a quiet corner (he did mention that he was shy about sharing his story with someone else) completely open up to me about why he started to dance.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    Thanks Swinger great read [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    Did you wear any cologne with your SOE?

  4. #4
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    Eagerly awaiting the next installation...

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp


    Nope. SOE alone has a great smell, although it does mesh well with a little bit of RM [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] .

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    Try adding alter ego to the mix if you have it, say a 1:1:1 ratio as this balances out the clash of SOE and RM. Just a little something i learned when trying to mix the two up.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp


    The Old AE or the New AE or it doesn\'t matter?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    <font color=red> Saturday Dec. 28, 2003
    The Pain of Tap Dancing
    Testing KR#1 </font color=red>

    Now that I have exposed everyone to SOE and PCC in my classes, it\'s now time to start adding some -none into the mix. Before leaving for breakfast I spray on 3 shots of TE from that nifty 2ml sample atomizer plus 4\" of SOE on each arm.

    I find a seat in the cafeteria next to my friend Newton. That\'s funny. He looks a bit worried.

    \"Hey Newton. What\'s wrong?\", I ask.

    \"Morning SwingerMD. Our core class is going to be short four follows . . . .\"


    \"Yeah kinda bad isn\'t it, especially since the class had one lead extra yesturday. I was at the level challege last night and heard someone that four follows that challeged from our level moved into the intermediate class.\"

    \"And no leads?\"

    \"Nope. I tried and . . ., \"look down at his feet, \"I just couldn\'t seem to do anything right. BTW did you challenge?\"

    \"Me? Nope I\'m . . . uh . . . I mean I was satisfied with my level placement. Besides, they said that they bumped our level up to be equal with the Intermediates since there were so many of us intermediates and very few true beginers in our class. Do you know who moved up?\"

    Newton shakes his head.

    \"Hmm . . . this is not good news.\"

    Yes that\'s four less ladies to test my pheros on. That\'s bad news indeed. Of course it get\'s worse by the end of our first class . . . .

    \"Newt. Have you seen Stacey around this morning? I wonder if she slept in.\"

    \"I did see her last night at the challenge,\" replied Newton.


    Anyhow my worst fears were confirmed in the combined class with the intermediates after lunch. She moved up and seems to be hanging around this other guy in her class. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    Right before dinner I\'m headed off for the first elective class that I chose which is Tap I. On my way to class I run into a friend of mine, Matt, who I meet in a six hour Hip-Hop workshop last September. Remembering how much he hated that class I couldn\'t resist.

    \"So Matt. Did ya sign up for that Hip-Hop class with Jason?, \"I winked.

    Matt puts his hands on the sides of his face, \"(Gasp) Oh my God! I musta forgot. You headed for Tap class?\"

    I nod.

    \"Kewl. I\'m going their myself. I luv tap dancing [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] . You\'ve done it before?\"

    \"Nope. But since this is just a level one class, it shouldn\'t be too bad.\"

    An hour and fifteen minutes later I found myself hobbling out the door in pain.

    \"$*!% my feet hurt! Man, I got my ass kicked, stepped on, heel dropped, shuffle stepped, then handed back to me!\"

    \"So, \"grinned Matt, \"did you sign up for Tap II?\"

    I put my hands on my face, \"(Gasp) Ya know. I musta forgot!\"

    After dinner I toss my hard leather shoes into the corner of my room and take out my other dancing shoes, a pair of Keds. After duct taping the bottoms (hard core lindy hoppers do this to regular shoes in lieu of having suede leather put on by a cobbler) and slipping in some cross training inner soles I\'m ready to dance some more.

    Before headed off to the theater to watch some old movie clips before tonight\'s dance, I mix up a batch of KR#1, SMD#1 (mix of SOE/RM 7:3, <font color=blue> I hope y\'all don\'t mind me naming this mix </font color=blue> ), and JB#1. With four dances left I going to test one mix per dance then choose the most successful mix for the New Year\'s Eve dance. Tonight I\'m testing KR#1, tomorrow SMD#1, and then on Monday I\'ll test JB#1.

    After applying about 6\" of KR#1 all around I head out to the theater. At the dance it was pretty much a repeat of the night before, although there were at least five people that mistook me for staff security. How strange [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] .

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    I would have said Male or female versions. I prefer the newer version though.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    <font color=red> Sunday Dec. 29, 2002
    Ride the Pony </font color=red>

    Since I have a Balboa (follows are in very close) class this morning I put on two drops of RM before I head off. Nothing out of the ordinary to report from the Balboa class except for one gal that was DIOSL and 5-6 follows that I danced with were taking deep whiffs from my neck. Nothing else of note happend until the last class before dinner with was The Big Apple with Frankie Manning.

    We paired off in couples. My friend Newton got paired with Stacey (Darn it!) and me, I got paired with this cute 4\'10\" Japanese gal from Tokyo.

    \"Hi I\'m Kimiko Watanabe.\"

    \"Hiya, \"I said shaking her hand, \"I\'m SwingerMD from Seattle.\"

    \"Hey Everyone! Gather \'round in a circle. Now how many of you know what the Big Apple is? (A few hands go up) Hmm . . . \'couple ya. . . . Well the Big Apple is a group dance that got started around the Ninteen Twenies at the Big Apple Night Club in Columbia, South Carolina. I met one of the original Big Apple dancers. She now lives in Florida and is in her nineties, but she\'s still Truckin\' around (LOL). Now the first thing that y\'all need to do is to make some noise . . . .\"

    We then went into a series of Jazz steps and swing dance steps from that era. My partner seemed quite in awe of Frankie until . . . .\"

    \"Ok the next move is \'Spank the Baby\'.\"

    She turned toward me and shot me a \"Say what!?\" look. Of course that didn\'t compare to her reaction to the dance step that came a few dance steps later.

    \"Ok folks were are now going to do \'Ride the Pony\'.\"

    She turned to me and asked, \"What did he just say?\"

    \"Ok folks this is what you do. First the lead . . . .\"

    \"Oh my . . . . [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] \"

    Room and Board at this Swing Camp - $300
    Classes and Night time Dances - $300
    The Disposable Camera I used to capture this moment - $15
    The look on Kimiko\'s face when Frankie and Jodi demonstrated \"Ride the Pony\" - PRICELE$$ [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    <font color=red> A Night to Remember </font color=red>

    Before heading off to the dance I put on about 8\"-10\" of SMD#1. When dancing, there are some nights that you can\'t just get into the music. There are those nights go well. Then there are nights when you are on fire. The band was really swinging and there was a wonderfull mood in the air (probably my SMD#1 [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ). Hell, I got pulled back out onto the dance floor at least four times that night on my way out to door to cool off for a bit. Things seem to really take off after my dance with Stacey. I spotted her coming into the dance about 30 min after it started. The guy in her level that was hanging around her yesturday was with her and stayed within 15\' from her dancing with her every other song at the very least. So when he turned his back to chat with someone I slipped right in.

    \"Hey Stacey. Wanna dance?\"

    \"Sure. Whoa this is a bit fast.\"

    \"Alright then, we\'ll do this.\"

    \"Oh wow Shag. I haven\'t done this for a while. . . .\"

    In fact I don\'t think I\'ve seen anyone in this camp do Collegigate Shag yet. There aren\'t any classes on it either. Anyhow I was able to hit all the breaks and have her follow in some interesting moves, one of which I just made up on the spot. All in all, it was just plain awesome!

    \"(Pant) . . . Oh my God SwingerMD! That was so wonderful!\" She then pulls me into hug and plants a long wet kiss on my cheek.\"


    Her gaze lingers on me as she walks towards the door to rest. I start to stumble after her when . . . .

    \"Hey do you wanna dance?\"

    \"Uh . . . I\'m actually going to get a breath of . . . .\"

    \"Come on it will only take a minute. I was just watching you. What dance where you doing? It was . . . .\"

    I also got quite a few compliments from my fellow leads on my dancing skills that night.

    \"Hey SwingerMD!\"

    \"Wassup Trent!\"

    \"Hey I saw you doing that interesting dance a little while ago. What was that?\"

    \"It\'s called the collegiate shag. It was popular in the 1930s for about five years.\"

    \"It looks so cool. Say, who\'s lipstick is that . . . ?\"

    I even got a compliment from a friend of mine that has been dancing for over six years.

    \"SwingerMD I am so surprised at how much I\'ve seen your dancing skills progress. Man, you\'re further along than I was at 2 years of experience.\"

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    <font color=red> Monday Dec. 30, 2002
    The Competition is Heating Up </font color=red>

    \"(Yawn) What a great night was! Since today is JB#1 day I\'ll put on 1 drop max for now and put the bottle in my pack if I need it later. Wait a min what about that anti-passover idea from the forum.\" Before I leave for class I spread about 5 drops of JB#1 on the outside of my door.

    Later in the combined class before dinner . . . .

    There\'s Stacey and the dude that\'s been hanging around her. Now why is he taking so long to get out onto the floor.

    \"Okay leads rotate clockwise.\"

    Hey wait a sec . . . he\'s taking her just to the right of me so that I probably won\'t get to dance with her. Well two can play at this game.

    \"Okay. Rotate again.\"

    I\'ll just get out of the rotation to take a sip of water and put myself to the right of Stacey just after the next rotation.

    \"Hi Stacey! How ya doing?\"

    \"Wonderful SwingerMD!\"

    \"BTW you did a great job following me last night,\" I pull her in for a hug and kiss her lightly on the cheek, \"Thank you.\"

    \"Uh . . . I [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img] . . . um . . . .\"

    I look over her shoulder and see the other dude turning bright red. Whoa he looks ready to come over and fight. Nothing happens until dinner when he tries to spill his tray of food on me. Unfortunately for the gal sitting behind me, he gets her instead. Unfortuantely for him her boyfriend doesn\'t seem to be in a very good mood. You know it could be because of the two drops of JB#1 that just put on [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] .

    \"SwingerMD. That cologne you just put on smells pretty good. What is it?\"

    I turn towards my neighbor a 30 year old asian male named James, \"This? Its a colonge blend that a friend gave me for Christmas.\"

    \"Mind if I try some?\"

    \"Sure go right ahead.\"

    \"Hey what does this JB#1 stand for?\"

    \"The JB is his initials and the #1 is his first blend that he put together. Oh whoa dude that\'s enough. It\'s very strong. All you need is about 2-4 drops.\"

    \"Thanks I . . . \"James looks up and sees his wife Sara coming out of the food line and waves at her, \"Sara over here.\"

    \"Hey I\'ll see you two later at the dance tonight.\"

    \"See you then SwingerMD.\"

    <font color=red> Locked Out </font color=red>

    After doing a load of laundry I find myself scrambling out of my room, \"Man I\'m 1/2 hour late for the Cabaret in the Theater. Hmm . . . I should be able to hear my keys . . . Wait a sec, \"I start emptying my pockets, \"Sh*t!!!! I locked my keys in my room!\"

    After talking to staff at the Cabaret, I find out that every dorm wing has person that has a master key. I decide to head back to my dorm before the dance and wait outside this person\'s door. After a few min after sitting down outside my door, one of my neighbors pops out his door.

    \"Hey dude why the long face?\"

    \"I locked my keys in my room.\"

    \"Bummer. Oh my names Nate from Vancouver B.C. and this, \"opens the door to his room wider and motions to an asian male, \"is my friend Mark.\"

    A few minutes later another neighbor pops by.

    \"Hey guys. Are we having a hallway party here. You know this is the first time I\'ve seen any of my neighbors.\"

    \"That\'s because we\'re all usually sleepin\' by the time we all get back, \"said Nate.

    Five minutes later four more people stop buy.

    \"Hey is that Barbie Girl. I haven\'t heard that since highschool!\"

    By the time 10:30 pm rolls around there are at least ten people in the hallway doing the Electric Slide. I wonder if it\'s because of the JB#1 I put on the door this morning.

    \"Hey dude. Looks like she (person with master key) is probably over at the dance. I\'ll give you a ride over.\"

    Once at the dance I immediately hunt down the person that has the master key for our dorm section and make sure that I\'m leaving with her around 2 am. The rest of the dance is very uneventful. In fact I think I only danced with about 5-8 people. The music was defiantely uninspiring and I think my mood was definately soured by worrying about sleeping outside my room. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  12. #12
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    Cool story Swinger!

    Glad you had a fun time.

    How would you sum up the type of reactions you got from SMD#1? It looks like you were the center of a lot of positive attention.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp


    Thanks man! Glad that you are enjoying it. The reactions that I got from SMD#1 were very strong. But I believe the important thing is that my attitude that night really amplified the effects. The music was just electrifying and I had one great dance after another. It just pigplied up. The events that happened on New Year\'s Eve point to this too (Y\'all stay tuned [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ).

    It\'s all about the <font color=red> ATTITUDE </font color=red> .

  14. #14
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    A lot of it has to do with Attitude it is very important to max out reactions that are very strong, havent heard of SMD#1 before though ?

    Do you have an update swinger MD.

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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp


    CptKipling was responding to part of the story post from this thread that I posted on 1/10/03:

    Before headed off to the theater to watch some old movie clips before tonight\'s dance, I mix up a batch of KR#1, SMD#1 (mix of SOE/RM 7:3, <font color=blue> I hope y\'all don\'t mind me naming this mix </font color=blue> ), and JB#1. With four dances left I going to test one mix per dance then choose the most successful mix for the New Year\'s Eve dance. Tonight I\'m testing KR#1, tomorrow SMD#1, and then on Monday I\'ll test JB#1.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    Of course not SMD#1 sounds great i just name mixes that i use and havent been named yet. Let us know what the most successful mix is for u out of KR#1, SMD#1 and JB#1.

    Breakdown thoughts on each etc.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    Tuesday Dec. 31, 2002
    <font color=red> And the Winner is . . . </font color=red>

    . . . the SOE/RM 7:3 mix SMD#1. That\'s what I\'m going to be wearing tonight [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] . But before I head off for breakfast, about 8\" of SOE on my arms should be enough for the morning and classes before luch. Oh and just to see if yesturday\'s hall party repeats itself, 2 drops of JB#1 on the door should be good enough.

    Ten minutes later I find myself in a nearly empty mess hall. My friend Xander waves me over to a table occupied by him and a couple that look like they had just come back from late night/early morning dancing at the USO ( <font color=blue> BTW did I mention that this camp was held at Ft. Warden State park. The place where they filmed \"An Officer and a Gentleman. </font color=blue> )

    \"Hey Xander! Looks like everyone went to the late night dance last night. Did you go?\"

    \"Yeah, I only stayed until one o\'clock. SwingerMD I\'d like you to meet Bruce and Sharon from Ventura, CA. Bruce, Sharon, this is SwingerMD one of my friends from Seattle.\"

    \"(Yawn) . . . pleased to meet ya. (Yawn) . . . oh my. I\'m sooo tired.\"

    \"You guys must have gone to late night. Know what time they stoped?\"

    \"No idea. We were there until two this morning. It\'s just our neighbors were very noisy . . . .\"

    \"My Lord those walls are thin. They started going at it just after we came back from dinner yesturday and were still at it when we got back at two. Nice couple. They\'ve been quiet all week until now.\"

    Naw it couldn\'t be . . . could it? \"Do you know what their names are?\"

    \"Hmm . . . can\'t remember. Honey?\"

    \"I can\'t either Shar . . . very nice asian couple from Vancouver B.C. . . .\"

    Oh my God [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] could!

    <font color=red> Toshicoshisoba </font color=red>

    Several hours later at dinner, seeing an open spot next to Kimiko I head over with a plate piled high with turkey and fixings.

    \"Kimiko, is this seat taken?\"

    \"No, go right ahead.\"

    Within the next few minutes the rest of the Japanese Lindy Hoppers find a seat at our table. So far they pretty much have been avoiding me at camp (not unusual). I\'ve been around other groups of Japanese before and they aren\'t usually this talkative, friendly and relaxed around me. Perhaps it\'s the SOE I put on in the bathroom just five minutes ago.

    \"Waa, sugoi ne!\" exclaims my neighbor across the table.

    I look at her and shrug, \"It\'s been a long day and I\'m very hungry. Besides I don\'t plan to sleep tonight.\"

    \"Do you have a koopu for hot water?\" asks another.

    \"Huh? Uh . . . I left my starbucks container back in my room.\"

    \"She, \"motions to my neighbor across the table, \"needs it for this, \"pulls out a container of instant yakisoba.

    \"What\'s that for?\"asks Raymond, a friend from Boston sitting next to me.

    \"It\'s Toshicoshisoba. It\'s tradition to eat it before the New Year to bring luck in the coming year.\"

    \"Isn\'t that supposed to be the buckwheat noodles?\" I ask.

    \"It doesn\'t have to be anymore, \"says Kimiko. \"In fact my family no longer does this.\"

    \"Would you guys like some?\"

    Raymond smiles and nods his head.

    \"Sure, but I\'ll only have a little. Kinda full right now.\"

    <font color=red> The Night Starts to Warm Up </font color=red>

    After dinner I head back to my room to dress in my suit, bow tie, and black hat. After some thinking over I decide to risk pain and wear my black leather shoes just to match. Besides I can always change out of them before late night at the USO. Hearing music in the hallway I peak out and see Nate and ten other people jamming to music from his portable system.

    \"Hey SwingerMD! (Whistles low) Lookin\' sharp there buddy! Hey is that a clip on?\"

    I walk up to Nate and give my tie a tug, \"Nope it\'s the real thing. Not too many people know how to tie these on.\"

    \"Wow. I\'m sure there\'ll be at lot of people that will dance with you tonight!

    All of the women in the hallway voice their approval.

    \"See there are five already here that want to dance with you already. Need a ride to the fairgrounds?\"

    \"Thanks man, \"I shut my door and make it a point to show him that I\'m putting the keys into my pocket, \"I learned my lesson. Not gonna be locked out tonight!\"

    \"(LOL) Dude at least you didn\'t end up on the roof with nothin\' but a towel like Eddie!\"

    <font color=red> Et Tu Newton </font color=red>

    About an hour and 1/2 (10:30 pm) into the dance I\'ve already dance with at least 15-20 people. The music is great and the joint is jumpin\'! I wonder where Stacey is? Oh there she is. Wow! She looks so gorgeous in the red dress.

    \"Hey Stacey!\"


    I turn around and there\'s Newton.

    \"I\'ve been lookin\' all over for ya. I\'m really sorry about doing this to you and Babs. . . .\"

    \"What\'s wrong?\"

    \"Well . . . I lent my car to a friend that had an emergency back in Seattle that they had to take care of today. So you and Babs are going to have to find rides back to Seattle.\"

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] !?

    \"I\'m really, really sorry about this. Tell you what, I\'m going to see if I can find you two rides back. I\'m sure someone will since there a lot of people from Seattle here.\"

    Why does it feel like something else is going on here? Maybe I should go talk to Babs. So about 1/2 hour and five people asked for a ride later, I find her.

    \"Hey Babs, something bad has come up. Did Newton tell you?\"

    \"No he didn\'t. What\'s going on?\"

    \"He lent his car to someone that had a emergency to take car of so we both have to find a ride back.\"

    \"Oh that. I already found a ride.\"

    \"When did he tell you?\"

    \"During lunch.\"

    During lunch!? Something very fishy is going on here. We both had two classes together after lunch. I also sat down right next to him after I finished dinner to ask him about when I should come by with my bags. I left after ten minutes since he was busy talking to this one gal. I\'m sure he saw me waiting. (Sigh) Guess there is nothing I can do but ask people if I can get a ride back.

    \"Sorry SwingerMD. I\'m not headed back until Saturday. I got errands to run for my parents in Poulsbo. You know I\'d be really pissed if I had to find a ride.\"

    And ask . . . .

    \"Sorry dude, but I can only carry your luggage or you. Not both. You\'d strap yourself to my bumper? (LOL)\"

    And ask . . . .

    \"Sorry man my car is filled with luggage from people in my group. Oh they\'re starting the countdown. Here\'s a party popper.\"

    And ask . . . .

    \"You know what man I\'ll take you up on that coke . . . . A favor? Sorry I got no room. The lounge opens up at 7 am after late night is over here. Check the rider board there when it opens.\"

    And finally at 4 am . . . .

    \"Sure I\'ve got plenty of room.\"

    \"Thanks Eric. Yippie!! Now I feel like dancin\'!\"

    About 1 hour and ten dances later I find myself a spot off the floor to lay down, rest, and think. This has definately been different than the other swing camp. Lots of focus on improving. Unlike last time I\'m not going home with any ladies as my e-mail pals. In fact I haven\'t heard from Aya Smith (the forum member that I met down in LA) or Emma in a while [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img] . I\'m also going to have to keep a close eye on Newton. I\'m getting the strange impression that he was trying to sabotage my fun on New Year\'s Eve. Perhaps things will be better this year. Anyhow I just like back, get some shut eye and enjoy the company of this woman who just put their arm . . . !? . . . . Oh whoa! There\'s this young cute woman that just layed down next to me and is snuggling in close [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] . Wow. Things are looking up already . . . . [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    What kind of results did you get while using KR#1?

    - Krish

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp


    I was getting asked to dance more than normal and I think I was mistaken about five times for Camp staff.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    <font color=red> The Aftermath </font color=red>

    It has been a little over two weeks since dance camp. Since then my feet have finally forgiven me and I have been taking another dance class with three members of my class at camp Xander, Newton, and Nancy (beautiful dark haired woman). I even took the opportunity to hand each of them a copy of the class picture that we all took on the last day. Unfortunately, I have more evidence to back up my suspicions about Newton. I had promised Nancy that I\'d give her a copy after class, but before I can hand her a copy Newton intercepted me and said, \"Oh, I already gave her my copy.\" And took the copy that I was about to give Nancy.

    Hmm . . . what to do . . . what to do?

  21. #21
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    Hmmm... Do U think Newton likes you? . [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] LOL

  22. #22
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp

    Excellent posts too BTW.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Holiday Swing Camp


    Thanks [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] . Hmm . . . ya know I haven\'t thought about it that way, LOL. Anyhow, I wasn\'t event trying to impress Nancy, I was just being myself. Hmm . . . been thinking . . . Newton are pretty good friends and we hang around quite a bit . . . I wonder if all of the single gals in class were asking him about me? That most certainly make him jealous. (Shrug) Oh, well I\'ll keep y\'all posted if anything interesting develops.

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