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  1. #1

    Default Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Most pheromones take more than looks to get a woman conversing. A powerful smile, the right body language and smalltalk are probably a must to get a reaction from a woman.

    This is what puzzles me. How can people attribute women looking at them to their use of pheromones. This is utter stupidity in my opinion. More than likely what is happening is that pheromones cause the bearer to make more eye contact by increasing confidence. By making more eye contact (looking around) the bearer notices things they wouldn\'t of picked up on otherwise, like women making eye contact with them. All along the women probably looked its just that the bearer without mones didn\'t make eye contact as often.

    In fact if we say its mones then it means their vno\'s picked up the sense from 10-20 or more feet. Ridiculous! Most people agree that a man has to add to the pheromone effect in close quarters (conversational distance) by smiling and talking. From close distances after a conversation is initiated and time passes I can see their vnos absorbing some of the mones.

    But quick glances from afar probably have little to do with mones. If that was the case women would probably rape men when inhaling it from touching distance.

    What are your opinions?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Yunno I was thinking the exact same thing. I had women stare me down from a second floor in the mall when I was on the first floor. That could not possibly be the mones. It seems like when a person wears mones they look out to see who is watching them. If a normal person who does not where the mones they are not on the look out for DIHL and do not notice them. I was wondering what was the smelling distance for this stuff too. It seems that I have to be on a persons neck in order for them to smell me. Weird!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Gotta disagree here. As a young guy I tend to look around anyway. Check out the chicks and try to get that eye contact going. Now I agree that some distances are a bit far and you can\'t attribute everything to pheromones but I know for a fact that when I walk on that bus wearing pheromones and women\'s heads snap to get a look at me. I know something\'s up because women don\'t normally care if I\'m even around. I could faint by a group of women and would have a better chance of a guy helping me out, but since the mones it\'s all different. I\'m getting eye contact and the smiles are nice too. I can walk up to a woman on the street now and say hi and get a smile instead of that \"why are you talking to me\" look.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Plenty of time spent using pheromones and not using pheromones and noting the differnece and then using pheromones and completley ignoring the women and still getting whistles and the like i think the thing with distance is with one that is close female looking at you or several and then someone in the distance sees this and looks at you as well like if you see a car blow up at close distance and you go to check it out and then someone who is death who has a blocked view seeing you instead running looking distressed or worried etc coming to check out what you are checking out also referred to as the mob mentality one does it and it works so other check out what they are doing as well. simple i see someone doing something im interested in go and have a closer look its our old survival instinct kicking in simple as that

  5. #5

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance


    Are you sure the mones just didn\'t affect your aura which consequently because more manly and had women take notice of that?

    Are you certain to attribute their reaction to their vno\'s as opposed to their reaction to YOUR reaction of the mones?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance


    I believe humans rely on their sense of sight 100 times more than their sense of smell. You may notice a babe 30 feet away but its probably cause she\'s hot looking as opposed to hot smelling. If your a male babe them from far distances i\'m willing to bet if eye contact is made its because of the good looks.

    Moths may mate at the drop of a mone, but humans have evolved beyond moths [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] If you can give me some solid evidence how a womans vno can pick up phermones from 20+ feet away I\'ll be willing to open my mind up. Give me some links or something. I\'ll surely follow up. Thanks

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    I’m in the same boat as Jambat (maybe worse). Without pheros I can stand at a counter for several minutes, while clerks pass within a foot of me without even acknowledging my existence. With pheromones, I can walk into a bar, coffee shop, restaurant, etc. and heads turn from many feet away. (These effects are independent of how I dress or feel. And I never make a point of checking out who’s checking me out.)

    We have evolved a large neo-cortex which gives us a much greater degree of freedom from instinctive drives than other animals. But there is no scientific evidence, that I know of, which indicates we have LOST the basic drives found in other primates. On the contrary, studies of chimp societies indicate that we haven’t evolved nearly as much as we like to think.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Im agreeing with you on that one, our basic drives still determine our first reaction the higher consciousness hasnt quite evolved far enought yet just look at all the wars that we have going on murders, rapes, shootings this indicates some sort of basic drive still in operation and it is itneresting to note that a very large percentages of murderers lose their memory of the incident I INTEND TO keep this discussion based firmly in the scientific area as this will blow the sceptics out of the water as all they do is shoot off and think they can get away with it like politicans we know with NLP how this is done and do employ it ourselves from time to time, but having that knowledge gives us some freedom to keep it level headed and able to keep on the right track and avoid the mass hysteria of those dark elements so to speak, im thinking of neo-tech principles here on how to keep those who used to flourish in check and thrive ourselves

  9. #9

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    ... so does anyone of you actually know from how far away pheros have an effect? 1 m, 3 m, 10 m??

  10. #10

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    You could always walk by the girl you want to meet, let her SNAP her neck around then sit at a distance and reel her in. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] That happened to me on the weekend, walked by a complete babe at the bar, her neck looked like the girl in the Exorcist movie, snapped towards the right and as I walked by, snapped to the left so hard and fast that I could’ve sworn it went around the other way. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    She couldn’t take her eyes off me all night and she followed me around a bit, making tons of eye contact whenever she could. Problem was that my sights were set on a cuter girl who said hi to me, sorry babe maybe next time. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

    [ August 28, 2001: Message edited by: Dylan ]

  11. #11
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance


    It\'s easy to believe that pheros have this kind of \"range\" if you consider examples we see in nature.

    Surely you\'ve heard stories of male dogs that have crashed through windows or storm doors to go mate with a female in heat many blocks or even miles away.

    Aren\'t you willing to credit SOME of your fellow humans with at least a degree of this same ability? Granted,some of us probably have totally useless VNO\'s, but surely not all of us have so sadly (d)evolved.

    Also human females are reputed to have much keener olfactory senses than males.Would it then not stand to reason that their auxiliary-olfactory senses were more acute as well?.

    To give you an idea just how quickly the human VNO responds to stimulation,and just how little a quantity of pheromones is needed,check out the Pheromone News E-Zine back issue from April 1999.You can click your way there from the Love-Scent page.

    Hell,...if the wind is right,WHO KNOWS how far away your pheros may be picked up!

    ...may the wind be always at your back,..... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    It doesn\'t happen to me all the time, but I have noticed females turning to look at me for no reason. This has happened in halls at the University where I work, as well as at K-mart, and at distances of up to about 25 feet. I do not have an explanation for this, as I tend to move rather quietly and they SHOULDN\'T know I am there.

    What\'s REALLY strange though, is when I\'m in the car and a female obviously gets her attention grabbed. It\'s not the usual looking around that we all do at the traffic light; it\'s a very distinct LOOKING AT ME.


  13. #13

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    I can only speak of the experience where I was affected by a woman with pheromones on (in a previous post) It was 10 to 15 feet. That was part of my surprize reaction when I found out what was really going on.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Effective distance isn\'t a simple matter of how many feet--there are too many variables.

    I think we\'re underestimating effect of various air currents that move minute scent particles over great distances. I\'ve seen women affected at a distance of 50-60 feet when the A/C vents moved air past me toward them. It took a few minutes, but I saw it happen repeatedly -- at this publishing conferences, women would turn away from one booth, look in the direction of where I was sitting without seeing me, and wander toward me, gazing around. When they got closer, they locked in on me, and I got the DIHL, etc. I realized that they always came from the same direction, never from the right or left.

    The same could happen at a traffic light--even with the windows closed. As your ventilation system blows out your phero scent, her car\'s ventilation system inhales it, and blows it in her face. She looks around for the source, and there\'s your studly self next to her. And she\'s wondering how you worked your mojo on her...

    I think our VNO sense may even approach the directional sensitivity of a bloodhound\'s nose, but we\'ve forgotten how to use it on a conscious level.

    So, as has been repeated a zillion times on this board, there is no simple, one-size-fits-all answer. There are too many variables. Effective phero use requires thought, and experimentation, and patience. And, since those things only come with maturity, some guys will never get it.

    Writer Guy
    old as dirt

  15. #15

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    i let my hair grow a lot, it can cover my eyes on the sides, and i act kind of cool but shy at the same time and that works a lot!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Im thinking it is still very sensitive because it is designed to sense only a certain type of scent, sort of like cats with ceratin scents but they ignore others.

    Must be in humans that it is still very active in those that can sense androgens. Just my thoughts.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Writer Guy:

    Pheromones make up a low percentage of the air we breathe especially from far distances in traffic. How do you account for all the other smells the women take in like pollution, gas, heck even pollen!

    Do you think a small does of pheromones from so far away could really affect a person?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance


  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    OHHHHHHHHHH... Okay...

    It seems to vary. I\'ve seen the reactions both IMMEDIATELY, as well as after a few minutes. I\'ll leave the bio and psych to those who know them better, but it SEEMS that it takes different amounts of time for people to REGISTER what they may be getting.


  20. #20

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Pheros aren\'t consciously smelled, they\'re unconsiously sensed by the VNO.

    The sense of smell really doesn\'t enter into it--the VNO deep in the nose is designed specifically to sense the faintest molecules of pheromones in the air. Other smells may distract, but the VNO only picks up the pheromones.

    You\'re right, though, to some degree, about the time/distance thing. Those phero molecules move on air currents, and I don\'t think they can leap 60 feet in an instant.

    But air currents are subtle things. Most clubs have A/C systems that will suck air in when the door opens, and the air moves to the rear where the air intakes are. Your phero molecules can move through the room faster than you walk, and affect women across the room before they can reasonably be expected to consciously \"smell\" anything.


  21. #21

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    If these pheromones are based on vno and nothing else, can an ugly fat slob, whose dressed like a bum, has messy hair and a potbelly, hope to attract a woman with a good vno sense, because he wearing pheromones?

    Its got to make you wonder what % of the attraction comes from mones...

  22. #22
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance


    The answer is yes. It works for me.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  23. #23
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Don Juan,
    Yes for me too (except for the fat and the belly). I dress like bum, have a big nose, drive an economy car, and my personality (I\'ve been told) is not terribly endearing.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Well, I gotta admit that I\'m fighting \"the battle of the bulge\" too, though I\'m not Barry White... I\'d say I\'m average; I already know what I\'m going to look like when I get to my 70s, assuming I do, of course...
    Oddly I get a better reaction when I tell a girl \"I brought the Metro,\" than when I have the Seville parked outside... That\'s one I just do NOT understand...
    As for the pheros kicking in, THEY DO! Trust me [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] on that... I\'ve seen just much to say it\'s anything else that got the conversation started, though I find it difficult to find females who are into the same things I am (unfortunaely, mostly via the Web). I mean, really, when\'s the last time you heard girls talking about the possibility that the Great Pyramid may have been a power plant, or the seven mountains of Atlantis being the present-day islands of Indonesia? I\'m not into (sport)ball, Mtv, Ecstasy, the Dave Matthews Band, or the usual stuff...

    It has to be the pretzels, er, pheros! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  25. #25

    Default Re: Sensing pheromones from a distance

    Well, speaking as a middle-aged, bearded, chunky guy who\'s using pheros for business purposes rather than sexual conquests, I\'ve seen this effect--young women staring at me glassy-eyed, breathing erraticly, wondering madly why they\'re feeling so warm about a guy who looks like their dad.

    Are they attracted by the pheros? I\'d say yes. But could I make a move and get lucky? No--I look like Daddy.

    If I were a rich and powerful lowlife cradlerobber (Condit, Clinton) some pathetic young things might confuse their need for Daddy\'s attention with sexual attraction and cross the line. But I\'m neither rich, powerful, or a lowlife cradlerobber. I don\'t look at women or girls with that in mind, and they can see that, so they feel safe in being friendly with me.

    But to answer your question, Don Juan, the pheros only kick open the door. The rest of you --looks and personality -- has to close the sale.

    Writer Guy

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