some random thoughts for you all... please feel free to respond

random thought #1:
if we naturally smell pheromones in picking a mate, then are the ones who\'s pheromones are best for us the ones that we \"fall in love with\"? if so, then isn\'t wearing synthetic pheromones making you someone else in the other person\'s eyes (or nse or VNO)? maybe if someone wouldn\'t have normally picked us as a potential mate, then maybe we really shouldn\'t be with that person.

random thought #2:
a lot of women like facial hair on a guy, although they complain about the way it scratches their skin (if you\'ve ever had a cat lick your arm with it\'s sandpaper-like tongue, you know this is a valid complaint for women). hair detains pheromones. is it possible that besides giving off the \"testosterone\" look, that facial hair makes a man more attractive beacuse it holds his pheromones? plus, it owuld be right up there in a woman\'s face while he\'s talking to her.