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  1. #1
    Enlightened One
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    Default SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Ok is there any ideas or correlations on cigarette/tobacco/cigar smoking and pheromones.

    Biological, nervous, behavioural, mental, experimental, leveling also. Anyone got any ideas comments etc.

    A good thread for those creative or sciencetific types out there.

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Smoking is pretty hard on the sence of smell in general, which may be the reason for the loss of libido in smokers.

  3. #3
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    I know one thing I try to avoid in a woman, smoking. Bad smell, bad taste... blah!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Seriously, I don\'t care for ANY smoker. In this day and age, knowing how bad smoking is for yourself and your environment, on top of several other inconveniences, how can you still smoke without a feeling of guilt? Get help if you\'re addicted and cannot manage to stop.

  5. #5
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Its a shame that so many people my age think it makes them look popular or accepted, quite pathetic really. I do have some sympathy for those hooked from peer pressure, but you CAN always give up.

  6. #6
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Soz Watcher, wandered a bit off topic. Never come accross any linkages myself.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    I actually got some people of my age out of their smoking habit. Most of them just admitted that they smoked because it made them look tougher. Really, I hate how smoking is said to make people look cool. Just look in a smoker\'s eyes: arrogance all the way. Addicted, stinking, etc.

  8. #8

    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    > Seriously, I don\'t care for ANY smoker. In this day and age, knowing > how bad smoking is for yourself and your environment, on top of > several other inconveniences, how can you still smoke without a > feeling of guilt? Get help if you\'re addicted and cannot manage to > stop.

    Some defense for the smokers on the board...

    It\'s not a matter of knowing that it\'s bad. I\'m a smoker and yes, I know it\'s bad for me. I guess you just have to be addicted to know what smokers go through. It\'s not as easy as just saying \"OK, I won\'t smoke anymore\". There are serious side-effects to nicotine withdrawal. I like using the obesity-analogy when non-smokers say stuff like this: Why can\'t you just stop eating (unhealthy foods, too much)? You know it\'s bad for you. Why don\'t you just stop?

    You can tell a smoker that cigerettes are made of cat sh!t and they will still smoke them.

    I don\'t smoke because I think it makes me look cool. I smoke because I have to.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    THAT I do understand: smoking because you have to, troubles me less then smoking to look cool of whatever as you don\'t really have much control over you own will as opposed to your addiction. But nobody HAS to smoke in the first place. If you really need them badly, then you must realize that there is a dependancy problem. Who likes to be a servant of their (bad) habits. The cigarettes control you, not the other way around, if you really NEED them.

    Look, either way, I think I\'m lucky when it comes to whatever addiction: I\'m not addicted to cigarettes, drugs, (never even TRIED either of those; don\'t plan to do so either) I can easily control my eating behaviour, play sports from time to time. I think that when it comes to my individual life-style, I\'m rather a lucky guy. I understand the difficulty of having to quit an addictive habit. There are a lot of methods to help you quit, there\'s bound to be at least one that\'ll work for you.

    Personally, I don\'t really care that other people shorten their lives by having nasty, uncontrollable habits, that really undermine their health. I say that if you choose for it, face the consequenses. Everyday, new dangers are added to the list of smoker diseases. I cannot understand how people still can PICK UP smoking nowadays. If you\'re a smoker already, then get help. My main problem with smokers is not being able to go where I want without having to breathe the smoke emitted by cigarettes. I don\'t want other people to endanger MY health.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    As a recent ex-smoker, I can tell you all about giving up but for me it was probably easier than for others because I was not psychologically addicted, just physically. A combination of Zyban and patches and there were NO withdrawal symptoms, it was like someone had switched off an urge in my head almost overnight. I now realise that although I wasn\'t aware of it, my brain was always thinking about the next cig, even though i didn\'t feel like one. I hated the fact that I smoked, those that knew me said I didn\'t look like a smoker and I hated the smell, cough etc - best thing I have ever done, to take control of your life back. Anyway, as far as pheros are concerned, yes I think smoking interferes. My ex- g/f used to say that she could smell nicotine on my skin, its almost as if the skin was secreting it, so chances are it would interfere IMHO. Sympathy for those that do smoke and want to give up, its hard, but boy is it worth it..........

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    well i think that androgens in the vacinty of someone who smokes makes them smoke more (i have just noticed it constantly).

    I think that they use the Cig smoke to neturalize the odours that are more powerful than theirs - sort of a balancing act.
    There was something about high powered alpha males (mafia businessmen etc) a while back that stated that they were more likley to smoke cigars etc at the meetings to make themselves all even without anyone having a scent advantage - all this without even being aware of it.

    Just my take its been stated somewhere that smokes have DHEA in them (androsteRONE) just out of interest also.

  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Interesting. I do use tobacco essential oil in colognes. It\'s noramlly considered an aphrodisiac.

  13. #13

    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Well my expierence with girls tells me that if you want a one night stand and a wild night, a girl who smokes is a good target. lol, I wouldn\'t marry one thoug.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    In my experience, women who smoke can be counted on to give good head. No kidding. Maybe it\'s the oral fixation thing...

  15. #15
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Tobacco essential oil sounds dangerous! Does it have lot\'s of nicotine in it? Might make a good insecticide.

    Dolce and Gabanna has a strong tobacco note; wonder if they use the real thing or a synthetic?

    I too have found that women who smoke tend to be easy and oral. But I\'d much rather they smoke pot than tobacco.

  16. #16
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    There are lots of synthetic tobacco notes out there, some of which are considered pheromone analogues, e.g., vertafix coeur, which is a pheromone analogue that mimics a tobacco-like note from sweat. Unfortunately, perfume chemical houses won\'t sell it to \"lay\" people.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    I don\'t think it\'s all that dangerous. You don\'t drink it, right? It might go into your blood flow when applied to the skin, but as that is not the most convenient way, it\'ll have a hard time penetrating your skin.

    Any Weed essential oil? That has got to be pretty expensive. Could be fun spreading the scent in your houses, together with some patchouli.

  18. #18
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    \"Could be fun spreading the scent in your houses\"

    Oh so innocent....that\'s not what I would do with it. Seriously, wasn\'t there something called hash oil that was common a few decades ago that was pretty much weed essential oil?

  19. #19
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?


    Anyway, I\'m not a smoker, and I don\'t use (hard)drugs; so there no way I\'m going to smoke it. Perhaps making some tea of it or so... Never will smoke it nor powder my nose with any drug.

    You\'re 51 right? Looks like you have had a good age to live in the sixties then.

  20. #20
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    The Sixties? I guess I was around then but....I forget....

  21. #21
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Anyone who claimes to remember the 60\'s wasn\'t really there

  22. #22
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?


  23. #23
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    There is a link between smoking and increased DHEA which may explain why cigarette smoking is more a right
    of passage for males than females (or at least that\'s the way I grew up). Only one male of 200 in the factory where I worked at age 16 was a non-smoker; the peer pressure was extreme, especially since we had designated \"smoke\" breaks. The increased DHEA is linked to glucose metabolism and thus to the weight gain smokers who quit seem to experience: typically 8-10 lbs. Have never seen a study where people started smoking to see if they would lose 8-10 lbs. Cigarette smoking is linked to impotence via a study of Viet-Nam vets. Most likely because it affects our
    ability to detect pheromones, but could be something else. So, how do I rationalize my continued habit? Let me count the ways.... No, really there are beneficial aspects to cigarette smoking; but so far as I\'m concerned it\'s still a ridiculous habit.

  24. #24

    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    I believe that smoking is linked to impotence and sexual dysfunction in women because of its link to clogged arteries. Smoking inhibits blood flow to the extremities and the genitals.

    Makes me wonder what would happen if I *didn\'t* smoke... lol

    What is DHEA?

  25. #25
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Sex might even be better ?

    DHEA is found in foods, in other words DehydroandrosteRONE or androsteRONE which is -rone in other words which means its linked to human sexual fucntion and ultmatley pheromones also.

    So men who smoke increase DHEA production, increase sex drive and increase pheormone natural levels.

  26. #26

    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    I think it increases testosterone in women, too.

  27. #27
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Yep and thats why androgens work on women - pheromones are androgens. And of course women depend on a certain amount of testostrone to drive their sex drive (ostrogen just doesnt do it) the T levels govern male and female sex drive just that women have way less but if it does go up they want sex more.

    Androgens increase T levels esp -none and -rone. -Nol increases the giggle effect loosens her up, Nol is produced by the male and female during foreplay (hence its importance) thats what gets women excited the more -nol floating around the more likley she is to go right off the wall and [censored] the guy stupid lol and orgasam like hell.

  28. #28
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: SMOKING and pheromones - linkages ?

    Ahh, thought there would be some hidden theory behind this thread, good work Watcher.

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