I just wanted to let eveyrone know the crazy ass day i had yesterday when i decided to switch up and wear JB#1 instead of my normal PI. Let me set the stage.

I work in an office with rows of cubes and desks in certain sections, i sit at the front of one of these rows with guys sitting around me, as well as some women. There is a very good looking woman who is about 7 months pregnant about to go on maternity leave who sits about 12 feet away, as well as other assorted young ladies.

okay, i usually wear PIm every day to the office...the guy who sits in my row who is my supervisor has become like my best buddy, always shwing respect and deference, as well as the rest of the guys do too...the women, they notice me and look at me and its like i have a prescense..i can tell the PI affects them for sure, but its more like they are in awe of me, but maybe a little scared or intimidated, but attracted nonetheless...pretty good effects i suppose...

well, i decided to try the infamous JB#1 combo in the roller bottle ysterday for a switch up to see whta the hell would happen...yikes!! the stuff was like gangbusters, it works, but oh man, the reactions were crzy!!

First off, i noticed that the womens reactions, became extremely intense sexually, even the pregrannt woman i was telling ya bout started looking at me hungrily making alot of eye contact and blatanly looking right at me, women from half across the room started smilng at me out of knowwhere, its like puttting a few logs on the fire, it turned up the heat intensly...even my lady boss who is 45 was really getting excited and started aggressivly flirting with me, i mean aggressively!! the problem is the guys became aggressive towards me, or started acting weird...my boss seemed like he was losing power and decided to start trying to bond with someo fthe other guys and kept looking at me with fear, and almost anger, the guy stting directly behind me started trying to pick a fight with me over a lunch schedule change, it was like chaos was starting to erupt, with allthe women becomign super horny and all the guys getting on edge, aggressive and wacked out...it made me aggressive as well, and i found myslef with incredible balls and confidence during the day as i wore this stuff...what a day as opposed to the pI for men where i get all the respect, consideration and everythign sorta works in my favor...this was likke unleashing a nuclear war in the middle of bravehart or something..okay, does anyone have anything they can say bout this? it frankly scared me, anyone who says mones dont work.....trust me, they do!!! please, oscar, anyone, why do you think there was sucha huge change...??