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  1. #1

    Default Re: What and how much should i put on?

    Jersey if you cannot smell the Edge, then you are in a 20-25% group in males that don\'t smell -none. I would like to tell you to be careful, because if you could smell it, it can make you wince a bit. The 2-3 spray max is a number that has sort of been collectively found by the forum. On that note, the first day I went out of control with the stuff. Nobody ran from me, but still... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  2. #2

    Default Re: What and how much should i put on?

    Well, i tried it out today at the mall and such and no luck. First i used just 1 spray of TE and applied some SPMO on top of it. I got no reactions.. no looks..nothing. Then i tried another spray and 1 more dab of spmo, but no responses still. Any suggestions? I also have SOE gel packets, so i\'m going to try that out next time.

  3. #3

    Default What and how much should i put on?

    I should be getting my beginner\'s set (TE and SPMO) along with the SOE gel packets today. Any recommendations on appyling this stuff. Should i put a dab of all 3? By the way, i\'m going to be 22 tomorrow so i\'m hoping to get some hits ;-)

  4. #4
    Full Member
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    Default Re: What and how much should i put on?

    Hi might want to go easy with the edge as it smells quite strong..1 or 2 sprays tops..the SOE i would use by itself while you can mix a little of the spmo with the edge to cut the smell..also the spmo has nol in it so you would be getting the best of both worlds Keep Rocking!!

  5. #5

    Default Re: What and how much should i put on?

    Thank u very much. I just got the package a few minutes ago. Can\'t wait to try it out. I unscrewed the top of TE just to smell it. It seems like alcohol a little. We\'ll see how it goes.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: What and how much should i put on?

    Here\'s my best advice:

    (I)Pheromones do not work on everyone from my experience. Particularly people who already know you and have labeled you in one way or another. It can become a guessing game of finding people who respond positively to them.

    (II) A lot of women may be responding to the pheromones, but unwilling to act on it. I\'ve heard from a couple of my female friends how \"girls find you attractive, but are somehow intimidated by you\". You are younger, so I\'d say less -none (-none in TE tends to work on older women better) and more -nol like in the SPMO and SOE to get them chatty and comfortable around you.
    If you got an atomizer with the newbie special, I\'d say mix 70/30 or 50/50 Edge and Musk Oil. I have received tons of compliments about the smell of the musk oil and it covers the Edge well. I\'ve been using that mix for the past few weeks with positive results.

    I still haven\'t gotten laid every night because of pheromones, but I\'ve definitely received a ton more interest from women (and from a couple men, which scares me sorta). Unfortunately the women closest to me whom I originally bought the pheromones for \"to seduce\" them, are reacting the least to them. We all flirt a lot, and all my guy friends call the girls \"JDM\'s Angels\" but other than a few sensual massages here and there, nothing has happened. (well not yet, keep your fingers crossed :-)

    take care,

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