I started writing the section below in the middle of an unrelated thread where the subject of bodybuilding came up, and decided it deserved its own thread so I snipped it out and brought it over here.

There have been a number of learning experiences that I had over the many years of my life spent unmarried that I feel were crucial crossroads in the realm of attraction. One of them was learning to dance well. There was a long thread about that and I can\'t stress enough how much that turned my life around.

Another major turning point in my fairly sucessful single days was becoming a professional musician, but that is a story for another day. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Because today\'s tip is: getting a nice body together. I highly recommend that everybody, men and women alike who are interested in becoming more attractive, jog over to the nearest fitness center and sign. Then on your way home stop off at a dance school and sign up there too.

Ladies, feel free to give me flak if you think I am out of line here, but I am under the impression that the best kept secret of women and is that they don\'t like guys with muscles. When I was young I had my fair share of girlfriends, but I was always very thin. I got used to it, and whenever the subject came up about muscles my gf was always kind enough to tell me they don\'t like guys with msucles, but it was a load of BS. Later, when I was in my late 20s I started practising martial arts hard and started getting a somewhat atheletic build. My gf at that time despite having already convinced me that she liked skinny guys, was going absolutely freakin\' nuts during sex, pawing and talking about my body. That\'s when I came to know about the \"big lie.\" I\'m not talking about being Mr. Universe. Women are probably being very honest when they say they don\'t find that attractive. I just mean fit and athletic looking.
You take virtually any male on the planet and train him to:
A. Look great in a bathing suit
B. Dance like Fred Astaire
C. Smile and make people laugh
D. (and for the Asian market) he better have some drive and determination and a fat wallet wouldn\'t hurt either.
Do all this and you will have a guy who doesn\'t have time to be messing around with women. No, just kidding, you will have a guy who is covered with drool.
