I normally have a big introduction but this time I've decided to go right to the chase. How far can pheromones get you? I did some thinking on it and I wondered... What if you don't have a job or a car? What if you're overweight and dorky looking(not saying that being overweight makes you dorky looking, just saying you can end up with both attributes)? What if you have bad hygiene? And are there fake pheromones on the market, how can I tell the difference?

I see a lot of reviews saying: This stuff doesn't work, the people selling pheromones are frauds.

I saw one review of scent of eros gel packets go as follows:
"Harri writes: Date Added: Friday 20 April, 2007
I have tried all of these pheromone gel packets. Chicara, Perception, SOE, Edge. None of these work for me. I feel cheated and think that this whole thing is a big scam. I'm not willing to pay 50-70 dollars for some bottled version. If you really think that these are some kind of love potions which have real human pheromones, think again. I think that these guys just add some water, perfume and something that makes this thing thicker. No pheromones. Then they take your money and laugh at you. It's a mental thing. You really think you're the king of the world when using this stuff, that you think is some pheromone product. Too bad!.."

Seriously? The first thing I thought was, "maybe this guy is a total loser (with all due respect) thinking the pheromones are going to do all the work". My feelings is that this guy has no game and needs to work on his general appearance. But I would like it if some of the more experienced users would analyze what this user said. Sidenote: I think it was interesting how he targeted the top selling products here.
