In the course of human development there are times at which, usually in retrospect, one can pinpoint precisely when a corner is turned and life presents itself afresh, through a different lens as it were, and old thoughts become the flotsam and jetsam of a new awareness. Tom was now - not unpleasantly - experiencing one of those rare moments when he understood both the immediate pleasure of Francine's liberality and the impact that its public nature may have on his future sexual life, and he was not unhappy.

Joey, always one to appreciate a free exhibition, held his gaze on the scene in his peculiarly pornographic way as Karl, succumbing to years of confused sexual repression leaped upon the mixture of Tom, Ignacio and Francine, not caring who he landed upon.

The police arrived at a quarter to five, and immediately drew the reigns on this runaway stagecoach as WT Fuchs laughed hysterically from the cab of his new WTF-5 model crane, vowing that pheromones is his life, and the heavy lifting is yet to be done.