hey gfunk, the masters smell

kind of girly but not su much like girl juices. but there is a very familla sence to it tho. every time i put it on

i get that familler sence and my brain starts to feel doozy and heavy. this effect can be kind of stronger when i

reapply it. so im thinking the familla sence that i get is my brain reconizing all these jina juices. again, i love

this shit and will be order more when im all out.

ok i guess i'll explane my badboy mixes alittle bit

more. oh wait, alittle bit about me. i am 19 years old. as built wise im not very intimadating at all. but the way i

talk, act, and just carry my self, can sometimes intimadate people. but thats only one in a blue moon tho, most

girls that i have interactions with will have a blast as i LOVE to flirt and tease with them i also like to be kind

of bossy. oh if you know anything about astralogy stuff im a sagittarius. read this link about usi think it kind of

hit us right on the nail.


another thing, my thoughts on ODING. I do not beleive that ODing is a real thing. i think peple just thing they

are ODing because the interations get out of thier confort zone so they just say ODing. you guys need to know that

you guys are playing with very powerful tools and you need to know how to deal with the challanges that come with

the power that you are given. and plus most the time girls are just testing you to see if you are really like how

they sence you to be. so to say the least, oding dose not exist, its not real. and im sure others with more

experiance with tell you. if it dose how do you think (i think ether geo or majin i dont remmber which one but they

can wear 10+ daps of NPA)

on to the badboy mixes. let me start by saying AE is my fav stand alone item that love

sent has to offer. because the way it is made, -none heavy, it just scream badass. and i feel like a bad ass when i

wear it too. popele have talked about wearing AE and SoE and tried it. i did not liike or get that much reations

with it. i suspects that that while AE was giving off a badass vibes SoE was giving off super friendly vibes and its

just takeing the sexual tention out of it. cause im starting to notice that that saying less is more is very

incompleat. yes, less is better but its not how much you wear that effects the outcome its the "RATIO" of what you

are wearing that matters. and when you are wearing AE and SoE all it dose is pretty much even things out not one

paticular mone stands out. thats why it takes the seual tention out of the interations. after realizing this and

haveing tried NPA all by it self, and seeing how much sexual tention you can create with it, i said, mabey my badass

vibes can use more sexual tention. and badboy mixes were born.

but i decited to not give you guys exact numbers

and ratios with the mixes so people can play around with it, to give yall the best results. so all im saying is try

AE + NPA togeater. and yall will love it. but here is how i apply them, in most of them i use 2 drops of AE (i have

used more, about 5 drops but i get enough hits at 2 so i try not to wast my AE, i dont know yall realize it but

mones are expensive as hell, its like liquid gold.) and 2 daps of NPA (just because i can cover them up with the 2

drops of AE.) i put them on the side of my adamapple and split between my wrist. but when i do the badboy mix 2:3 i

do 1:1 on my neck then a drop of ae on wrist then the other 2 daps of NPA on my chest area with some colonge to

cover it.

just give this mix a cance, anyone that has AE or NPA try it, and post back some results on it. i

know that tere was a newb a while back that i hlep. and he had really good results with it.