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  1. #1
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Life without sex

    I went for four years without any, from ages 19 to 23, when I was producing lots of testosterone. Maybe I smoked too much weed, but I didn’t commit any violent crimes. I graduated on the Dean’s list, got a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, saved money for a trip to Europe, and, most importantly, learned how not to be p*&^%- whipped.

    PS It was difficult for a couple of months, but after a while I got used to it.

    PPS Everything still worked OK when I finally \"broke my fast\". (During the trip to Europe, of course.)

    [ December 09, 2001: Message edited by: a.k.a. ]

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Life without sex

    I think it is a matter of channelling the energy to higher centers rather than letting it fester. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I spent 3 months in India at one stretch when I was younger and after coming back I was celibate for over a year, and didn\'t even have sex with myself (if you catch my drift) during that period. It was probably the most fertile time of my life. I wrote poetry, played music all day. I used to look forward to being alone. I lived in a little travel trailer in a friends back yard, and would spend every weekend there alone, reading, meditating, playing music etc. It was great. I remember trying to explain this to a woman I met back then. She asked me how I could be so happy alone. I told her \"mediation.\" She nodded politely. Turns out she thought I\'d said \"medication.\"

    I\'m happy with my family now too. I love my wife and kids. Still look forward to time alone though. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Think of celibacy as fasting. Not exactly fun in the usual sense, but still good for you some how.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Life without sex

    Channeling is good, but pretty unfulfilling. Thus far I\'ve had a five year and THREE two-year periods where I\'ve been -uh- channeling. There\'s little doubt in my mind that this resulted in me becoming pretty wealthy, but it\'s not worth it!

    About two years ago I thought about how I\'d trade what I had for... well, a little light bulb went on. Those who can read between the lines will figure it out. Strangely enough, after I started putting this \"solution\" to the problem into practice, I started doing much better with women, and in fact ened up dating more women in the past year than I had in the previous five years of being single.

    But the Duck has a point. After a guy puts in a certain amount of effort, if it\'s not resulting in satisfaction, interest is lost. After a while you just give up, even if you\'re a \"nice\" guy. (Which I am, or was, depending on your opinion.)

    Oh, and one last thing on the celibacy-as-fasting:

    There\'s fasting, and there\'s starvation.

    The same can be said for celibacy. There\'s a huge, huge number of studies that show signficant health benefits from an active sex life (primarily with one partner.) Aside from the immediate physcial gratification there\'s a lot of evidence for positive emotional and psychological effects from sex as well. There\'s the notion of \"skin hunger\" for example, showing that simply not being touched results in negative health consequences.

    Of course, pointing this out has never gotten me any. [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    (Who\'s currently dated someone for five months with getting past one or two kisses at the end of the date, thus demolishing any credibily I might have on this subject.)

    [ December 09, 2001: Message edited by: Scientist ]

  4. #4

    Default Life without sex

    Just as the thread says what would life be for a person without any sex at all. Pretty darn annoying and that is why crime happens, well maybe not but its an interesting topic point. Sexual reward is the key to motivated people when women start to realsie that if a man is getting some he is more motivated to do more, hence fat people no sex = problems. Are we really that stupid no i say, just selfish.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Life without sex

    Actually I live without sex. I don\'t believe in premarital sex. I want to be married and do things God\'s way. Many people tell me I\'m wrong for this belief and that my morals are outdated (yet I don\'t have any kids out of wedlock that tax payers have to flip the bill for). I find it funny that when you\'re not sexually active people want you to have sex more than they want to get it themselves. It seems to frustrate them that you aren\'t getting any.

    As far a sex being a motivator, sure. I\'ve seen many people do stupid things for it. Sorry but we all know it\'s true and have seen it. It is a poweful thing and especially working with this whole pheromone thing the temptations are there (goodness knows now that the power is there so is room for abuse) but life without sex for me it just living. I do what I have to do. I chase my goals and many times make them reality. And if you want to turn a woman on being finacially secure and knowing what you want does it everytime. Because when you know what you want, you don\'t have to bother with anything else. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: Life without sex

    Same here i guess women see a man not going after it and say well i gotta break him, the pheros just boot everything out of the way and into the atmosphere. Anyhow i am celebrate right now and am missing out but thats the way and the energies can be put into other things as well, such as personal improvement discovering oneself etc. So anyone else got anything to add on this, any women got any opinions on the guys that are forced to miss out because of their choices or preferences. Any additional info or opinions on the negative health benefits of everyone being shelfish.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Life without sex

    I don\'t think that I need to announce myself on this topic. Firstly to jambat on the ideaa that you will not have sex out of wedlock, ever heard of a guy called David Icke?, His material on Religion is most interesting and believeable (since he has pages and pages of evidence and references to back up his claims) I think you are punishing yourself man. Anyway, I bought the Deluxe Ross Jeffries speed seduction home study course and I think that so far it\'s great. It helped me to understand what is happening with my girlriend and I and I feel confident in my abilities to make things better. Last nite she came down and we had a great time, despite the fact that it is red flag week and she had extreme cramp in her back. I do believe that sex is most powerful in a loving relationship but to me that doesn\'t mean a married relationship.

    Paul c

    P.S. Jambat, inspired by you I bought the combination Jambat mix thats on sale, hope it works for me as well as it does for you.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Life without sex

    I need sex, hey hon please just give me some and stop being so selective. Oh common ive gone 10 years without none, itll be good, common please (note this will not work women arent that way inclined, actually its a mystery as to what they want right love emotion pheromones money a fast car good dressing good sense of humour all at once men on the side truth is you girls are never happy he he.

  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Life without sex

    My view was best expressed by Woody Allen in one of his movies:

    \"Sex without love is an empty experience; but as empty experiences go, it\'s gotta be one of the best.\"

    Seriously, one could view self-imposed celibracy as deferred gratification - I see it as a waste of life. Use it or lose it, especially as a man gets older. A year without sex for a man aged 60 might mean he can never do it again.

    And while you\'re at it, have fun!

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Life without sex

    I don\'t know, \"a waste of life\"? That sounds too harsh. Each person has his/her own beliefs/values that he/she lives by.

    Anyway, I agree with Jambat; I don\'t believe in premarital sex, although everyone here (here = the college that I attend) would laugh at me if I advocated my view.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Life without sex

    That\'s true Lutz. In college people treat you like you\'re the cause of all the pain and suffering in the world simply because you chose not to have sex before marriage. And people ask you the dumbest things like \"How do you know you like women?\" (my favorite dumb question) Frankly if you ain\'t figured out whether you like women or not yet by the time you\'re in college then you probably don\'t need to worry about it.

    As for David Icke I\'m sure he\'s done much to break people\'s faith. I can\'t agree with this guy because at this point I\'ve seen too much and I know that there is much to the spiritual world and the push to cover up evidence that proves the Bible is massive, so his conclusions can be easily brushed aside just as many Christian (and non Christian) scholar\'s pro-Christ ecidence is push aside. A lot of people do much research to prove the Bible to be fraudulent but there\'s also much research out there to prove otherwise and that research isn\'t given much voice in secular circles. Some of that proof being the prophesy of how Jesus would die. That was prophesied before the Jewish people knew what cruxifiction was. (The Roman\'s bought cruxificition to them). And there are other things like this. And to say Jesus didn\'t exist is just silly because there\'s enough evidence to prove he lived if nothing else.
    Cornelius Tacitus, a Roman historian recorded information about Jesus, as well as Jewish officials and Islamic officials of that time. It simply needs to be searched out (if you\'re interested is a great place to start).

    As for punishing myself? I don\'t think so. So far reaching my goals in life are the most important things and I\'m doing that. I have women friends I hang out with but there\'s a way I\'ve chosen to live. And so far there\'s no where to go but up (no pun intended).

    As for pheromones. They\'re here. They\'re a tool. They\'re useful yes, and I\'d say use them as you will, but remember we all are repaid for our actions, good and bad (be it in this life or the next and sometimes both). That\'s why I always say with great power comes great responsibility. Sure it\'s cliché and all but understand that power isn\'t for everyone and that everyone doesn\'t know how to use it. Sure pheromones give me an edge (again no pun intended) but I\'m really not looking to seduce anyone (and surely not quickly). Does it help me meet women. Sure does and I\'ve met women? Yep, but to me that hit it and quit it live style seems empty, and I\'m sure it\'s fun for a moment but it\'s still empty. I try to move with faith, common sense and love. These things keep me from getting into many bad situations that some people I know are in.

    [ December 10, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  12. #12
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Life without sex

    So some of you guys blow all this money on pheromones to NOT get laid? Sorry - does not compute!

    You\'re right in that different people have different life strategies and different values. I certainly don\'t intend to change or apologize for my life preoccupation with skirt chasing and I won\'t ask any of you to change either. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] null

  13. #13

    Default Re: Life without sex

    Jambat, keep the faith man.
    You\'re right, premarital sex can cause major problems and regrets. I have some, and it could come back and bite me in the butt (no kinky pun intended). I\'m going to try to get back on the right path and wait for that someone I end up marrying. I can save a lot of grief that way.

  14. #14
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Life without sex

    Wow, this is one thread I never expected to get tense. Lot of good ideas coming out, anyway. How does the old saying go: \"If you want to stay out of arguments, don\'t talk about religion or politics.\" Maybe we should add Clinton to the discussion and see if we can really blow the lid off. Just kidding folks.

    Anyway... I guess I figured everyone was at least open to the idea of premarital sex under some sort of relationship conditions, and we were just talking about \"dry spells\" but hey, I have been away so long, I hardly know what is going on over there any more. If it isn\'t on CNN, I don\'t know about it. For example, until today all I knew on the subject was that Bin Laden has 24 wives and 4 kids. Or was it the other way around? I forget.

    Just a little comic relief,

  15. #15

    Default Re: Life without sex

    I was supposed to butt in and back up Jambat on his belief. He knows the right thing and he\'s doing it right. But after Bruce\'s post, i think i don\'t need to post anything that can heat up this argument some more.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Life without sex

    I think we need to keep in mind that this is a pretty mixed crowd in terms of what stage someone\'s life is in. We\'ve got high-school kids here and people well on their way (or perhaps past?) retirement. I know people who saved themseves until married and are still together -- but they saved themselves until they were 19 - 23.

    A fair number of us here are well beyond that and have the battle scars to prove it. I think the premarital sex issue goes away for a lot of us \"old folks\" with a bad marriage behind us. I don\'t fault anyone for saving themselves, particularly for their first.

    However, being older and wiser now: We\'re all going to die. Make the most of the years you have, however you define \"make the most.\" Not doing so is a waste.

    For me, getting laid more frequently than I celebrate birthdays would be well on the way towards making the most of the time I have.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Life without sex

    Hi guys. I have to say, Bruce, I like your style. I would also like to say to everyone that whatever you choose in life is not \"right\" or \"wrong\", it just is. Just my two cents.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Life without sex

    I\'m going to disagree on that. That\'s our biggest problem. No one has any bounderies. Everything\'s fine. There\'s no moral outcry from anything. We except whatever\'s given to us with a smile and say that life. No right or wrong. There are rights and wrongs and our choices affect you and others. Don\'t take this as an argument more so just discussion. Whether it\'s how we use pheromones or how we treat others in our relationship or whatever there is a ripple effect.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Life without sex

    Ok relating to the thread of not getting laid, its great in business and life situations being the alpha male and getting my views across with much less resistance and more acceptance. Its good for business circles and even in social situations. This thread really did take off but i needed to bring it up. Morals well its in the eye of the beholder the alien cults say sex with aleins is bad so lets add them, everyone considers their actions justified in some way. Society just goes with the flow. Pheromones well they are an interesting kettle of fish.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Life without sex

    Actually just to add to that posts just dont let yourself be societyies kickign bag either stand up for yourself and if you need to do the argey bargey mentally with pheros then so be it. ITs every person for themselves except where co operation is required for mutual benefit, if they arent a team player then play them out of the game.

  21. #21
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Life without sex

    Just wanted to acknowledge that some of us here have widely divergent views. Even though your decision on how to run your life is/was extremely different from the decisions I\'ve made and will make, I still respect your right to hold those views and to make those decisions.

    That said, expressing your views in a public forum does inititate a conversation on this highly personal topic and should indicate a willingness to accept friendly criticism.

    I have written, perhaps awkwardly, that a decision to forego sex is one for which I have no mental comprehension (\"Does not compute!\") Basically I don\'t get it and the idea joins the other ideas that I don\'t get. Voluntary abstinent is just something I would never consider. But if it\'s right for you, I support you.

    My one criticism is that using pheromones to enhance one\'s sexual charm to the opposite gender is being a bit of a tease - you\'re making a public proposal with no intent to deliver. We see this behavior more often in young women - provocative dress and distracting flirtations - but it\'s just as dysfunctional in males, I would imagine.

    Maybe it\'s just too much Britney Spears?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Life without sex

    Well its a power thing, most good looking women never deliver we see it in the media they are saying to us over and over hey look at us we are beatuful you cant have us ha ha ha. Now buy our products. Well i have had enough of being bullied around by society so ill join the cue, cant be any worse than violence or marketing or lots of other bs out there. When we look at it everyone is always trying to get the edge over everyone else, its survival of the fittest in a co operative society that is our behaviour. Its very benign but its there, and if you want to do something have the influence and go for it.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Life without sex

    It\'s not that hard. Psche 101. Everyone wants to feel wanted. It\'s no big deal. And if you open up some doors along the way, that\'s not bad. Being attracted to someone or being attractive is no garuntee. How many time have you been attracted to someone. It didn\'t really mean they wanted you or sex even. It meant they were simply hot. No biggie. People use make up and form enhancers, ect to gained the advantage of being a hot property. Sure it\'s advertising but you still have to investigate exactly what the product is. Am I making any sense here?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Life without sex

    Remember the sexual structure of the world though jambat, it has a great deal of importance aka the pheromone responses. I get ahead in situations where i wouldnt before. Or maybe its more the instinctual pheromone responses.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Life without sex

    Saved myself for marriage and it was the best and most fulfilling thing possible. Wouldn\'t change a thing. Aside from my beliefs there are just so many heartaches and risks that come from pre-marital sex.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Life without sex

    Actually BrownEyedGirl did respond and I disagreed. But I do agree with Wondering and I also agree with you Donald, on the idea that a lot of things are done for and because of sex. Especially with us guys, I mean we men probably wouldn\'t bathe if not for wanting to hook up with a woman, even if you\'re waiting until marriage.

    I\'m in a temp job right now where alot of women run the show. I\'m easily likeable and never had a problem but the pheros make it a bit easier. I mean I didn\'t even wear a JB mix because I didn\'t want that strong of a pull yet, because it was my first day so I wore the basic NPA/E-oil mix. What I got were very friendly women who wanted to help me at ever turn. Even on a first day it\'s never this easy. And every woman I ran into was a positive experience. But I couldn\'t say that there was anybody there that I was looking to attract.

    Not that the ladies aren\'t attractive I\'m just not really trying. If it happens that\'s cool, I date, but if not then no problem and I\'m not the biggest fan of dating your office mates although it\'s nothing I wouldn\'t do if I felt the person was right for me.

    [ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  27. #27

    Default Re: Life without sex

    One thing lacking in 24 replys ( a female reply are you reading this one CJ any input any other ladies here willing to chuck in)

  28. #28

    Default Re: Life without sex

    Well congrats on the job jambat, its good having people on board here, whatever happened to that thread on work place responses hits? etc

  29. #29

    Default Re: Life without sex

    I don\'t know. I\'m guessing either people don\'t like to talk about the work place or if they do maybe they post in the Hit Squad forum but the post tanked and no one really wanted to talk about it so I didn\'t beat them over the head with it anymore. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  30. #30

    Default Re: Life without sex

    I always wondered about the pre-marital stance. Do you, or do you not. I did, sure I ran into heartbreak, but I would be divorced if I had married her. Not to take anything away from it, I just went the other route. I found a bunch of speedbumps, and continue to. That is life. But don\'t get me wrong, I do not have sex with out love. I guess those are my rules. Been burned by them to, what do I know. Well only, I am who I am today because of it, and I like me.

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