Hi folks,
Been lurking for a month, using PF and/or PA for a week. Thought I\'d speak up when the new forum started. I have to say, Bruce, that I\'d have never tried the products if it weren\'t for your honest, transparent comments on the forum. Hype gags me, honesty opens my wallet.

Anyway, the point of this post is to ask members about the impact of wearing pheros in the business world. That\'s why I\'m interested -- I\'m 40+ and married for 18 years, and have attracted all the woman I can handle. But I\'d like to hear from anyone who has seen a reaction in a business setting--from either sex. I\'ll be meeting with editors and publishers at a large publishing convention in a few weeks, and I\'m looking for any edge (npi) I can get.

Thanks for your response.

writer guy