
OH....MY....GOD!!!! This is frustrating.

Let me get this straight - you've:

- Overhead this chick talking

about you (to another GUY, no less)
- Heard her say "he's hot" in reference to you
- Noticed her gradually move

into your personal space every time you're in the gym
- Seen her intentionally put her ass on display by the cable

crunch (yes, it WAS intentional)
- Said hello and smiled to each other every time you are there
- In spite of the

fact that you AREN'T one of her beta puppy dogs (does she go out of her way to flirt with them?)
- Had her wink at

- Had her give you the sexy/shy look (that's a very classic IOI, the way)
- Seen her checking you at all the

- Had her look you directly in the eye while checking you out
- Had her tell you she's free on Friday nights

(MASSIVE DLV on her part)

And yet, you are "basically looking for more signs of interest"? WTF?

It's like,

if this chick walked up to you, started looking you in the eye with dilated pupils, nervously fidgeting, twirlring

her hair, stammering over her words, sweating, and said "my, it's rather hot in here", but didn't touch you,

you'd interpret that as "not interested", like she's really commenting on the air conditioning system or


Let me make this perfectly clear:


What more do you want? Oh,

right, SHE has to come up to YOU before you'll talk to her, and you won't touch (kino) her until she touches you.

Yet, the OTHER guys in the gym are acting "beta". Right.
I agree and you would think she is interested in me.

The thing is when I try to talk to her or joke around with her or to tease her, sometimes she doesn't reply or

keeps her conversations very brief.

And she doesn't ask me personal details to know who I am. There have been

times I've tried to let her know personal details about me after I've asked her something and she doesn't seem

too interested.

That's where I'm confused.

If you were into someone as much as you think she's into me,

wouldn't you want to know things about the person you're into? That's at least been my personal experience with

women who were interested in me or that I dated.

Unlike other girls I tease and joke around with, most others

respond and tease back. Yet with this one, she doesn't always laugh at jokes that other ppl would. Which I find a

bit strange.

Ummm.. YEAHH, I could not agree more with that. It's time to make a move. I mean, for

Chrissake, you've now had a WOMAN on this thread tell you she's probably thinking the same way you are. I

completely agree with CulturalBlond's post. One of the best kept secrets in the world, is that beautiful women are

often approached LESS in DHV (demostration of High Value) situations, than other women, due to the intimidation

Well as I said the first impression she gave me when I first started training there was that she was

an attention seeking snob (no offense to anyone). And ppl I met that I train there with now told me that she mainly

looks around at me and other ppl just to see who's checking her out.

That leads to other confusion.

And yes

I agree with you and CulturalBlond's post about attractive women being less approached b/c of intimidation, but I

don't always understand that as sometimes I always see hotties being hit on and followed around (not what I will


Basically I guess I'm just worried that I could be just being played with by her for her amusement to try

and make me cave and follow her around. If that's the case and I ask her out, I will look like a fool that she

played me for.

I agree about making a move, and I want to make a move. On Monday the guy I was training with

today will talk to the treadmill guy she was talking to me about and see if he knows anything concerning myself and

her. If he does and it's good, I will probably make a move b/c he knows her and she talks to him a lot.

Look at this situation objectively: You've already had massive IOI's from HBgymhottie, you've really done nothing

to make a move, and now you're going to talk yourself out of it, because she hasn't literally thrown herself at

you, so you conclude she's not intersted. So rather than ask her out, where the odds are probably FAR better than

50/50 she'd say yes, instead, you're going to pass up this opportunity, and only because of something you've

constructed in your head, that doesn't even coincide with reality. And what's even worse, this is a RISK-FREE

situation. What I mean by that is, what is going to happen if she's says "no"? Will you die? Will you lose your gym

membership? Will the puppy dogs who fill her water bottle laugh at you? Will you then become unattractive to all

other women? The answers to the above are no, no, no, no, and no.
Well you basically stated my concerns, but

of course I won't lose my gym membership. I guess a part of me is also concerned if she says anything to any of the

other women in the gym if I've totally taken things the wrong way.

You have nothing to lose, and

everything to gain here. With due respect, please don't take Chicago's advice. It's rather obvious from his posts

in this thread that he has had problems in the past with women, and is bitter. Really, not all women are like "used

cars" or golddiggers or whatever. You're letting yourself get talked into quitting, without even having tried in

the first place! If you do that, I've got news - the most beta guy in that gym is YOU. At least the waterboy AFC's

(average frustrated chumps) who have no chance still talk to her. You have her attraction, plus Chikara, plus a

mastermind group here willing to help you, and yet that's STILL not enough. (BTW, the reason I'm being so harsh on

you about this, is because I've done similar things myself. And come to regret it. I'm trying to spare you that.)
I have had some bad experiences with women like all of us and I've moved on and know which ones to pick


I agree with you about being harsh and totally understand b/c I'm realizing that I'm missing out on

experiences in my life that I'd like to look back on and remember.

Again, as above:

Attraction->Rapport->Seduction. You HAVE attraction. You keep assuming you don't, thus raising her value level

above your own - not good. If you approach her with that attitude, you'll get blown out. And rightly so. ASSUME you

already have her attention, because, if your posts are accurate - you do.

Onto Rapport. Remember, as above,

Attraction minus Rapport = LJBF. So, you have to establish at least minimum rapport before making your move. Find

something she either cares about, or something you have in common, and then talk with her about it in a way designed

to make her feel good about herself, in your presence. Hmmm, if only we could find a common ground in the GYM,

hmm... what could it be.....
I agree with the above statements. Speaking of finding something she cares

about, well a few weeks ago I asked her about her gym photo shoot I saw being done in the gym about a month ago and

she was interested in that. She trains 6 days a week, so I know she cares about her body and the gym. But wouldn't

she get bored talking about that? I'm sure everyone else talks to her about it.

Oh, wait, I know...

MAYBE you could talk to her about working out! Hmmm, what a concept! This is ridiculously easy to do. First, find

something to compliement her on - anything besides her tits or ass. Maybe her abs. "Hey, I noticed your abs have

gotten a lot more cut. What's your routine?"

This accomplishes several things. It lets her know: You've been

looking. It makes her feel good about herself. It pays her a compliment, but in a very non-supplicative way ("not

omigod, you are so hot, please date me, omigod) LOL...

And it gets her TALKING to you. Which is what you wanted,

When I see her on Monday when the opportunity rises to talk to her I will ask her if she has any

hobbies and/or what she normally does on the weekend outside the gym and work and elaborate on that which is

something I've been trying to do but haven't had the opportunity as she was training a client who was a friend of


HB: Oh, uh, thanks (flustered by your confidence... and chikara ) I do xyz crunches,

blah blah blah
Sig: Yeah, well, you look great (no pause) I just love workin' out, you know? Really gets the blood

moving. But what I really love is that awesome endorphin rush after a great set, you know? (no pause), Like, you

just get that whole 'king of the world' feeling going on (shameless Titanic anchor, chicks love that scene in that

movie), (no pause), like there's nothing in the world you can't do, and everthing you want is laid right out

before you.... (pause, look away for just a second in "amazement and wonder")
HB: DDB (Doggy Dinner Bowl look,

i.e., eating it up )
Sig: Well, it's been great talking to you, I've gotta get going, got a

HB: ummm, ok (not wanting you to leave)
Sig: Hey, listen, you mind if I give you a call

sometime? Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee sometime, and compare routines or something (delivered with cheshire

cat smile - let HER imagine what kind of 'routines' you mean. Workout routines? Something else? )

Sig: Cool, what's your #?

One thing I *will* agree with Chigago on,

either make a move, or move on...
This is exactly the type of conversation I've been wanting and playing


The thing is, one of the details that gave me the impression that she could be an attention seeking snob is

that one day a couple of months ago when she was on the treadmill right next to me, she was talking to another


From the conversation I heard they were confirming plans for dinner and he asked "how will I get in touch

with you? Could I have your number?" and she replied to him "around here nobody has my number with a smirk on her

face as she said it".

So this is why I'm a bit nervous to ask for her number. She lives at home she told me so

if she does give me her number it will probably be her cell phone number which is fine.

Here is another

question I have, could the reason she doesn't talk to me or ask personal details about me b/c she may just want to

have sex with me and doesn't care to really know me? She does not seem like this type, but I am having a tough time

figuring out who she really is.

But I'm going to wait until Monday to see if the treadmill guy she talked

to about me and said I'm hot to before she winked at me knows anything about the situation between myself and


Then I will decide, if he tells me she's interested in me and been waiting for me to make a move than I

will proceed. If he says other wise like she is just trying to screw with my head than I will be undecided.