What are the best 1st approaches, and best topics of conversation

once you've broken the ice?

Usually when I see someone I'd like to approach depending on where I am or what I

am doing, and what they are doing I look for things to comment on.

For example if they are wearing an

interesting piece of jewelry, a nice outfit or a particular book they are reading I will comment on it and try to

start a conversation.

Now once you've broken the ice what do you guys think the best topics of conversation

are to get them interested? Ppl always tell me not to discuss work or school b/c it's boring and they want to

escape that.

Yet the funny thing is sometimes when I walk by 2 ppl talking and obviously flirting with

eachother I over hear them discussing work and/or school with positive feedback?

So should I be talking about


Normally I w/o talking too much about myself (unless they ask of course) I try to find out as much

as I can about them. Their likes, dislikes, hobbies, family and if it the mood is right and the conversation turns

personal that's even better. I try to make sure they know I'm listening and paying close attention to them. And if

it's appropriate, I will try to lightly touch them in some way to let them know I'm interested.

If it's a

woman I see on a regular basis what's the best way to keep things interesting? If you've already learned things

about her and even personally, than what types of things could you discuss to avoid getting boring?

As you know

I'm trying to get my game back on after having been with one hottie for almost 3 years so I just want to make sure

I'm doing the proper things.

Should I ask these questions in the women's forum? I'd like to hear their

opinions in what get's them interested during conversation.

Thanks for your time.

If you've already