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Thread: Body Language

  1. #1
    Newbie nemx2000's Avatar
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    Talking Body Language

    A gesture is a


    Body language is a discipline about non-verbal behavior, there are more and more followers of it all

    over the world. Among them there are respected scientists who attach less and less significance to words and places

    the emphasis in communication on the role of body language. Reportedly this way it is possible to tell much more and

    even to learn much more information about the partner. Gestures, body language and intonation affect the

    communication at a proportion of more than 90%. Words as such prove to be insufficient in a successful

    communication. It seems to be simple, but despite this fact there are still a great number of inapprehensive men.

    They don’t pay attention to the women’s behavior, swallow every word they say, and muck up the opportunity of

    further developing their acquaintances. But women’s gestures are univocal! The experts of non-verbal behavior can

    only distinguish two types of women’s behavior. One carries the information that the woman does not feel like having

    sex. The other one means that she does. So women exploit body language and launch such codes that men have a very

    difficult job to tell what they are thinking of in fact. It would be so palpable to tell everything using words.

    I’ll try to help you avoid misunderstandings: I’ve put together a guide with the help of which beginners and

    “advanced users” are able to decode the behavior of every attractive woman.

    1. She pushes her fingers through

    her hair

    Clean and neat hair is as important for a woman as acceptable height, wide shoulders and biceps for a

    man. The woman who grooms her hair with high care expresses that she is full of energy and feels like doing certain

    family-friendly activities. Those that are familiar with body language claim that when a woman is regulating her

    hair she tries to call men’s attention upon herself. If she repeats this activity three times within a minute you

    can be sure that she would really love to be conquered. The way she touches her hair is also very important. It

    tells you information about her temperament. If she does it slowly you have encountered a cunning expert of the art

    of love. Quick, nervy movements disclose impatience or embarrassment.

    2. She touches the edge of the glass

    with her fingers

    Freudian psychologists interpret it as a sexual sign. This theory is supported by the women

    themselves, who claim that they deliberately pet the glass, in order to call the chosen man’s attention upon

    themselves. When you enter a bar and see a full-bosomed blonde touching and caressing her martini glass so that it’d

    scream, do not think that she is expressing her musicality this way. Don’t ask her whether she is playing the latest

    hit of Iglesias. This question would not be appropriate. Instead of asking stupid questions, notice the way she is

    playing the “musical instrument”. Elegant, caressing movement is a sign of intrinsic calmness, self-control and

    waiting, so sit by her. Her beating a rhythm on the glass with her nails is a sign of impatience or a broad hint of

    SOS, which she’s sending to her boyfriend, who is fighting for another Bailey’s at the bar.

    3. She leans on

    her elbow

    According to Aristotle a woman’s hand tells us the most information. According to experts of body

    language women disclose what they think of us with their gestures. If she leans on her hand with her chin and her

    eyes seem to be thinking, it’s not always the sign of her being impressed by your appearance. Generally the woman

    tries to answer her own question this way: “Does this guy deserve me?” You do know the answer, but the lady needs

    time. If you want to help her make the only right decision, be politely determinate and determinately polite. Flash

    your sense of humor as well.

    4. She sits back with her arms crossed together
    This is the worst possible

    that you can encounter in a bar or disco, when you’re out hunting. This gesture is the evidence of the fact that

    you’ve had the worst impression of all on the woman and she doesn’t trust you at all. Nothing helps here, neither

    refined jokes, nor nice, muscular body. The best method at the beginning of the fight for her grace is to ask her

    what she’s drinking at the moment. Don’t buy her a drink for a start because this way she’s going to think that

    “this guy has no fantasy at all”.

    5. She wets her lips
    If a woman wets her lips quite frequently, it’s

    absolutely a sexual sign, unless she has herpes. According to anthropologists women give us to understand that they

    wouldn’t mind us putting something between their wet lips. Hope you know what.

    6. She delves in her


    You’re wrong if you think that this is a sign of her sexual appetite. Scientist have been arguing for

    years about the meaning of this gesture. According to one group of scientists the lady is underbred. On the other

    hand the other group thinks the finger in the nose symbolizes the gross hairs of the thighs and lap.

    7. She

    lashes her eye-lashes

    According to famous experts of the topic and authors of cheap romantic stories the fast

    movement of the eye-lashes is the sign of women who like to conquer men of their own accord. Besides they are

    emancipated, who like to take over the duty of initiation. They aren’t waiting for your jokes and wide smile. They

    undertake to initiate. The only problem with such ladies is that not all of them will enjoy herself in the role of

    the doped out game. But if you don’t mind losing the role of the hunter, swallow the bait.

    8. She lets her

    legs swing

    Researchers of body language emphasize that when a woman frequently crosses her legs or let them

    swing, is also a sexually charged movement. The strongest of all these movements is when she opens her legs without

    meaning it. It’s a classical Freudian opening symbol. (You must remember Sharon Stone opening her legs in such a

    beautiful way in Basic Instinct.) A contrary sign to this is when she puts her legs together. You have to interpret

    her choosing of shoes in a similar way. It is very important which pair of shoes she chooses to wear the given day.

    The more open the shoes are the more willing she is to “open”.

    9. She dances with her hands
    Having gauged

    the woman’s face and body most men concentrates on her hands. This is the most natural and normal thing to do –

    well-groomed long fingers, well-painted nails are significant erotic signs. However, the way the woman herself

    thinks of her hands is also very important. If she stares at them for a very long time, it may imply that something

    angers her (perhaps you?). if she beats the rhythm on the table or the bar means a similar state of mind. You think

    she’s a wild cat, but you’re wrong. She’s thinking about a way how she could get rid of you.

    10. She bites her


    When a woman is biting your lips, do not interrupt her – everything’s alright. But if she’s biting hers,

    you may assume that she’s nervous. Why? Perhaps you are staring at her too quizzing.

    +1 Finally
    From the

    paragraphs above you can see that each and every movement and gesture of a woman carry sexual meaning for a healthy


    Feel her soul
    You look at the woman and you don’t have the least idea what she wants from you. If

    you notice one of the hereunder mentioned ways of behavior, it means that there’s one thing that she wants from you,

    closer acquaintance, or even maybe sex.

    She leers at you, laughs loudly, ogles, wets her lips, knobs her breasts

    or hip, listens to you very carefully, walks proudly, waves her hip, her style is eye-catching, crosses her legs and

    then puts them back, hides her face, pushes her fingers through her hair, enters your private area, touches herself

    (smoothes out her stocking or plays with the button of her blouse), touches the object of her interest, exaggerates

    her make-up or perfume, dresses up too elegant, whispers or tries to create an intimate environment some other way,

    stares at you too intensively, gauges you with her eyes and tries to stay tête--tête with you.

  2. #2
    Full Member
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    Thanks!!! VERY VERY NICE POST!

  3. #3
    BDC Concepts Chemo (BDC Concepts)'s Avatar
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    Very nice



  4. #4
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    Oh no... now you know all our


    I do find myself swing my legs or played with my hair a lot when I am with the guy I like... I have

    to remind myself to stop but within minutes, I will find myselt start doing it again.


  5. #5
    Newbie nemx2000's Avatar
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    Just thought it might help to

    mention some body language(arms and legs crossed)

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Good stuff. But this is only

    part of the story.

    It's also important to work on your own body language to create the attraction in women,

    and therefore elicit more positive body language from them.

    If you wait till you see the positive body

    language in women before you make a move, this limits the number of women you'll approach. It is possible to use

    your own body language (including voice, posture, movements, smile, casual touching) to create attraction in women

    and get more positive body language from them.

    It works like this. In lower animals, peacocks are the obvious

    example, males display their feathers and the ones that do this the best attract the most females. It works this way

    across the entire animal kingdom. Every female of every species has some behavior that she looks for in a male, that

    when done correctly, will prompt her to choose him to mate with.

    Humans are no different. The complication

    occurs because humans have the most developed brain on the planet and are able to rationalize. Every animal (humans

    included) has a hindbrain that controls basic survival functions; breathing, heart beating, etc. They also have a

    limbic brain that controls lust, emotions, pleasure. Humans have the most developed neo-cortex of animal. This is

    where logic and rational thought occur.

    When a lower male animal does whatever its species does to attract a

    female, if he does it well, it directly stimulates her limbic brain and she has no choice but to continue with her

    part of her species mating ritual.

    Here is where human's neo cortex mucks everything up. A woman might look

    at a guy and rationalize to herself that he is not her type, he is too old/young, not tall enough, whatever. But,

    just like any other animal, if he is able to use the human male's equivalent of displaying his feathers, he can

    bypass her rational mind and stimulate her limbic brain. When this happens, the women will start to rationalize why

    she is attracted to this male even though he is not her type. The limbic brain ALWAYS wins the argument!


    men have been trained by society to try to appeal to a woman's rational brain then they ask themselves why she

    considers him "just a friend". If you've ever asked yourself, "I have a good job, I have good hygiene, I'm not

    grotesque, why won't she sleep with me?" you've been there.

    Since I've been working on this stuff for the

    last 5-6 months I've had more women approach me than in my entire life previously. I've been with more women in

    this time period (including a hot 29 year old and I'm 47) than in the previous couple of years.

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Good information

    that could probably help everybody on the forum. Do you have links to more you could post? I'm sure a lot of us

    would like to follow up on it. If you have already posted it, I must have missed it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Yea, great info. I know you wrote a

    post like this before. Any literature you can direct us to that you used to educate yourselfs on hitting that

    limbic brain would be helpful. Otherwise, we don't know exactly how to get better.

  9. #9
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    Thanks nemx

  10. #10
    Newbie nemx2000's Avatar
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    I just did a search on yahoo

    for body language and went to several sites I'll try to post the better sites

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    Yea, great info. I

    know you wrote a post like this before. Any literature you can direct us to that you used to educate yourselfs on

    hitting that limbic brain would be helpful. Otherwise, we don't know exactly how to get better.

    if I told you then I'd have to kill you.

    I got Nonverbal Sexual Cuing (do a google search). I'm sure the

    info is nothing new and may be in other sources, but I like the way he has it layed out logically. And there's easy

    to follow exercises to improve the skills. It's not magic and there might be better stuff out there (I haven't

    seen the Advanced DYD stuff, but the basic eBook was helpfull and integrates well), but it worked for me.

  12. #12
    Full Member Yoel's Avatar
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    I've seen the Advanced DYD dvds

    and I must say I was really impressed, that's some good stuff. As for body language, I think that was a topic not

    much (or at all) discussed in that course. Well, obviously being a video you can learn something just watching, but

    don't count on it.
    A quick suggestion that came to my mind after watching it: David and his friends make wide

    gestures continuously with their open palms as they talk...I guess that conveys better what you're saying. Yeah, it

    may sound obvious but it looked kinda weird to me...interesting though.
    אני להיות לא באמת יהודי

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    I think that David DeAngelo is

    into teaching the same kind of stuff that's in the Non-Verbal Sexual Cuing material. Since they are teaching you

    new behaviors that create attraction toward you from women, paying attention to body language is not as


    Body language is used in the Non-Verbal Sexual Cuing as a barometer as to whether you are

    escalating too quickly (if she crosses her arms or takes a step away from you). The old way of using body language

    was to (at least as I used it) smile at a bunch of women at a bar/club and wait for them to show some positive signs

    i.e. running fingers through hair, licks her lips, etc. The problem with this is that you have to wait for a woman

    that is attracted to you already (despite all the things you're doing wrong ).

    With the more modern

    techniques, you're creating the attraction despite her initially not being attracted to you. Very few of us are

    good looking enough to attract women based on looks alone, yet we always see average looking guys with hot women

    (how do you think I learned about Non-Verbal Sexual Cuing?)

  14. #14
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    The most common thing I've ever

    experienced is when they walk past (behind) you where there is plenty of room and yet they do either the boob touch,

    knock their elbow past you, or drag their hand over you. All of these I would take as bold and good signs, but any

    other supporting signs are invisible to me, including acknowledgment(!).

    I prefer to look for these things in

    clusters rather than adding too much meaning to a single one. Maybe I'm just too insensitive to notice everything

    else and this is a last ditch attempt on their part. Am I off base?

  15. #15
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    Im surprised no one had this on

    Its long so im only

    gunna show part of it. If you wanna read the rest go to the site.

    Doesn't matter whether she is interested in

    you, you'll make her interested eventually anyway But look for these signs to show you whether you're already

    making progress It's also fun to look for these signs as a by-stander, either in everyday situations or for

    example in a bar - when the guy earnestly believes he is being sooo smooth but the woman he is talking to isn't

    displaying any of the signs presented below, you can't help but have a chuckle about it

    Her lips:

    • Big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing with a relaxed face.
    • Biting of the lips or showing of

      the tongue, licking her lips or touching of her front teeth.
    • She wets her lips, some women use only a single-lip

      lick, wetting the upper or lower lip, while others run the tongue around the entire lip area.
    • She puts her

      fingernail between her teeth.
    • She protrudes her lips and thrust her breasts forward.



    • She gazes in your eyes with deep interest and her pupils are dilated.
    • She raises both

      eyebrows exaggeratedly for a couple of seconds, this is often combined with a smile and some eye contact.
    • She

      winks at you while talking to you or winks at you from a distance.
    • While talking to you, she blinks more than

      usual, fluttering her eyelashes.
    • Eyebrows raised and then lowered, then a smile indicates interest in


    Her hair:
    • She pushes her fingers through her hair. This can be one hand

      movement or more of a stroking motion.
    • She twirls her hair around her fingers while she is looking at

    • She is throwing her hair back off her shoulders.

    Her clothing:
    • If she is

      wearing clothes that show her nipples underneath and you notice they are getting perky and erect.
    • The hem goes

      up to expose a little more leg.
    • She is fixing, patting or smoothing her outfit to make herself look


    While she is seated:
    • She moves in time to the music, with her eyes on

    • She starts sitting straight up and her muscles appear to be firm.
    • She is sitting with her legs

    • She sits with her legs crossed in a manner to reveal her thigh.
    • Her legs are rubbing against each

    • Her legs are rubbing against the leg of the table.
    • Her crossed leg is pointed towards you or if that

      same leg is rocking back and forth towards you.

    Her hands:
    • She exposes the palms of

      her hand facing you.
    • While talking to you, she rests an elbow in the palm of one hand, while holding out her

      other hand, palm up.
    • She rubs her wrists up and down.
    • She sits with one hand touching one of her

    • She rubs her chin or touches her cheek. This indicates that she's thinking about you and her relating

      in some way
    • She is fondling keys, sliding hands up and down a glass, playing with toys or other things on the

    • She plays with her jewellery, especially with stroking and pulling motions.
    • She touches your arm,

      shoulder, thigh, or hand while talking to you (in case you already haven't started

      kino yourself, dumbass.
    • She is

      pretending to look at her watch as you pass her.

    Her voice
    • She raises or lowers the

      volume of her voice to match yours.
    • She speeds up or slows down her speaking to match yours.
    • She laughs in

      unison with you.
    • In a crowd she speaks only to you and focuses all of her undivided attention on


    • She mirrors your body language and body positions.
    • Her skin

      tone becomes red while being around you.
    • She blows smoke straight out from between her lips and toward

    • She leans over and speaks into her friend's ear, just like in junior high school.
    • She is standing with

      her head cocked slightly at an angle, one foot behind the other, hips slightly thrust forward.
    • At a party -

      every once in a while she seems to appear out of nowhere in your vicinity and if you move to another spot, soon she

      appears out of nowhere again, you catch her glancing in your general direction (actually, glancing at YOU dummy!,

      she bumps into you… accidentally, touches you… accidentally etc

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast einstein's Avatar
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    I just did a google search on

    nonverbal sexual cueing. It pointed to this site.

  17. #17
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    Yeah, thats a really good site in

    general. It would be a wise choice to read it over. Im not really into the hoax things he says like tarrot card

    reading for the chick but a lot of whats on the site is really good.

  18. #18
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by einstein
    I just did a

    google search on nonverbal sexual cueing. It pointed to this

    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    oh yeah i read those, read the

    thing on keno at seduction science its pretty interesting

  20. #20
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    Default Non-Verbal Sexual Cuing

    I downloaded Non-Verbal Sexual Cuing yesterday and I
    must say it is the best e-book

    I have ever read. The information is very similar to the information on


    your Dating advanced DVD, but the structure of


    Sexual Cuing is superior.


    of just giving you a bunch of theory and some exercises the book has lots of systematically step by step exercises.

    It tells you exactly how to exercise your body language, tonality and thoughts in order to attract women. Much

    better then saying "be cocky and funny" - which of course works but you have no clue how to implement if you’re not

    naturally funny anyway.

  21. #21
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    Did you pay $35 for that


    ...when i go through the order page is says "free", but when i get to the next page it costs $35...

  22. #22
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    Hmmm... I never bought any of the

    stuff on that site. Most of the stuff on that site is free. It makes its money through donations. If you buy any of

    that stuff the guy who owns the site doenst make any money anyway.

  23. #23
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    Traggard: Did you pay the $35

    to download the ebook or is there some free ebook version on the page?

    ..Can't seem to find a way to download

    anything without going through the order page..

  24. #24
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    oh sry, are you looking at the page?

    if not give me the

    website and i might know somthing

  25. #25
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    Oh, hmm, no, I was looking at

    this page

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Oh, sry about the confusion. The

    seduction science page i was talking about was

    read the thing on

    oxytocin/keno, yul find it very... uh .... enlightening... lol

  27. #27
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    Yes I did pay 35 dollars. I think it is pretty cheap considering the 200 dollars or so I have spent on mones

    with very limited effect. Skill is after all more important then mones.

  28. #28
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    I have always been fascinated

    with the body language of a woman and study it alot.When a lady exposes her wrist thats a sign shes interested.Also

    I heard when she dandles her shoe but I dont take this act too seriously alot of women dangle their shoe for

    different reasons.Thanks for all the links so I can learn more.

  29. #29
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Top for lordcrazyd

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