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  1. #1
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default The evil continues

    I am so sick about

    reading that they beheaded that poor Korean man. I watched him pleading for his life last night and I stood by the

    TV and cried, praying that somehow he would be spared. What a nightmare it is for the families of these victims to

    know that their loved ones were killed by such a horrible, evil, sadistic death and then to have it all captured on

    film for the world to see.

    It is bothering me so much. I just had to write something about it. I wish I hadn't

    seen the footage of him last night just begging for them to let him live.

  2. #2
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    I didn't even watch. I

    already knew they'd do it. Sick bastards. Hope we hit 'em twice as hard now. And the SK's are gonna be wanting

    some, too.

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    It almost seems like they are

    trying to goad the rest of the world into joining the fray. I can't understand what they hope to accomplish by

    these acts. It certainly isn't going to reduce the number of people hunting for their heads.

  4. #4
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    It unreal how deranged they are. I

    can't even imagine why they are painting their own heads on a giant bulls eye.

  5. #5
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    I heard the news earlier on on the

    news,it came as a last minute sort of thing right at the end. I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later but that

    doesn´t help

    What a nightmare it is for the families of these victims to know that their loved ones

    were killed by such a horrible, evil, sadistic death and then to have it all captured on film for the world to

    I know what you mean about the news coverage-it´s not the first time I thought that myself-it is

    indeed much more cruel for friends and family when they see such a thing and knowing that the rest of the world sees

    their friend or loved one in such a humiliating state (koreans are very proud you must know) and then have their

    exectution broadcasted! yuck!
    I often think that certain things are not in the victims interest at all, more

    often than not being shown in the media when they are in a really bad state makes the person affected feel even

    worse! It´s very disrespectful! It´s time the media stopped being such pigs!

    Don´t really know what to say

    either but these people are not doing themselves or their `cause´ a favour that´s for sure just like the soldiers

    who have been torturing Iraqui prisoners. All these things simply fuel the fire of hatred and violence.

    species is just a disgrace a lot of the time.


  6. #6
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    I am surprised that for once we

    don't have to hear the endless whinning and babble of the Abu Grahib prison "scandal".....Whatever disposition, its

    as plain as daylight to see who harbors the more evil, even if one wanted to make a argument based on


    This reminds me of the Israeli and Palestinian issue. As if when a Palestinian makes a "mistake" we are

    quickly told that not all are like this, that it is just a seperate incident and that it was for a "cause", then if

    a Israeli makes a "mistake" its the evil empiror hurting the innocent.

    Point is I don't care or want to hear

    about their "cause", chopping off a civilians head does not validate a great cause, either does attacking 3,000 plus

    innocent civilians via 9/11. So go fuck any of that "cause" and "right" talk. Before anyone gets all uppity I was

    not directing that directly.

  7. #7
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    I don't like Bush nor do I

    particularly hate him, or get into all of the drama. One guy who took a lot of shit, and came above more intelligent

    and understanding is Tony Blair, that is one cool Mofo.

    No one knows what to do with the media at all, things

    have been tried in the past but leaving it open has problems but is the best policy. Truth is other humans are

    giving you the News you get, and humans have a tendency to tell you what they want you to hear, I am sure there is

    stuff going on behind the scenes that would shock anyone, both past and pressent.

    ............and if you did

    hear their actual cause I doubt you would like it very much.

  8. #8
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    I am surprised that for once we

    don't have to hear the endless whinning and babble of the Abu Grahib prison "scandal".....
    I´m not

    surprised but I am a bit dissappointed.

    It´s not a `scandal´-it IS a SCANDAL

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by tallmacky
    I am surprised

    that for once we don't have to hear the endless whinning and babble of the Abu Grahib prison "scandal".....Whatever

    disposition, its as plain as daylight to see who harbors the more evil, even if one wanted to make a argument based

    on that.

    This reminds me of the Israeli and Palestinian issue. As if when a Palestinian makes a "mistake" we

    are quickly told that not all are like this, that it is just a seperate incident and that it was for a "cause", then

    if a Israeli makes a "mistake" its the evil empiror hurting the innocent.

    Point is I don't care or want to

    hear about their "cause", chopping off a civilians head does not validate a great cause, either does attacking 3,000

    plus innocent civilians via 9/11. So go fuck any of that "cause" and "right" talk. Before anyone gets all uppity I

    was not directing that directly.
    Tallmacky, of course the Americans are fighting for a good cause, but you

    only make things (the image of the States) worse, if you try to justify the mistakes they made in Abu Ghraib like


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CJ01
    I´m not surprised

    but I am a bit dissappointed.

    It´s not a `scandal´-it IS a SCANDAL

    considering that we are at war, and considering what usually happens in wars in all its gruesome, the Abu Ghraib

    incident seems like a Fraternity prank. Yes, in comparison it does. It was just a stepping ground for more violence

    and thus became a great excuse and way to justify what has gone on after.

    I didn't say it was right, but

    when considering war it comes off almost passive. I don't know who that short cropped hair cut dumb bitch is in the

    photos and no I don't like her, what a dumb little shit.

    Considering all of the world's history I don't

    think its a "SCANDAL!". To that high of a degree. There is some evil on both sides, there is partial "evil" in

    everyone and everything. It is to what degree that I am concerned with. No, I would never rationalize what happen

    there to what is happening ot civilians in Iraq, but I will compare the two situations and make my choice on

    which is worse. And no I am not some sort of big Bush supporter, at all. I don't even regard him highly and its

    hard to find much I do like in general.

  11. #11
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    I think the point he is making (I

    could be wrong) is that American's were outraged by the behavior of those stupid soldiers. We don't agree with

    that kind of treatment.

  12. #12
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    My point is everyone was so

    outraged and pissed at what the actions of the soliders, but when it comes to how the "extremist" are logging off

    people's heads, people immediately try to jump on board and tell us all how it is a seperate incident and not to

    judge. That is my point! How many threads and or discussion about the prison scandal vs. the beheadings?


    don't care what image I portray about the "states" besides I am almost Canadian? I don't care for the current

    administration and I have apathy for politics. You think I do worse for the image of the states, how are the French

    doing with the image of Europe during this time? I also said I don't care much at all for Bush, and in general

    much more.

  13. #13
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    Plus isn't it best to be a

    individualist vs. a collectivist, which most people are. Judge person by person, not country by country or group by

    group. Which I may sound as if I did, but in general one should have a mixture of both, eh?

  14. #14
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    besides I am almost


  15. #15
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    When considering that we are

    at war, and considering what usually happens in wars in all its gruesome
    really? I thought the war was

    officially over according to Bush...
    But war or not it´s not excuse.

    I think the point is being missed by a

    while. By doing the sh*t tortures in that prison they are not making a wrong right, those people I believe obviously

    do not realize that their actions are not only hurting the overall cause of them being in Iraq ie bringing peace and

    ending terror in the country which was ruled by a =?"("&%§( dictator but also making everything worse. I think

    they´re too dumb to realize the political consequences of what they do!
    They´re betraying their own nation(s) ,

    making their already unpopular governments look even worse and simply adding fuel to the fire.

    All these

    arguments about 9)/11 have no place here at all, not because what happened does not matter but because they´re based

    on emotion and not intelligence and objectivity which would be better imho. What I mean is by being scums those

    scums are no better than the ones they call scums know what I mean? Even if a number from that òther side´ acts

    like bloody sadistic monsters it´s no excuse for the rest to behave that way.
    erm, I hope I´m making myself clear

    enough so there´s no misunderstandings

    besides I am almost Canadian?
    so How close are you

    to the border now do you have a valid passport?

  16. #16
    Journeyman Red Stripe's Avatar
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    I don't think the Abu Ghraib

    thing qualified as torture. Hazing is more the word I'd use. But yes these people are demented the worst

    way...Brainwashed from when they were still in the womb(literally).

    What really sickens me is how the media

    hold _us_ to a higher standard than the terrorists. They almost seem to be trying to incite some of the hatred just

    for a compelling story. CNN and the BBC might as well adopt the Al-Jazeera logo, because their stories arent much

    less biased.

  17. #17
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Good post, Red Stripe. I agree


  18. #18
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    I don't think the Abu Ghraib

    thing qualified as torture.
    what word would you use then?

    I prefer BBC to CNN but I don´t really watch

    CNN anymore. the beep is not as influenced by the government as the US media imo.
    You´re right, the mdia picks

    whatever they want, may that be some big brother bollocks or a political issue.
    The media today is so low in

    quality it´s disgraceful and insulting.

  19. #19
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    The people in the Abu Ghraib prison

    were not put there because they drove through a stop sign or played their music too loud. These are hard core

    prisoners. There is a big difference between them and the innocent people that these monsters are killing on tape.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elana
    The people in the Abu

    Ghraib prison were not put there because they drove through a stop sign or played their music too loud. These are

    hard core prisoners.
    According to some of the media that is not true. But then, it's hard to find out

    what's true.

  21. #21
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by franki
    According to some of

    the media that is not true. But then, it's hard to find out what's true.

  22. #22
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    I believe i read it on Yahoo

  23. #23
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Yahoo Saudi version

  24. #24
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    The people in the Abu Ghraib

    prison were not put there because they drove through a stop sign or played their music too loud. These are hard core

    In some cases it is not known why they are in prison or how they got there and it is irrelevant

    in this case. Even if they´re not harmless as such they still have human rights like the prisoners in our western


  25. #25
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    What makes me angry, is that things

    like this happen every day in turkish prisons, yet some european politicians (and also american ones) want Turkey in

    the EU! That's the double standard I have a problem with: For the USA it's wrong to treat it's prisoners like

    that (I agree), but for Turkey it's ok.

  26. #26
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    I know! Turkey´s a sort of bermuda

    triangle-they´re middle-east -their religion,mentality etc and from what I can tell the population feels like

    they´re more middle-east but also european. But they´ve been taking part in the eurovision song contest since.. I

    don´t know

    I think if Turkey actually became part of the EU some things might change however they need to get

    off their asses and actually do something to prove they are willling to change certain things first!

    It´s not

    okay for the USA (although they would disagree) nor is it okay for Turkey. I know exactly what you´re saying and I

    totally agree on this.

  27. #27
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    It´s not okay for the USA

    (although they would disagree) nor is it okay for Turkey
    No...we wouldn't disagree either.
    The US was

    not defending their actions in the slightest

  28. #28
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    The problem I have with this

    whole mess is with the publication of all this tripe in the first place. In U.S. prisons, prisoners become jailhouse

    lawyers and regularly sue the government over using the wrong brand of peanut butter and not supplying enough fabric

    softener in the prison laundry - and other big stuff like that, on accounta we're such vicious people over here.

    But the media whores can and will sensationalize the happenings at Abu Graib and then pretend deep shock at the

    results - not once, not twice, but three times now, and that doesn't even include the attacks on coalition forces!

    That disgusts me far more than the ignorant, benighted heaps of dung who do these beheadings of innocent civilians,

    the traitors! I'm not defending them, but at least the terrorists are honest enough to walk their talk. It's time

    to just kick ass and take names. Call and raise.

  29. #29
    Journeyman Red Stripe's Avatar
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    Exactly...there are bad apples

    everywhere. Give any soldier too much time, a camera, and a few dozen bad guys under their control, and thats what

    can happen.

    Like I said in my previous post, franki, I'd call it more *hazing* than torture. Torture is

    cutting peoples toes off. Dripping acid on people. Raping women in front of their loved ones...all of which happened

    regularly in Saddam's Iraq. Taking pictures with someone in a dog collar and a black sash over their head, and in

    humiliating sexual positions...while *completely wrong*, is not torture. Its hazing.

    I hope those soldiers

    get max time in prison, I am not defending them...just making a _very_ distinct comparison.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elana
    The people in the Abu

    Ghraib prison were not put there because they drove through a stop sign or played their music too loud. These are

    hard core prisoners. There is a big difference between them and the innocent people that these monsters are killing

    on tape.

    Good post Elana. I agree 101%

    I also am a Bush supporter. He has a much better

    understanding of what this war is about than 90% of the media. And for you other people of civilized nations, you

    are already in the war. You think your cities are safe from the crazed evil bastards. THINK AGAIN! It is only a

    matter of time.

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