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  1. #1

    Default The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    We\'ve had a lot of new people come to the board asking many questions. For awhile some of us kept diaries and made post that kept track of progress. This has obviously stopped so here\'s the deal. Tell us about your recent hits, what happened and what you used. Particularly I\'m interested in work place phero use but parties, clubs and such are cool too. These types of experiences gave hope to those who weren\'t having any luck and also helped people like me learn how to use the stuff. But no one\'s really been posting anything like that lately so I\'m interested in what\'s going on.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Glad ya asked!

    Well, I aint all that new ( been here off an on for a while, btw wtf is dirk? diiiiiiiiiirk!) but i recentley tried to give TE and Cool Scent spray a go and was kinda let down..

    1- a party. Used 2 sprays of edge and 3-4 of the CS but somehow OD\'d. scared one girl so bad she left the room, and i hadnt even lookedat her more\'n two times the whole nite.

    2- the mall. Using half of before i didnt notce a durn thing, even tho i was going outta my wat to strike up bs and such with other shoppers in th stores/food court.

    3- a club. Some girl bought me a drink then just walked off, confused the hell outta me n my friend so i guess it was a pseudo-hit. Try as we could me and Lee couldnt fubd the girl afterwards. Free beer was nice tho.

    4- one more party. 2 sprays of TE and 2 CS this time and no reaction whatsoever.

    Not knocking the mones, just thinking perhaps its a combo of things... 1) I live in cold weather, altho a 80d day pops up outta nowhere, so mebe they are breaking down in unnatural rates (the \'mons. Too fast or to slow) and 2)Im thinking the pheromone sprays are useless, so im really only going out half armed with TE.

    I just recieved the APC and PA and am looking for a smallish sprayer to mix those and try them out. A glutton for punishment that I be, I will first find my OD level then start hitting the same clubs/parties too see if i was correct in my asumptions.

    sorry bout the grammar and such, pinched nerve and typings a b!tch.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    I was about to mention this when the board got seasick.

    I got a real, major, mega obvious DEER stare the other day in the shops by one of the cashiers who was the next one up as I was paying. It was mega obvious, I had walked passed her earlier in the store but no reactions and at the check-out later she was about 3 m away from me.

    Yes it was a woman AGAIN, not really good looking though, but a bit younger than the other ones.

    Oh I think my younger cousin also was affected some time ago. She gave me a minor DEER look, which freaked me a little at the time. She is very young by the way, 20 or so.

    As for now, the hairdresser girl has not responded so no news on that front, I´ll keep you posted.

    For now can´t think of anything else.

    CJ [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Actually the hair dresser story is pretty darn weird. I\'d like to hear what came of that myself. Anymore weird one like CJ\'s?

    Hopefully I should be getting my order soon so I\'ll have some new stuff to put here too.

    By the way, Mykra, I want to hear about what happens after the mix. Don\'t over do it please. I\'ve had that happen to where I over did it and yes women will literally run from you (atleast try to get out of your presence). The chick that bought you the drink probably got a whiff from afar then got close and was overwhelmed. She didn\'t know how to handle it so she did in the best way she knew how.

    [ October 01, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  5. #5
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Something similar happened to me today on the train on the way home. I was on the platform and this guy walks around and then stands next to me, kept turning his head round etc. Then on the train I get i first and go to stand on the other side of the train opposite the doors. I look at a poster and next thing I know he´s right beside me. There was absolutley no reason for this coz there was plenty of room, even free seats available and there was noone standing on the other side where we had entered. After a while of pretending not to be looking he moved to the middle where the pole is, then he moved even further away to the next door a few meters away, there was several people there already.
    I didn´t mind, coz he really was not my type!

    Before that small, less obvious things happened. Including, another girl but,for once a more attractive one but that could have been me reading too much into it.

    BTW that girl still hasn´t mailed me back ... [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] , strange things are going on. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

    CJ [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Yep its getting weird real weird but its all good so far he he, well keep those stories coming, i am getting DIHL all the time. And a little of story the americans are about to go after the afgans i think, heard something i hope it stays a low key thing i really do. Someone needs to show a bit of restraint.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Maybe the mones got to her but once you were gone she forgot about you. It\'s a possibility. I mean she really didn\'t know you nor did she have a real connection with you other than being your hair dresser right?

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    My hairdresser is great and shes a 10 perfect bod, anyway she gives me a great head massages and brushes up agaisnt me and takes her time, and i get some decent conversation out of her to, some real insights into how women think, shes with someone else but still flirts and talks and is great.

    And also a great source of information, which is handy. For all her other types out there. he he

  9. #9
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    jambat that´s the weird thing about it and really surprised me, the last time I was there and met her (for the first time as far as I am concerned) was 3 months (nearly four by now). Then she passed on the note to a third party. I don´t know what´s up. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Don´t matter though I have other things to worry about.

    CJ [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    I love it when the mones make women chatty, because you get all kinds of insights and learn thing you shouldn\'t know. It makes for great conversation. That\'s why I may add some SPMO to may next APC/NPA mix.

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.


  12. #12

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    hey jambat,

    im ur newest follower and one of the pherodudes who wait for your latest release. what does SPMO does? what do u think will add to your super apc/npa combo?

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Don\'t know yet. For some reason I\'ve yet to get my order. Usually it takes about 3 days but it\'s been five. Maybe I\'ll get it monday. I\'ll tell you what I plan to do...

    1. Make an NPA/SPMO brew. (No APC)

    2. Make an NPA/SPMO/NPA Brew

    3. Make a PF/NPA brew.

    I don\'t know how long this will all take but if SPMO has all the A-nol people are saying it may have this may be a hit.

  14. #14

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Hit report? What\'s happening out there dang blast it? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  15. #15

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Saturday night, very popular major college area bar, huge place, packed with lots of smoke.

    As an experiment, I loaded up on Pheros- 3-4 Sprays of The Edge (shirt), a couple drops of PI (wrists), 2 or 3 sprays of Andro 4.2 (hair).

    I\'m 35 and there was a girl there (20s, about a 7, nice rack, average face, kind of slutty looking) who ended up standing next to me and she was ALL over me immediately. She couldn\'t keep her hands off of me. It was ridiculous.

    I don\'t know if it was the pheros or the way that I look or something else.

    But one thing is for sure, the excessive amount of pheros that I had on did not have a negative effect on her.

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    You didn\'t scare away with all that? I put too much of it on women run and hide behind their female friends. (This actually happened. It was quite funny when I think about it). [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  17. #17

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    why do women run away when we OD anyway? is it because we smell bad or is it because they feel too intimidated to talk to us?

  18. #18

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Hi...all expert guys

    [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] Just wonna tell my story a bit about my APC..!
    : I alway working in my sister restaurant as a waiter when I got some free time so I was test my APC by apply few drops on my ears neck & arm . But I didn\'t get any big hit ( Test about 3 months ). [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    So I think that my APC ( bought from ebay before I found love-scent .com) is not real phero. Then I bought APC again from another seller on ebay ...!!! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] Then I was found that the smell of APC (2nd bottle) is nearly unscent (just a bit scent) different from my 1st APC it have good smell.
    But the result was still the same no big hit even I add more drops of APC. [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    The only thing I feel just some good smile only...!

    But lucky I found you guy so please advise me a bit [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] lol please

  19. #19

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Good stories latino and jacky keep em coming please they are always funny.

    And how is the jambat mix going everyone.

  20. #20
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    I was at a bar last Saturday and met a nice married couple. I was wearing AE Two drops behind each ear, one drop behind the back of the hands. One spray of TES under each arm pit. I was sitting next to the wife and we were having a conversation about politics. she gave me the DITHLL and twirling her hair. When her husband went to the bathroom, she touched my hand and was getting a little physical. I was flattered of course but I don\'t mess with married women. She even gave me her husband\'s business card,and said that we should hang out sometime.

    [ October 09, 2001: Message edited by: jose ]

  21. #21

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    oooh jose! be careful out there! that\'s scary! LOL!

  22. #22
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    It wasn\'t scary, but I will tell you one thing if she was single I would have fucked the shit out of her.

  23. #23

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    Yes, pheromones can get you into trouble if you\'re not discerning. Like Paul I too am curious how are you people doing with the mix. I mean I know you like it but what\'s happening out there? By the way I got my stuff today and I\'ll start mixing soon. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  24. #24

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    hey jose, why not go threesome with her husband? NO IM JUST KIDDING. IM NOT THAT BAD!

  25. #25

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    ooooh yeah, married women...immoral yet tempting....

    i\'ve been using the mones for almost a good year now. i was one of the old-school pheroers when PI/PF combo was the shit. dirk would swear by the combo everytime a newbie had questions...
    ever since i discovered pheromones i\'ve never stopped wearing them, didn\'t even skip a day. so i\'ve kinda gotten used to the friendly smiles and the DIHL and touches and chattiness and physical closeness. plus recently im going through a major shift in my life so i have to pay extra attention if i wanna notice any hits.

    i\'ve got a couple of good hit stories, i\'ll just post an interesting one first...

    i work at a sushi restrauant part time as a cashier. and there aren\'t that many waiters around so numbers wise im in a very favorable environment. i was asked to move from one branch to another cuz they were short on peeps. i was getting some hits quite regularly from female customers(they would make comments like \"ooo, what a handsome waiter we got tonite..\"-they didn\'t know i wasn\'t their waiter when i brought them to their tables..some of the younger customers would just DIHL at me whenever i grab their checks or try to start some small talk) and from a couple of the younger waitresses who went to a stateU near by. there was also this 17 year old japanese/white mixed cute cashier that just couldn\'t stop giggling and smiling and shying away and touching my arms whenever i was around her.(oh yeah i switch my mones between PPA/Attraction, andro/attraction, apc/pf, the wipes, pi/pf, aego/edge, pi/edge and attraction/edge)

    one time a really classy looking petite black girl who apparently had some japanese blood(cuz her last name was yokohama but she only knew very little japanese) was trying to ask me how to write her name in japanese when the cutest waitress(the one the head chef had tried to get)actually cockblocked her! she just gracefully inserted herself in between the space between me and the black/j cutie and joined the conversation by pointing out different possible ways to write my name and hers. i didn\'t realize it until later but the glow from the black/j girl\'s face just faded and she looked away absent-mindedly while the waitress was talking. then she just up and left when her food was ready...looking a little disappointment at me when going through the door.(she was waiting for take out)
    but i was too happily distracted by the waitress to notice. she was also just a part time and she went to the stateU a couple of blocks away. of course more stuff happened with this waitress but i\'ll save that for another post. :-)

    as i moved to the new branch i was quite happy cuz there was a whole group of new waitresses i haven\'t met b4. the supervisor was a 29ish attractive petite married japanese women. she was quite mean to me when i first walked in the door to punch in cuz i didn\'t use the employee\'s entrance.(like hell i would know..)but as soon as she started to show me around the new cashier system she obviously started to talk softer and actually smiling a bit. (oh yeah i also discovered NLP and SS(speed seduction) at this point so i experimented a couple of the basic stuff on her...mirroring and kino and some simple inductions and magical connection patterns) and by the end of the day she reacted positively to my kinos on her arm and back. now i didn\'t know this until way recently but the attitude she had towards me was quite special cuz it turns out that she\'s the control freak bitch of the branch.(after i\'ve asked around)well she IS a supervisor so that\'s her job. and most people don\'t like her too much, although some of the sushi chefs think she\'s hot. but i was getting the \"treatment\" for a good 4-5 month b4 shit started happening and our friendship got scramble to shit. but during that time i was flirting with her on a daily basis, kino was no problem as i was massaging her regularly.(on the job no less!)
    and most ridiculously she was actually the one to slap my ass first(hard enough to make a front of another male assist-manager!) TWICE in a row. (u can just imagine all the alpha-male tension shit that\'s gonna go down between me and this assist later on...) and on a couple of occasions she would ask me to the back to give her more massages.(and no being the dumbass that i was i actually developed real feelings for her so i respected her marriage and didn\'t do anything...well it turned out i respected her marriage more than she did cuz i think injured her pride when i cut the massage short...when the OWNER\'S SON walked by and went \"ala, what\'s going on here?\" )
    and im not sure how i feel now but later i found out she\'d cheated on her husband twice(that i know of) with the head chef and the head sushi chef. one of the cashiers caught them making out in the storage room. and then other stuff happened and now we don\'t talk to each other at work unless we have to.
    and she IS a control bitch indeed, whenever i would try to experiment SS on some of the new cutie trainees she would say something mean to cut me off...the only time when she wouldn\'t cockblock/interfere was if i was chatting with her friend or the owner\'s 17 year old daughter...who apparently enjoys my company. whoever posted a-nol works on young girls was right on the money...jambat\'s mix was also quite young girls are not too sophisticated when it comes to masking their attraction towards men i guess....but she\'s too young and too dangerous to even flirt with so she\'s off limits. im still on the owner\'s good side for now. :-)

    and finally just this morning a waitress i haven\'t worked with for a while obviously got hit by jambat\'s mix. as we were eating our after-work lunch, she passed by me to get the food and just commented on how incredible it is that i was trilingual...(i was talking to another sushi trainee in my language) and actually my japanese ain\'t all that so i just half-heartly replied \"more like 2 and a half..) and the waitress table just burst into giggles...then i knew mones got to them cuz they all had this \"i hate this job/life\" expression just this morning.
    then i proceed to chat away with her about her career and whatnot. then she got too excited and moved to my little table and started describing her recent inner discover about finding her true calling in programming. at that point i was agreeing with whoever posted that pheromones allows us to hear these things we aren\'t supposed to know...then i just gave her some ideas about how to break into the programming field and it wasn\'t until later(always..)that i realized she was twirling her hair and stretching her chest quite a bit and her eyes were all shiny. i don\'t know if it was excitment of talking about finding her destiny or me or the mones or all of the above. but today was probly the 3rd time i\'ve worked with her and she lays this deep personal info on me. pretty cool i thought.

    ooook...i\'ve accidentally posted too much sorry if it wasn\'t entertaining was more like a pheromone experience recap than a hit story i guess. :-)

    in pheromones we trust

    [ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: Nobody ]

    [ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: Nobody ]

  26. #26
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    I\'ll keep it brief --

    WalMart -- me looking for mirror; walk by cosmetics section; two girls heads WHIP around; too young. DAMN! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    BTW, wearing Jambat, plus extra APC. I thought too much; apparently not. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  27. #27

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    goodness gracious! what a novel! but a really good experience! i wish my work is like the normal job where you stay in one place the whole day! i bet my a** i\'m gonna be away from this forum for a while because im busy with dates! lol

    u said u never skipped a day w/o using mones? have u ever thought of trying it just 1 day without it to see if everyone\'s gonna be reacting the same way? that should make them go crazy after you when they smell you again the next day with the pheros!

  28. #28

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    I do that quite a bit, cause they tend to last several days sometimes.

    Hey its fun to drive some people insane, oh well [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  29. #29

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    This phero hasn\'t been mentioned in awhile but ...I recently purchased scented PI because it has worked for me in the past...and 2 hits happened! [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] I use the standard drop behind the ear; but I always put what\'s left from my finger on my wrists. Hit #1 If I haven\'t had stuff on in awhile ; the first time I wear it home from work wife takes me upstairs everytime!!! I gave her a ride home from work and by the time we got home she was ready to go! [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] Hit #2 At work, it always seems to make this one girl in particular very sweet and passive and even affectionate towards me...It\'s very noticeable because she is generally very disciplined and aloof towards everyone! Today, her eyes were dilated and she was making nonstop eye contact with me in a 15 minute work-related conversation...(she is one of those girls that seems to go out of her way to NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT with anyone.) [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] It\'s just fun seeing the change in her......

  30. #30

    Default Re: The Hit Squad. What about recent hits?.

    redcapp, the only time i don\'t wear the mones are when i stay in and have no plans going out. i HAVE forgotten to refresh after 6-8 hrs several times and excused myself to the restroom to reload. but after a year of experiences, i realized that alcohol-based or not, i usually didn\'t get any obvious reactions immediately after application. the hits usually start 15-30-1hr afterwards...but of course i still get surprises every now and then. overnight pheromones on shirts(andro/attract)is also one of my favorite...with bounce fabric freshener.

    i don\'t know if anyone remembers this post but i described an experience of OD in a korean club a while back...2 pf wipes with a couple of dabs of EVERYTHING i had. i didn\'t get any of the action but 5 of my friends just got seriously effected(plus the alcohol)and 2 guys were taking turns necking and fingering a girl they were both after(who later threw up on both of them)...and my other \"friend\" was tonguing one of the waitress i brought as a about taking it up the ass in chumpland...but i was getting what i deserved cuz i was after her friend(the cutest waitress...which was why i brought her she can talk about the night/advertise me to her indirectly)so i kinda ignored her advances in the club...after i got back from the dance floor they were necking already...15 mins after arriving at the club.

    it was an eye opening experience for me. :-)

    in pheromones we trust

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