Thanks for the encouragement Full Tilt.

I think any rational person should have concerns about the aftermath. But I can see how that would be a bigger concern for women. Women tend to view being lost in the moment as a romantic thing. Guys tend to view it as a loss of control.
Still... if you understand the guy’s motives for hooking up with you in the first place, you can pretty well guess how he’s going to act afterwards.

Also you have some control over the situation.
If you want them to forget about you, do your best to make them feel uncomfortable. (You can start by making them lay on the wet spot.) Little territorial things like, “Please don’t use that towel.” would probably work on sensitive guys like me. Messing with the ego — as in giving the impression that you weren’t quite satisfied — would probably work on alpha types.
If you want them to come back, leave something lingering in their imagination. A passionate kiss that breaks off just as things get hot is nice. But just parading around in sexy lingerie for a while, before getting dressed, seems to work pretty well on me.

In the final analysis, it’s always a gamble and you have to weigh the risks against the potential payoffs. Of course, if all you want is an orgasm, you could probably do a better job on your own. (And avoid the risks altogether.) But we always seem to crave something more. Don\'t we?