I dont think you can classify it like that, the way i see it is as follows:

The pheros do create the reactions (not in all women of course), but the wearers behavoir determins the reaction he/she gets. Acting shy and reservered will leave you ignored in the corner. Be outgoing and you will see reactions, and yes these are better than without pheros. Following my recent experiences at school, I went without pheros for two days, but still kept the same attitude. What happened? There were reactions, but they were not as intense as the ones with pheros.

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Thanks for the info. Sounds like an interesting test. You sound like a perfect canidate to try that double blind experiment we were talking about in the Just Curious thread. Its similar to the one you did, but over a longer time period and uses two bottles of cologne, one spiked one not, that are indistinguishable from each other.