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  1. #1
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Penis Improvement, sort of...

    Well, I\'m doing three things to my penis (or at least planning to):

    1) Trying to widen it, not lengthen it. It is about 6.5-7(rare times) in length, and
    2) I want it to angle up. So far, it is a little down, not straight (unless I flex my PC muscles)
    3) I want a \"partial circumcision\". I want enough skin to cover the tip when it\'s soft, so I can retain the sensitivity, but little enough where it will peel back all the way when i\'m hard (instead of me having to do that manually). This is going to cost me about $1000, so I\'ll save that for another time.

    As far as the first two... anyone have any ideas on the best ways to go about it?

    I never stuck with any program because I have other things in my life besides my penis and my sex life. But if there\'s one that\'s time-efficient, I\'m all for it.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Penis Improvement, sort of...

    Ok using this technique will change your dick into a freaky anaconda.

    All the info u need is below. Btw don\'t even bother with jelq/stretching if girth is all u want. There is absolutely nothing in this world that adds girth faster than the SQUEEZE.
    I think u will see resuls in less than 2 weeks....basically u see them immidiatelly after workout , but after 2 weeks it\'ll stay almost the whole day the way u made it (Verrry thick) After 2-3 month the gains will be permanent ! ...Also consider upping kegels (pc muscle workout) because u need better pc muscles to handle/get up a MUCH heavier dick by the end of your enlargment adventure.
    Do the squeeze 5 days straight , then 2 days off. one workout = 10 - 15 minutes , go for quality not amount , try to do them as correct as possible.
    + They are verrrrrrrry easy to perform , but hard to master. If u overdo on your first week , or any workout day (=squeezing to hard) u could burst a vein. (Needs few month to heal - so be careful) While u perform a single squeeze the veins on the middle part of your unit will stand out alot , wich is good = u are doing it right ...just make sure u don\'t squeeze to hard or else Kabooooom !

    If u are interested in a PC mUscle workout suggestion/ below I\'ll give u few examples

    Enjoy and report back.


    This is a technique that was introduced to us by \"Big Al\". It has proven to be an amazing exercise for increasing penis girth (thickness), and can be used by both enlargement beginners and old-timers alike. Because it was first mentioned in our User Forum, it has never been included in our regular set of exercises... until Now!

    Again, The Squeeze is used to increase penis girth, not length. The Squeeze is NOT related to the PC (Kegel) Exercises (which also incorporate \"squeezes\").


    The Squeeze should be done IN PLACE of the Jelq!! Do not do both the Squeeze and the Jelq in one session... that would be overkill, which might tire the penis and slow down the growth process. Do one or the other.

    You should perform the Squeeze about 3 times a week. You can alternate days with the Jelq. Over time, this will help you build up both your erect girth and length. You should still perform your Stretching Exercises 5 days a week!


    Directions for the Squeeze:

    1. Do NOT use lubrication for this exercise. Get your penis in a SEMI-ERECT state.

    2. Take one hand and place it at the base of the penis, with your thumb and forefinger in the \"OK\" sign as if you were jelqing. Take your other hand and grip the area just behind the head of the penis.

    3. Now SQUEEZE with both hands! Your penis should look very swollen and veiny. Essentially, you are squeezing at the base and below the head at the same time, engorging the middle. (If you like, you can do a Kegel before each Squeeze).

    4. Hold this position for 5 seconds.

    5. Release. Wait about 2-3 seconds, then start again.

    6. Do 50+ reps, resting after every 10 reps or so. (If you\'re just beginning our penis enlargement program, you might start out with 10 reps and gradually add more each day).

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Penis Improvement, sort of...

    hey, lucky me, i got pantero\'s ideal dick!

    sorry bud, it aint for sale

    but i think Tbird has the right info for increasing girth. Kegels are probably the best all around for keeping a lot of blood in your shaft. I dont think there\'s a way to effectively or safely change the angle of ur penis.

    use ur hardware the best way you can. Since you say it bends downward, rear entry positions would probably work like magic in hitting the g spot. Hell, im a 17 yr old virgin but from what ive read, an upward bending shaft (like mine) only helps hitting the g spot in missionary-type positions, so as long as you know how to use what you\'ve got, the angle isnt so important. Astheticly speaking, i doubt any woman would ever conciously find an nasty-ass veiny upward bent penis any more attractive than a nasty-ass veiny downward bent penis [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Penis Improvement, sort of...

    The way I read it, he doesn\'t want to put a bend in his penis, he wants it to point toward his navel when its erect rather than go more parallel to the floor.

    Nothing wrong with that. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Penis Improvement, sort of...

    oh, i see, with the whole flexing pc muscles thing...ur probably right. Either way, its isnt so important, but yes, kegels are the absolute best for that i think.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Penis Improvement, sort of...

    I think I read somewhere that that is an indicator of a better eection, when it points straight up. Maybe because it means more blood flow? ... I\'m no expert...

  7. #7
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Penis Improvement, sort of...

    actually, the main reason that i want it thicker and pointing up (not bending) is:

    it will rub my girl\'s clit better while i\'m sliding in and out. if it\'s thicker, it is more likely to cause friction of the outer labia against the clit. and as far as the angle goes, well, half of our positions are face-to-face... that angle will cause my shaft to rub against her clit more. as for when we do it in any crotch-to-butt position (spooning, doggie, etc.), i\'m theorizing that the way the shaft will be pressing against the front of the pussy wall (next to the clit, again) will make it more pleasurable for her.

    i want to focus on her clit, not on the g-spot. let\'s not forget that lots of women still love their clits more than their g-spots (easier access, more familiarity)... but correct me if i\'m wrong.

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] oh and my problem with the squeeze is that it thickens the head and the upper shaft, leaving the lower shaft neglected, yet this is where tends to rub against my girl\'s clit, so that\'s where i need the size. any ideas on how to thicken the part of the shaft closer to my pelvis, not my d!ckhead?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Penis Improvement, sort of...

    I don\'t understand your last paragraph.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Penis Improvement, sort of...

    hm...... okay, let me try and explain.

    when i squeeze from the bottom/base of my shaft, my dick starts to look like a light bulb. no it doesn\'t light up, but it \"enlarges\" only at the top and middle like a lightbulb, just not to those proportions.

    i want even thickness along the shaft, not a friggin pear-shaped penis. I want a cucumber, not a banana or a carrot. Are you understanding? Now, are u hungry or horny?

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Penis Improvement, sort of...

    Well, damn it, now *I\'m* hungry...

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Penis Improvement, sort of...

    Get your OK grip at the base and do a good squeeze to get the blood trapped in, now get an ok grip right below your head and squeeze. Hold this for about 20 seconds and rest for 5-10 seconds to let the blood circulate. do around 10-20 reps of these. The ultimate girth enlarging excercise out there.
    Also, even though you may be getting that \'bulbous\' shape when doing your squeezes now it will regulate itself over time so dont worry about it to much. I would still do the exercises you have been doing for head enlargement.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Penis Improvement, sort of...

    Oops, looks like TBird already explained the above exercise.

  13. #13
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default OK, I give up...

    I\'m going to share the way I grew my slong by half an inch in 3 weeks.

    Some of you have guessed the answer but I was being coy. Plus, I thought I had a better way but that notion had technical problems:

    Here\'s how to do it. Order a transdermal androstenediol spray such as:

    There are others out there - Ergopharm\'s Andro Spray was what I used but it has been discontinued.

    Smear a little on your penis every night and every morning after showering.

    You may want to take saw palmetto or an anti-estrogen concurrently for prostate protection. ZMA might help to but I haven\'t tried that.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    it is permanent whitehall? is it safe for you penis?

  15. #15
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    It\'s been a couple of months and my dick hasn\'t shrunk yet. I am getting used to the new enlarged size - it\'s grown on me, so to speak.

    It might do some unpleasant things to your prostate since it\'s RIGHT THERE. That\'s why the recommendation for saw palmetto just to be safe.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    how long did you use it? not the saw palmeto

  17. #17
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    what xxxPantero is talking about is called a baseball bat penis. well that is what is called on -- a penis enlargement forum. it is pretty cool. I am pretty sure they would have a post or two on what your looking for.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    I think hes saying he doesnt want a baseball bat penis, but a more uniform increase in girth.

  19. #19
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    yeah, what kifer said

  20. #20

    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    A noble goal. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  21. #21
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    no improvement necessary over here [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

  22. #22
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    I know testosterone increases cell repair in the penis. I wonder if you jelqed and then put the topical 4-diol gel on it would get you even better results. ...This is an interesting topic.

  23. #23
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    no improvement necessary over here [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


  24. #24
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    What\'s really working for you is dihydrotestosterone - DHT. It is directly involved in the growth of the penis - and I assume the clitoris.

    DHT is also very psychoactive for one\'s libido and can make your hair fall out.

    So 4-androstendiol converts to testosterone in the local tissue which is further converted into DHT - that\'s the theory anyway. Doctors have used for years topical DHT lotions to increase penis size in teenagers with glandular problems. Make that \"abnormal teenage glandular problems...\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    Since the conversions require zinc, I suggested that ZMA might make the conversion processes more efficient although I am fuzzier on this set of facts and haven\'t tried adding ZMA myself.

    Whether 4-AD plus \"exercises\" is superior to either individually, I can\'t tell although one would hope.

    My experience without \"exercises\" is that growth was proportional - length and girth increased in the same ratio.

    The reason I gave a commercial 4-AD topical product is that this one (amongst others) contains a \"penetration enhancer\" - what a coincidence! A penetration enhancer to enhance your penetrator!

  25. #25
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    I would try this, but I don\'t want my hair to fall out from the DHT.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    What is very interesting is the doctor\'s application for glandular deffecient teenagers. So applying 4-ad is like starting up the growth of the penis again as if you were in puberty right? Kind of like the stage when girls breast develope from an increase in estrogen. Am I right on this? So if a male were to apply a topical 4-ad prohormone to his penis morning and night he would replicate the growth stage? I think this is a great idea...! Nice one Whitehall!!!!!!

  27. #27
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    hair fall out?? what\'s this about?

  28. #28
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Nice one Whitehall!!!!!!

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Thank you but I\'ve already heard that except that she prefaced it with \"OHHHHHH...\" - up close and personal. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

    It\'s a long way from your dick to your head - moreso for some of us than others. But, yes, DHT is usually considered the culprit in male pattern baldness. If you use androgenic steroids it can happen. It starts with hair thinning.

    Since you\'re applying a little on one specific location, the amount that reaches your head hair should be very small. People use these topical 4-AD lotions in much larger amounts over large areas of their body to achieve greater muscle mass. What you will be using here shouldn\'t be a problem.

    I think that prostate issues are of more concern but even then I don\'t think I saw any effect and I\'m at an age where prostate is more of an issue.

    No guarantees - it\'s your decision.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    can you get muscle growth without working out then?

  30. #30
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: OK, I give up...

    No. Steroid use will aid in muscle additions only with exercise. Doctors sometimes give steroids to AIDS victims to prevent wasting but for a healthy guy, you gotta break a sweat in the gym or do hard labor, the more noble way to earn your muscles.

    The mechanism by which DHT builds penis tissue differs from the way anabolic steroids build muscle.

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