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  1. #1

    Default Business applications

    Hi folks,
    Been lurking for a month, using PF and/or PA for a week. Thought I\'d speak up when the new forum started. I have to say, Bruce, that I\'d have never tried the products if it weren\'t for your honest, transparent comments on the forum. Hype gags me, honesty opens my wallet.

    Anyway, the point of this post is to ask members about the impact of wearing pheros in the business world. That\'s why I\'m interested -- I\'m 40+ and married for 18 years, and have attracted all the woman I can handle. But I\'d like to hear from anyone who has seen a reaction in a business setting--from either sex. I\'ll be meeting with editors and publishers at a large publishing convention in a few weeks, and I\'m looking for any edge (npi) I can get.

    Thanks for your response.

    writer guy

  2. #2

    Default Re: Business applications

    Hi writer guy

    Application of pheros in the business world was exactly the reason why I started to use them. Never had trouble getting to know women however I\'m sure my batting average would have been much better with the extra phero magic.

    Here are my impressions after about two months of use. Principal products applied are AE, Edge, and PF.
    First of all I noticed a striking effect when it came to group conversations. Say I was in the meeting and everyone was shouting out ideas about some problem we ran into. Well it seems I am treated quite differently than everyone else. When I begin to speak everyone quiets, there will not be any interruptions, and everyone listens intently. I\'m a network engineer at a large company and there are often people 3 levels up from me plus high up management at these meetings everyone attends. When it first happened I got almost choked with all the scrutinizing attention I received. Weird thing is no one seemed to notice and one of my colleges complemented me on my ‘take charge’ initiative. All I did is opened my mouth like everyone else there! Now I\'m gradually getting used to it.
    Another thing is I can get away with directing my superiors in the proper course of action, and here is the kicker: if my suggestions turn out off base or flat out wrong whoever it is blames the whole thing on himself!
    Other benefits include less bickering and nonsense from women especially.

    I believe that if you have the kind of confidence to much the aura of respect the pheros project around you, anyone can climb the corporate ladder.
    I bet it could be a killer in sales.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Business applications

    Oh yes it is a good thing to use in a work setting, where i am working i have been there for a few years casual and when i started using pheromones i have in three months secured a permanent jobs and you are right vermix people are listening and implementing what i say, so i have to say yes it works and also i notice the effect i have when walking into shops the place will be packed within ten minutes and the cash registers go off the hook, sales people running left right and centre so to speak so i am currently trying to get into sales myself it should be very interesting, has anyone else got any experiences in this department

  4. #4

    Default Re: Business applications

    Hey guys, I would like to know if all the people that work with you (men and women) are listening and implementing what you say.
    I\'ve red in this board that pheromones repel men. Is it true?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Business applications

    Vermin, thanks for your reply. With that kind of power, we shall RULE THE WOR... uh, I mean...

    My situation is a little odd--I\'m self-employed and work alone, dealing with other writers, editors, and publishers on the phone and via e-mail. A few times a year, however, we get together at conventions and conferences, and I meet new editors and old, and line up business for the next few months.

    V, I hope you\'re right about pheros\' impact on sales, because that\'s really what it is--I\'m selling folks on my credentials, my abilities, my book ideas. They\'re agreeing to pay good money for the ideas, the intangible castles in the air that I\'ve spun in our conversations. In this intense networking environment, I hope pheros will help me make a solid impression. \"Gee, I don\'t know what it is about that guy, but I just have an urge to write him a big fat check to edit for us.\"

    My challenge now will be to experiment and find a good amount and combination before the next conference in two weeks. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

    Writer guy

    \"Wish I didn\'t know now what I didn\'t know then...\" Bob Seegar

  6. #6
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Business applications

    It´s great people are getting more detailed on this issue because it´s the main reason I started using pheros too. So please let us know how you get on in this area! [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: Business applications

    Hey WriterDude,
    Yes on the professional side pheros are great! I work in the casino industry here in Nevada, in a risk Management/Security position. I get paid to be the prick in this industry of entertainment. But when dealing with Irate folks face to face pheros do seem to calm them down and gets me listened to. Disputes seem to melt away. At first it was really weird. Especially when you get a 70 yr old fem with the Deer in the Headlights Look and is listening to your every word. But yes very positive on the professional side.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Business applications

    Biological manipulation of peoples well thats what it is a little bit but it doesnt hurt them gets us phero users what we want a lot more often and these other people are really really happy all the time and we get lots of sex and other fun stuff as well as increased sales in a people based setting where interaction is vital so no ive not complaints lol

  9. #9

    Default Re: Business applications

    writer guy

    From what I hear you need to make great first impressions on people you seldom meet. Pheros are known to give that extra edge especially when meeting someone new. For old acquaintances, family and friends pheros need a longer time and many exposures in order to make a similar effect as a first impression on someone new.
    The thing is pheros help tremendously mold some ones impression of you to a more desirable level. People that already know you well, have you pegged and changing their minds takes much longer than a first impression. Having said that, I believe the times you announce something very new to your friends are the times when you can reshape their thoughts about yourself with the help of pheros. If you can present yourself as a \'changed\' person, then all of the sudden everyone who thought he/she knew you starts to examine you like a new person. Great time for pheros to do their work.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Business applications

    I\'m glad to see others who are interested in the professional benefits. I mean, hearing about the young guys\' bar and club adventures is fairly amusing, but I wouldn\'t swap places with them for anything. BTDT...

    How long have you been using pheros, and what kind of experiences have you had in business situations? It must be especially complex for a woman.

    Anybody else, jump in any time here.

    Writer Guy

    \"Run, rabbit, run. Dig that hole, forget the sun. When at last your work is done, don\'t sit down, it\'s time to dig another one...\"

  11. #11

    Default Re: Business applications

    AkA...that excerpt is a classic Pink Floyd Lyric.......I believe (without breaking out my album) it is Breath from the Dark Side of the Moon Album.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Business applications

    It\'s great to know that somebody\'s still remember PF (Pink Floyd [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] around here.
    \"I locked the door, and throw away the key,
    There\'s someone in my head, but it\'s not me.\"
    I guss it was the quote for a chicks under the phero influence [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Default Re: Business applications

    And BTW,
    A couple of months ago we all kinda agreed that pheros are having a negative effect on other males, but now we\'re saying that it is working positively with other males in a working environment?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Business applications

    I\'ve just started using APC...the results have been very subtle but at work I think I finally saw them pay off. I had the VP of Marketing flying into town. She was already upset with my department because someone she leaned on heavily for support was going on an extended vacation and it was up to me to make sure she was taken care of. On the first day of her 3 day visit I invited her to a meeting. (little APC on the arms and some in the hair over each ear)...she sat with a group of techs and listened to my solutions to her fact, she just kept looking at me throughout the whole meeting and then looking at me for approval with each point she made to the group! On Day two she came up beside me, linked her arm in mine, and asked if I\'d join her for lunch. She made a lot of comments about me being a single guy on the prowl. On day three I was helping her with her computer and I noticed her moving right up beside me. I think I actually caught her sniffing me!

    Would still like to get some hits from some unmarried, not-work-related women, but at least I\'ve caught a little religion after this experience.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Business applications


    I\'ve tried overloading on AE + Edge twice at work. Looking back I could not sense outright hostility from other men but a kind of cold sizing up look. Kind of like they were afraid that I was going to get physical and they were getting ready. Something from the animal kindgdom you would learn about on Discovery. It\'s hard to explain. The women on the other hand seemed afraid and had a look of \"if you gonne approach me I will blow you off in a sec\".

    Here is the formula I used: 5 finger dips of AE spread around face/neck, and 4 sprays of Edge under arms, chest + hair.

  16. #16
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Business applications

    I think small to moderate amounts of androstenone are best for business. I like APC because it also has a fresh, conservative smell.
    Some effects I\'ve noticed: People are more likely to remember you. They pay more attention to what you say. They seem to have more confidence in you. And all your jokes will seem funnier.

  17. #17
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Business applications

    Writer guy,

    \"Run, rabbit, run. Dig that hole, forget the sun. When at last your work is done, don\'t sit down, it\'s time to dig another one...\" is a great quote. (I\'m giving you a five star rating.) Where\'s it from?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Business applications

    The secret is to get the right amount and the right product once you get that you have it down pat

  19. #19

    Default Re: Business applications

    TallCool wins a virtual see-gar for recognizing \"Breathe\" from Dark Side of the Moon. That\'s one of the joys of geezerdom--there\'s lots of great music stuck in our graying heads...

    My challenge with pheromone use at this upcoming convention is that I won\'t really have much time to experiment. I\'m going to try some different amounts and combos over the next few days. I should get out more, huh?

    One question for you experinced folks--since pheros last longer on fabrics, do I have to watch out for a cumulative effect on my shirt combining with the fresh applications on my skin and hair?

    Writer Guy

    \"And then one day you find/ ten years have got behind you/ no one told you when to run/ you missed the starting gun...\"

  20. #20

    Default Re: Business applications

    Hell I\'m only 36....well I guess that could be a Geezer to some. But Hell we males like a good bottle of Vino, get better with age ......and with a bit of ages better it

  21. #21
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Business applications

    The embarrassing thing is that I too am a geezer. I played Dark Side of the Moon to death, and all I can remember is that one of the songs begins with the sound of a cash register. I asked a friend for a copy so that I could listen to it again. Maybe this time I should try it without the bong hits.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Business applications

    \"The memories of man in his old age, are the deeds of man in his prime\"
    from Pink Floyd\'s song Free Four, The Valley,obscured by clouds album. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

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