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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default Been thinking a lot on DIHL & I think I nailed it

    Below was taken by a post by the capt:
    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I think a DIHL is the response to an external influence, pheromonal or otherwise. And maybe that response is coincided by the release of the inhibitor of this chemical, which also has some interesting affects. There are dreams where you drift in and out of consciousness, depending on what you think about, which adds further evidence to the theory that the sleep impulse is controlled.

    If a switch is being flipped, it must be a fairly general switch. We can slip in and out of daydreams randomly, it\'s just like looking inwards. But a provoked day dream only happense in two situations. The first is of extreem trauma, where the body makes a decision, either it can do it\'s best to save it\'s self, and so acts almost automatically, or the mind gives up (like in a coma) and hopes that someone else will fix the problem or waits for the body to heal its self. In the latter situation, your consciousness is drawn back into a dream-like state, and every whim is catered for, this is a place of extreem comfort. The other time day dreams occur is when you are relaxed and at ease with your surroundings. The mind feels safe enough to think (almost wistfully) about other things, but only because there is no need to be mindfull of what is going on or weary of dangers, no need to be alert. Now the interesting thing is, this chemical is directly related to alertness.

    We enter this trance state sometimes because of things we think about, as is mostly the case, but also has been proven to happen with pheromonal or even just regular olfactory input. Maybe what the pheromones are triggering is the same thing that gets triggered when we enter a tranced state due to our own thoughts, which must ultimately be linked to this chemical, or one with a paralell function.


    Here\'s something I found on the net, I find this is a perfect way to explain DIHL to your male friends as there\'s a good chance they\'ve been there at least once in their life:
    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    You can take a guy who\'s an air traffic controller, who has incredible focus, who can deal with incredible stress, and put him in front of a Penthouse pet in a thong bikini, all oiled up, and he won\'t be able to put two words together. That\'s an altered state of consciousness.


    Now my take as to what triggers a DIHL is sensory overload, think along the lines of how trauma puts people into a trance like state, your sensors are taking in more information then it can handle &amp; another part of your mind, the subconscious part begins to take control. In the example of the air traffic controller, he has never seen someone this beautiful this lubed up &amp; is trying to take in every inch of her body visually all at the same time &amp; he cannot &amp; he just is mesmerized by what he is seeing.

    With pheromones, you typically only get DIHL like responses on OD-ing on something like -none. Because it elicits such a strong sexual response, they had never been exposed to taking that much information in through their VNO &amp; their brain \"tilts\" when it tries to process it, so the subconscious mind takes over.

    One last example, not sure if I can tie it in here, but let\'s say you are hanging out with your buddies &amp; you do the Elaine Beness dance from Seinfeld, &amp; let\'s assume they never saw that episode &amp; they are freaked out by it, trying to decipher &amp; process all of the visual imagery but they fail to piece it together &amp; are just like, \"huh?\" Okay that last one was a stretch but, do you see where I\'m going with this? Just trying to further analyze &amp; breakdown DIHL\'s &amp; how to act when your target goes into one.

    I guess it really comes down to how do you communicate with someone\'s subconscious when you do not have to worry about their conscious mind to interfer? Do you just pretend your target has fallen into hypnosis &amp; start creating anchors, &amp; then when they come out of the trance they will react to the different anchors you set.

    Final slightly off topic note, anyone ever listen to Howard Stern\'s crucified by the FCC? There\'s a clip I want to get my hands on. Some famous hypnotist used to go on the show &amp; hypnotize porn stars or just really hot female celebrities to be Howard\'s little toy during the show. One time he had this hot girl have an orgasm everytime Howard touched his ear, it was classic Stern at his best. It got to the point where they started to tease her about his penis &amp; asked her if she wanted to see it, &amp; she nearly exploded in begging Howard to reveal himself, I\'m pretty sure he did &amp; she felt a strong hap-piness inside herself (pun intended for you NLP-er\'s).

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Been thinking a lot on DIHL & I think I nailed it

    Something I just thought of in the shower. If sensory overload is responsible for causing DIHL\'s, then couldn\'t variety trigger DIHL\'s or do you think it was just the heavy -none dosage? Think of tasting chocolate, mint chocolate chip, snickers, cookies &amp; cream, black raspberry ice cream all in one bite all flavors at once as distinct individual flavors as compared to a blended flavor that would result, that would startle you, no? So by taking a whif of:

    <ul type=\"square\">[*]WAGG triggering your trust senses[*]-none triggering your libido[*]cops triggering your sexual associations[*]-rone triggering your this person is a hetero male senses[*]-nol triggering your happy/comfortable senses[*]as well as a pleasant cologne that your olfactory smelling senses assume is causing all of the emotions all at once, separately &amp; individually as compared to a mish-mosh blend smell.[/list]I think it would probably be a new experience for you, something that feels really good, &amp; you just want to enjoy the moment &amp; day dream, hence go into DIHL-trance mode?

    Am I reaching here, or could I be on to something? I\'m going out with the same blend tonight in addition to a spray of my EW mix on the crotch of my pants &amp; cover with Angel/m on my upper body as well as a little Body Shop aftershave lotion - talk about sensory overload!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Been thinking a lot on DIHL & I think I nailed it

    I\'m no scientist on this, but it sounds like you\'re on to something.

  4. #4
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Been thinking a lot on DIHL & I think I nailed it

    Some good thoughts Biv.

    I think we are talking two different types of DILH here.

    Case 1
    Something is pleasantly surprising. Something exciting and new, most -none DIHLs would fall under this catagory. This is also the air-traffic guy\'s responce. Now, it get\'s interesting, dopamine (neuro-transmitter) is released in responce to new exciting things. It\'s something we crave as humans, it\'s like our drug, we are addicted to it. I think this kind of DIHLis more than just a dopamine release though, but its a start.

    Case 2
    Complete relaxation. You are completely at ease with your surroundings, and safe. Not so sure about this one, but more like a day dream, or an \"ooh he\'s so dreamy...\"

    Case 3
    Maybe some crossover between the two?

    I think a lot of the triggers will be associations, scent being a strong one. Most of the principles behind pheromones are asoications, such as making your target think of sexual things or situations, with you as the focus.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Been thinking a lot on DIHL & I think I nailed it

    I think this applies, got it off of a PDF on hypnosis.

    Figure 1.1 - Signs of Hypnosis

    Light Trance
    <ul type=\"square\">[*]Deep relaxation[*]Change in respiration[*]Fluttering of the eyelids[/list]Medium Trance
    <ul type=\"square\">[*]Face Flaccid[*]Redness and increased lacrimation (Secretion of tears, especially in excess) of the eyes due to relaxation of the muscles around/in the eye.[*]Labored breathing[/list]Deep Trance
    <ul type=\"square\">[*]Catalepsy (A condition characterized by lack of response to external stimuli and by muscular rigidity, so that the limbs remain in whatever position they are placed. It is known to occur in a variety of physical and psychological disorders, such as epilepsy and schizophrenia, and can be induced by hypnosis.)[*]Inability or unwillingness to speak[/list]I\'d venture to say DIHL\'s are in the medium trance range, potentially bordering on deep trance range, but I think that might be a stretch, maybe only in extreme DIHL\'s, or do you think DIHL\'s have to be as strong as the deep trance symptoms to truly be a DIHL? Interesting there is no mention of pupil dilation, do you think this is an oversight by Michael Stevenson?

    Hmm after re-reading I tend to believe to be a true DIHL it has to be a deep trance, ala Inability or unwillingness to speak

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Been thinking a lot on DIHL & I think I nailed it

    NPA is the one u are missing and a1 also. Got any thoughts there.

    a1 - triggering thier calm non-PMS sense.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Been thinking a lot on DIHL & I think I nailed it

    You are right on A1, I did use it in my other thread, forgot to mention it. I guess the secret ingredients in NPA should be considered as well, maybe lower the PI/m to 1 drop &amp; add 3 drops NPA?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Been thinking a lot on DIHL & I think I nailed it

    Excellent idea mirrors what krtel tried with WKM#1 mix.

  9. #9
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Been thinking a lot on DIHL & I think I nailed it

    I\'m not sure about deep or medium trance, but catalepsy is a little far.

    You might get some laboured breathing, but it\'s either light trance or not at all. It\'s more of a semi-consious day dream, but as I think you have hit on it\'s a range. There isn\'t really inability to speak in the way I think your PDF describes... i don\'t know, I think this is taking us down the wrong road slightly.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Been thinking a lot on DIHL & I think I nailed it

    Yeah Capt, you\'re probably right, next time I\'ll try taking her by the hand &amp; making a 90 degree angle as I tell her to hold this position. I do think there could be a mid range between Medium &amp; Deep, as I am pretty positive there is an inability to speak, even if it is only brief. The night I describe in my other thread, I asked her a few simple questions &amp; I got nothing, no response, I could be mistaken by her reactions but this is what happened,

    I immediately noticed her trance like state &amp; I looked into her eyes closely to see if they were dilated &amp; sure enough they were, so I asked her in a monotonous voice, \"How do you feel?\" -no response, I followed up, \"You must be feeling REALLY GOOD right now\", with obvious emphasis, now I believe her eyes dilated even more, just slightly, I mean I had never seen someone\'s eyes dillate so much.

    On two other separate occasions, when I first started fooling around with primarily PI/m &amp; OD-ing with it, probably 3-4 drops, perhaps even 5. One time a girl 8 feet away someone that had her back turned to me &amp; she was with a guy had turned 180 degrees &amp; was facing me, her boyfriend (I assume) just sat there confused, I\'m sure he tried saying something to her but no response. I purposely did not make eye contact, but I did walk by at which point I catch out of the corner of my eye this guy staring me down like he wanted to ring my neck, lol. The second instance very, very similar, almost scary I was at a different bar watching some football, again a girl had her back to me &amp; she was with a guy that had to be her boyfriend, I didn\'t make eye contact with her either, but same behavior she turned completely around leaving her man just standing right behind her, as I walked past them to go to the bathroom the guy gives me a shoulder, lol - that type of behavior is more typical at this bar, but usually you need to provoke one of the meatheads, I just let it slide he was a bit taller then me &amp; I had nothing to gain by getting into his face, it would have been interesting if I had asked him if I had done anything to offend him?

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Been thinking a lot on DIHL & I think I nailed it

    They drag bfs back just to take a second whiff sometimes.

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