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  1. #1

    Default \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    Oscar, a very kind and merciful person with a chem set, made up some unscented SOE and sent it to me. It\'s such a mood lift, I can\'t even begin to tell you. I wish we could buy it like this. I really love it. It give such a feeling of peace and well being.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    LOL, I was just going to ask if the person who sent you the stuff is a Phero Pharaoh...... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I see you already answered the question.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    To FTR,

    The made up SOE clone makes you feel good how???

    Also why have it made up if you can order the real SOE--didn\'t this work for you???

  4. #4
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)


    Actually that mix isn\'t exactly unscented SOE. There\'s Nol and Rone in a vegetable glycerine/ethanol carrier, but there\'s a bit more of one of the ingredients than there would be if it were the exact same formula as SOE.
    Thus, what you have there is an original. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    I have become a journeyman.

  6. #6

    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    Because the real SOE has waaay too much scent, and too much of a masculine scent, for me to be able to wear. The scent turns on me after about 15 minutes into something rancid. But I LOVE the feel of it.I\'ve got so much bad going on right now I don\'t even know how to begin to tell you -- I\'m just barely hanging on, you know those times? And you know they\'ll pass, too, but in the meantime, you\'d give anything for just a little shelter in the storm. SOE is shelter in a storm in a bottle. It somehow just puts the backbone back in me. About 15 minutes after I put this mix on, I started to feel serene, in a good mood, I could finally catch a deep breath ... it\'s a cool breeze going through your mind. It\'s somehow very steadying, it\'s like someone saying, It\'s all right, everything\'s ok. Someone with authority. Nothing has changed whatsoever but my viewpoint -- which is everything.I have a lot of personal associations with this feeling, which may be whacked, \'cause I\'m weird, but ... it very strongly reminds me of the men in my family. It\'s like knowing my dad\'s in the house. (He\'s not, he\'s dead.) It just makes me feel protected and safe. And in a good mood, pleasant.I was just looking at the SOE thread in the women\'s forum and there are similar thoughts there. I\'m SO glad to have this stuff, thank you Oscar. P.S. Congratulations on making rank, Schaefage!!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    Let me guess oscar... heavy on the -rone ?

  8. #8
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    While first experimenting with 1mg/ml of -rone, I commonly got responses like: reminds me of my boyfriend; like clean sweat; very masculine; like the room smells after sex; just makes me feel good. Initially, I intended to go with a -rone only product, but when reports that -nol altered hormone levels in women, it made sense to use a combination. 2mg/ml of -rone was invariably too much--and I got too many negative responses. Also, some people are extremely sensitive to -rone, and it gives a nasty undertone to the mix. Taken together, the combination of -rone; -nol, and fragrance in SOE is likely to be the most pleasing combination to the majority of people. Altering the mix is unlikley to please as many people; though when people experience pleasant effects simply by using -rone, I think it\'s safe to say that adding more -rone to their bottle of SOE is not a bad idea.

  9. #9

    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    When people complained of the smell, before you got it to it\'s final form, what did they say? What did they compare it to?

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    SOE itself is definitely an excellent phero for the workplace - I use it daily and it makes a world of difference in making the day more pleasant - you (the wearer) are more amiable/pleasant, and others in your vicinity are the same. I wish I had the time to chronicle my SOE experiences but just don\'t have much time to be on the board these days. PF gets the same friendly responses, but problem with PF is I feel when I wear it on its own I lose the \"respect factor\" and have to add some -none to offset this, whereas with SOE I can wear it on it\'s own and still get respect yet everyone is very friendly - this is why I feel it\'s great in the workplace and for those who deal with a lot of customers (or end-users as I do) this makes a world of difference in how the day proceeds. Maybe I will purchase a chem set and try to make the unscented, but I actually like the SOE scent - smells clean and fresh.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE) To FLTRH

    Hi FullTilt [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    While you wait for this mix to arrive, you may
    find yourself more able to deal with things by
    Anchoring the Scent of Eros \"sernity\" feeling.

    Smell the SOE and REALLY become aware of
    every feeling, scent, sound, sensation, etc.
    How exactly does it make you feel better?
    That ability comes from WITHIN and the
    SOE simply \"triggers it\" like a light switch...

    Repeat this over and over again, possibly while
    listening to your favorite music.

    -------If SOE was a song/music, what would it be?-------------------

    I know from your posts that you are very intense and

    Take this FEELING, amplify it and set your own ANCHOR.
    Touch your thumb and forefinger together ( or choose your
    own ) and do this OVER and over again until you can
    trigger this \"serenity\" simply by triggering your Anchor.

    This is SO much easier and more effective than it reads.
    Trust me.

    What if you were to USE your natural talents
    and tendencies to help you to naturally start to
    feel this \"serenity\" and take it with you, wherever you go.

  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    Have been there and done that so to speak, and though i\'m man i found SoE to make me feel more relaxed, as well as the ladies i was around, and as a result, i had alot better feelings about myself, which in the end made a diff in how others saw me. And i agree, at times a unscented SoE would be very nice.(though thxs to you i\'ve gone to using a cologne spiked with PI/f..oh man, what a affect, makes me feel like a million bucks. i\'d kiss ya if i could find ya

  13. #13

    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    I\'d kiss you back. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  14. #14

    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)


    Tell me more about the PI/f effects on you, how much you use and what and how you spike your cologne. Also what cologne is it.

    Also what effects does PI/f have on the females around you?

    I just ordered PI/f and am excited about it.

    Interesting to know how it affects you.


  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    lmao..careful FTR, 1st girl i ever kissed was at 5 y/o in kindergarden and she was a redhead...i chased that girl 12 more yrs

  16. #16
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    might wanna check out the \'newbie mixing\' post i have, covers most is le male+PI/f.i carry TE to \'close the deal\' if and when i feel a need too..thats right now..gonna go concentrate and mix my own soon

  17. #17
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    BTW, just a word of caution about PI/f ya might keep in mind..very high -nol and there is a -nol to -none factor you have to consider, on me i see a breakdown happening after 5 hrs or so(i carry a atomizer of clean le male to refresh the cologne later as needed to cover it =to a point=..but many things will affect that time on you personally so experiment b4 committing to a evening out where you might get stuck over 6-7 hrs(on me)..PU..You will -none OD over time
    PS here..this is why i what to go with my own mix..little less than what PI/f gives might extend that time to all evening w/o OD

  18. #18
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    Women: concentrated sweat odor
    Men: concentrated urine odor

    Expectations were that some women might consciously perceive it to be a strong odor, and therefore it would be aversive, because all strong odors are aversive.

    Expectations were that some women might consciously perceive it to be a strong odor, and that their aversion to it might be based upon mammalian scent marking of territory.

  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    I would buy it.

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    Hang on, your weather will change.

    I\'ll be thinking about you.

  21. #21
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    I would buy it to.

  22. #22
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)


    No, not heavy on the Rone. Nor the Nol.

    I realized that I only had a bit more than 1/2 mL of chem-set (1mg/mL) Rone, and since I didn\'t want to mess with SOE\'s Nol to Rone ratio, I simply opted to make it half strength.

    I put 2mL of chem-set Nol, and 1/2mL of Rone into the flask, then added 7.5mL of vegetable glycerine/ethanol base to make 10mL.

    Even with the phero concentration of original SOE being cut in half, without a cover fragrance there IS a faint detectable (phero) scent to the stuff, but it\'s quite mild and rather pleasant.

    The phero concentration of an unscented product is less critical than for one that is scented. How much or how little one decides to apply is not influenced by an accompanying fragrance.

    I do think James should consider releasing such a product.
    I\'d buy it too!

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  23. #23

    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    I put some on my pillow case last night and slept like a rock and woke up before the alarm went off, feeling refreshed, for a change.

    Kiss Hug, Oscar

  24. #24
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)


    Thanks. I\'m really glad you like it. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    How much are you putting on your pillow?
    Does it stain?
    Does it smell any different in the morning?
    Any good dreams?

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  25. #25

    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    I just ran it along the inside seam of one side of the pillow case hem. I don\'t notice any change in smell. No bad dreams, is the difference. I didn\'t wake up with any nightmares. Or wake up in the morning after having had bad dreams that stay in my head until after a cup of coffee. I slept all night with no nightmares and woke up feeling good. That\'s remarkable. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  26. #26

    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    A couple of dreams last night about guys at work that I am attracted to. Interesting because they weren\'t overtly sexual. In each case, the guy made a declaration and then sort of asked me if I could possibly care for them or did I return the interest whatsoever. Lots of heat in both dreams but interactions conducted from a respectful distance.

  27. #27

    Default Re: \"Virtual Sweetie\" (Unscented SOE)

    Virtual Sweetie ... how nice! Now Oscar, how about some of that \"Virtual Stud\" brew? Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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