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Thread: pheromones

  1. #1

    Default pheromones


    don\'t get sucked in! pheromones don\'t work!

    i tried 3 - all crap...

    may I suggest an explanation which has already been suggested...

    - your confidence increases
    - you try it on more
    - you look around more
    - above all, you WANT it to work so read too much into situations and kid yourself afterwards into thinking stuff happened when actually nothing ever does.

    the tiny (if any) effects are easily explained by the above.

    what about money back guarantee??? that was a comfort when i wasted money on the cheap deoderants. was it any use? NO. i didn\'t try so i cannot say if the companies would
    honour the promise but to be fair it\'s the same with every money back guarantee. you know, like the weight training deals, the slimfasts etc.. the fact is you carry on going hoping, just hoping you\'re wrong about it being crap until it\'s too late to give back anyway. that\'s what happened to me. sure a few might return good but on the whole no-one does. a clever ploy.

    the way i see it, if somehow we\'ve evolved not to produce \'mones effectively anymore, then lo and behold, we will have evolved not to pick them up effectively too.

    what about everyone saying \"they really work, honest\". easy. start up a website, get loadsa employees to write in crap. start a ball rolling and robert\'s your father\'s brother. like all those ppl who thought they saw aliens after a hoax radio story being taken seriously.

    who\'s to trust who ppl are on this board???

    strange how there\'s always an excuse for stuff not working: \"it just doesn\'t for you\", \"wrong combination\" etc etc..

    funny also how ppl report it working in impossible circumstances i.e. from miles away. goes to prove the wanting to believe theory.

    and how come ppl report contradicting things. for some it turns blokes away, for others they almost pull blokes. yeah yeah different ppl different scents but a more fitting explanation is that it\'s all in the mind.

    (moderators, if you keep this on the board, \'nuff respek from me and that alone will be (the one) glimmer of testament in my mind to the fact that it all may be sincere. i\'m not trying to be a nob and no i don\'t have any alterior motive. just hate seeing ppl waste money like i did instead of developing their own personalities to pull bird the proper way. an open forum i hope, for healthy debate. if it really does work, i\'ll get my arse whooped in this debate. remember i too, like other blokes want to believe so i\'m not closed to reason.)

    Only trust...Da_SkEpTiK!!!

    [ August 28, 2001: Message edited by: Bruce ]

  2. #2

    Default Re: pheromones

    Well, your post is here just as well as mine or anyone else\'s. No one\'s going to take your post down. Let me explain. If the stuff works, (even if what you say is true) then it still works. If someone feels their life has improved because of something they\'re doing do you think your simple whinning and nay saying is going to make them reconsider?

    Let me say this. I\'m new at this. I\'ve had on days and off days, but my on days are better than any of my on days minus the \"mones\". Sorry. I\'ve always been confident and all that other stuff, but no woman has ever bought me a drink in a club until now. No group of women have ever decided to walk over to me and strike up a conversation. I\'m short, broke and though moderately attractive I don\'t stand out so when these things happen I take note because they don\'t happen to me normally and all of the sudden the probability of it happening has increased. Say what you want but I\'m into the mones. I know what works and what doesn\'t. And now I have an edge (no pun intended).

    I can say that the Edge hasn\'t been the luckiest for me but I know NPA and APC have. I know that these chemicals do have an effect on women and I know women who would normally not give a damn about me start coming over to me and striking up conversations. You\'re jaded and upset because you\'ve failed. Well some of us are losers. But you know what, if you try, you might be a winner. We help each other here and if you want help in using the product everyone\'s here. Bruce is the only employee in here (He owns the company) the rest of us are loyal customers as far as I know.

    If you want to take the challenge take it, if not bug off, but with that attitude no wonder you don\'t get anywhere even with pheromones. Bruce offers a money back garuntee and people have sent stuff back. Why don\'t you order something. You don\'t like it send it back. What have you got to lose. If it didn\'t work for me I wouldn\'t reorder. I\'m not rich but I see the stuff working. You should try some of Bruce\'s product if you don\'t like it send it back. You got a crap load of post to read before you buy. Read them first then order. I do okay with the stuff, Paul\'s damn good with it, and Bruce himself would love to help you. Unless you just want to say it doesn\'t work because that\'s your thing. That\'s cool too I guess. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: pheromones


  4. #4

    Default Re: pheromones

    Ok sceptic, pauls back ha ha ha, well where to start, they do come along every now and then to throw the debate wide open ive doen it myself sometimes with different screen names saying that they really dont work, well they do, lets just say its all down to personal experience the things with sceptics is that they take a couple of points and really work hard on ignoring the rest a couple of points we need your hard factual data please, which products did you use how much lets give you a chance to put your side across, and if you can provide us with lots of information then you may have your own point the stuff is bloody brilliant and it works great for me [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] same thing tends to happen with the UFO debate im thinking carl sagan as one, so lets get this going i love a good discussion so to speak we have what a couple of hundred here against one who may or may not be a competitior of this site, but you have a chance to respond first before we skin you alive, the times it doesnt work (me included) is when one overdoses, if you look at scientific data then androgens are shown to effect sexual behaviour in humans (pheromones) just as dopamine levels effect depression and mania etc they are the end product of testoresorone and in monkeys it has been shown they produce the same stuff lets get the real information from the labs up here into the debate to, there is a thing i notice where in relationships that people to maintain closeness and intimacy need to be close (smell each other) if not they tend to fall apart (long distance relationships often dont work) what else time to really stick the boot in this time im having fun he he, anyway the social sturcture ever wondered why some people get respect and not others why NLP works for some and not others *** pheromone scents *** we have males who are boss and get respect from others ie pheromone levels and various combination of levels so we have aggressiveness and passive types high producers produce more various scents so to speak while your geek types and lower level passive types produce less ever wondered why good looking women go with certain men its not looks even they have a hard time explaining why they are attracted to some and not others we have the answer now its pheromones the emotional bonding chemical scent whatever it is called that allows them to submit all women want to do it they are happier its simply genetic look at all the depressed unhappy women around they want a man to be close to pheromones create that link on a subconsciuos basis. im going round here but most people should be able to pick up on my point of view on this one and expand it, its still an infant science but it is available in synthetic form and those of us that do use the stuff see the great amazing results that come from using it and we get the advantages and those that take the negative simply miss out. that simple we will get the advantage ok now your chance to respond sceptic !!!!!?????? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: pheromones

    Everyone has a right to his opinion, but your way off. When women start giving me their phone numbers or walking up to me to start a conversation I know it\'s the Pheromones. It never happened before I started using it, I even fucked a woman on the first date and I\'m still seeing her to this day. This is definitely a confidence booster, she even says she likes the way I smell which tells me it\'s working. Maybe you don\'t groom yourself or smile when a woman passes you buy. Like you said you can always get your money back.

  6. #6

    Default Re: pheromones

    Welcome back i think jose, you are so right, when it starts new users sit up and take notice and we know the truth is out there maybe we should start giving these conspiracy types free sample lol give them a run and then they become part of the conspiracy cause they are the new powerful sexual types lol and they become the product of their previous annoyances and the cycle goes round and round and the whole human race goes on and on lol oh well im having a good brain day must be the pheros i wonder if the CIA and spy agencys use pheromones to get the power over the genreal public or even the aliens lol ha ha

  7. #7

    Default Re: pheromones

    Blah Blah Blah, Yes they do give you more confidence. Just like a new suit, or a
    great looking shirt on you. But hey your not bitching about buying them. I stated
    before that I believe its a mixture of both the phero\'s and a better attitude or outlook
    on what might happen that night. But if its a thing as they do not work at all, why
    would you naturally produce them in your body. Just like viagra, would you not try
    that if you couldn\'t get it up. What if it didn\'t work for you, would you then call the
    rest of the 50 million men in the world wrong because it didn\'t work for you. We
    all know what works for one doesn\'t always work for another, but it is possible to
    have results from the same thing in a group. If its the money that your worried about
    us poor people loosing, I thank you. I haven\'t ever had another person worry about
    my fortune before, I guess its kinda nice. But you know I work for what I have and
    if this is what I choose to waste my money on then so be it. I personally believe
    they work. I also now personally believe that you have a bad attitude, and that\'s
    more than likely why you haven\'t had any luck with the product. I believe you
    where looking for that drop their panties kinda kick and it didn\'t happen so there is
    no way this works. Well if your in a club and your head is to the ground you cant
    see when someone might be interested in you. Ofcourse some people can look
    straight on and still not get it. Which category do you fit in. I have my opinion on
    that also.

  8. #8

    Default Re: pheromones


    Even I have to agree that Da_SkEpTiK was a little bit unfair thinking of a conspiracy without facts they are not science fiction scenarios with many businesses
    As for his believe that pheros don\'t work I will agree at least for now
    I believe the same thing that they are a nice ego boost but no for long
    Some of you said that even as an ego boost is nice and I will agree but I don\'t like to trick my self force me to believe that pheros work when I don\'t see any results at all
    A suit is something visible that can give you a very good ego boost for real and can\'t be compared with pheros.
    The NLP is something you must exercise a lot to have results and viagra depends on the physical health of the person trying it. However how can pheros work differently with the skin and most of all when you apply them to clothes ?
    I assume pH has something to do with the skin but on clothes ??
    Just imagine all these people spending thousands of bucks for one or more chicks
    If pheros worked so well with everybody and everywhere it would cost concentrated or pure more that several thousands per ml
    Do you know the fairytale of the King and his clothes. A sly tailor convinced the king that he made a set of clothes they didn\'t exist as the finest clothes ever made and even the king was naked he bridled as he had real clothes on him
    The tailor in this story has nothing to do with Bruce
    In fact Bruce helped me a lot and replied most of my questions in no time
    His professionalism is something i don\'t believe there is someone who has doubt about.

    I tried TE and AE for a month and didn\'t have the slightest positive effect
    Some of you answered me that I must smile more or be friendly or be in a good mood and generally that it\'s my fault pheros don\'t work
    I\'m not a man who believes that there is a word such \"absolute\"
    You may have right, you may not
    I will not praise my self but I\'m sure it\'s not my fault
    I guess that real pheros work only in Xfiles (there was an episode with a man/woman who used pheros but at the end that creature was an alien)

    So the big question is why pheros don\'t work for everybody at least when they will be applied on the clothes and not the skin ?? (when I say work I don\'t mean to get laid, I mean positive results of any kind)
    Do they need live skin to work ??
    Do they work only in communities and countries with advanced woman\'s emancipation ? (For example i didn\'t have any kind of problems with foreign girls)
    With this post I tried to mention my opinion
    I don\'t want to be in an offensive position and open a philosophical conversation
    I just try to find the reasons why this doesn\'t work for me
    The attitude is not for sure and I don\'t pay so much attention at least the last week but it makes me furious when I read all these positive results when I\'m sure I don\'t get any

    OK I finished
    I may get up from the deck chair ?
    Doc what I owe you ?
    I would like to set another appointment for Friday [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    [ August 28, 2001: Message edited by: PG-29 ]

  9. #9
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: pheromones

    Thanks Paul it\'s good to be back. As I keep telling the new guys Pheromones are just a tool,you have to do the rest with charm and charisma to get the women.

  10. #10
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: pheromones


    You say that you WANT to believe and that you\'re NOT closed to reason,so, help us to help you.

    What three products did you try? Maybe they WERE crap.Did you buy them from Love-Scent? If you did,you don\'t need to worry about getting your money back.Bruce (who is NOT my employer) WILL refund your money on returned products.He\'s like L.L.Bean in that he doesn\'t want ANYBODY out there who is dissatisfied with his goods or service.He\'d probably tell you to go ahead and use more of the stuff to make absolutely sure that it doesn\'t work for you.He can\'t re-sell it if it\'s one-tenth used any more than he can if it\'s half gone.

    Perhaps you\'ve evolved to the point where your VNO is a mere vestigial organ,(CONGRATULATIONS! or I\'m SO SORRY!...Which would you rather hear?) there are many out there who have not.And it is on these more primitive creatures that synthesized human pheromones work best.

    At any rate,I\'m curious WHAT you tried and HOW MUCH?

    Your opinions,like all those expressed on this forum,are valued.Thanks for posting your true feelings.


  11. #11

    Default Re: pheromones

    honestly, stop trying so hard.

    writing threads such as \"IT\'S NOT WORKING!!! HELP ME!!!!\" \"NO WAY DOES THIS WORK!!!\" are suggestive of an attitude which, in and of itself, renders you dead in the water before you even leave your house.

    think of it as a fun experimentation. doesn\'t work? who cares.

  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: pheromones

    If pheros are crap, then this forum is an elaborate scam. If this forum is not an elaborate scam, then pheros are not crap.
    Everybody that hasn’t tried pheromones, or has had no success with pheromones, will have to decide for themselves which is more far fetched: that a) somebody fabricated, or hired, a diversity of personalities to promote a worthless product or b) that chemical compounds which are central to sexual attraction among other species of animals have some effect on humans.

    Like Paul and Oscar, I’m curious about what you used and how much.
    If everybody gives the same suggestions, it’s not because we are all the same person, or because we are all reading from the same script. It’s because our experience has shown that, time and again, whenever pheros don’t work for somebody it’s usually one of two things: too many pheromones (overdose) or not enough sociability (attitude). In addition, I can think of two other possible reasons: too much cologne, or screwed up skin PH (which I think can be cured by using natural soaps, eating lots of greens, and drinking plenty of water).
    There may be other reasons that I haven’t even thought of.
    I once poured two drops of PI on a paper towel and dropped it in a trash can. After a few minutes I observed that women working within the general area of the trash can became more talkative and energetic. After a while the subject of conversation turned to sex.
    For me, this was evidence that pheromones work independently of any confidence boost or other placebo effect.

    If anybody deserves their money back, it’s you. We can all see that you’re trying, and I think we all want to see you succeed.
    If you’ve decided to give up, I can offer this consolation: The Dali Lama is one of the happiest guys on the planet, and he’s probably NEVER been laid. One way or another, you probably WILL get laid.
    If you’ve decided to keep trying: try applying MUCH less. (It couldn’t hurt.)

  13. #13

    Default Re: pheromones

    Thanks for the responses. I’ll take ‘em one by one.

    Jambat. Thanks. I want it to work obviously but it just hasn’t seemed to. You say you’re moderately attractive. Good for you. Most people like me are average. Perhaps you don’t need it. I honestly would like to believe it\'s possible then I’d spend whatever time and money it takes to experiment but to my sceptical mind it’s nothing more than a con extrapolated from some insect data. A few anecdotes are not good enough (although keep ‘em coming! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] )

    Paul. Thanks. I’m certainly not a competitor of this site. Let me state that now. I am an honest sceptic with no ulterior motives. Or am I? Doesn’t this just highlight one of my main gripes? That anyone could be anyone here? There seem to be a few ‘vocal’ pro-‘mone guys on this board such as yourself. The rest just ask questions or give weak anecdotal evidence (or lack thereof) or complain like I do. Who’s to say the handful of vocals aren’t reps from the various companies or this site? Paul you mention some lab experiments. Rats, moths, even other primates don’t interest me for reasons I’ve already given. You say “there is a thing I notice” – stop there: weak subjective anecdotal nothingness I’m afraid. Whoever said male respect etc are due to pheromones. Clearly they’re down to size etc.. If ‘mones produced the hierarchy you’d expect size to have little to do with it unless general growth hormone/aggressiveness genes are inseparably linked with our pheromone genes which is an absurd thought!

    Jose. Thanks. Judging by your website pic you shouldn’t be having any trouble at all anyway mate so I have to question the effect of the ‘mones.

    Ka000. Thanks. Viagra works within one person. ‘Mones on clothes/ skin should not be anywhere near as person specific. Sure pH values differ slightly as do levels and type of skin bacteria and detergents used etc etc but still broadly speaking one cannot say that they “just don’t work” for some people. It’d be nice to hear your opinion on my category. I didn’t look for a “drop panties” kick I just looked for something, anything, more than being completely ignored or given cold steely looks. PS Sorry about the divorce mate.

    PG-29. Thanks. “I tried TE and AE for a month and didn\'t have the slightest positive effect”. You see Paul most of the “couple of hundred” you mention are the converted. How many unconvinced people would we see here? Most people cut their losses and forget about it, and don’t join a discussion forum.

    Oscar. Thanks. No I didn’t order from love-scent. But I understand love-scent sells various products so I may still have used a love-scent product. Anyway, who’s to say love-scent is any better. How on earth am I to trust love-scent even if the products are different, when other ones I’ve tried haven’t worked? How can one tell them apart. Have any actual brand been tested compared anywhere officially? It was a while ago I tried them. I bought them all at once on the rebound when I was dumped by my girlfriend. I ripped the labels off as soon as I could for privacy and so have only unlabelled bottles but I’ll dig out the receipts and tell you what they were. Thanks again for taking the time to answer me.

    Dubious. Thanks. Who cares? My wallet, mate.

    Arse-whoopage still hasn\'t occured.

    Da_SkEpTiK is still in da house.

  14. #14

    Default Re: pheromones

    Ok sceptik point taken my point of view is simply comparing the responses personally i get whilst wearing them to not wearing them and from 12 months of usage i now have a pretty good idea, a way better job is the result which i had been trying for two years to get and within 3 weeks of using pheros i had the job no questions asked lets just say that when a women gets near me now every now and then the response is typical female body language foot tapping up and down and the hundreds off comments on how fucking good i smell and that i am geourgeous but they dotn know why and without the stuff totally ignored but i do carefully control my responses to try and eliminate variables, also the openness of conversation the attention i get in stores is immediate having women follow me around quite a few friends of mine who were sceptical are now using the stuff with similar results a few have got quite attractive women lets just say the chaos it has caused has been spectactular the experiments are involving hidden cameras in bars with identical twins one with pheromones one without and the differences in responses noted from the test subjects so to speak, it is very hard to test this sort of thing normal lab experiments are pretty useless with such a wide area, also various female friends of mine agree that it does turn them on [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] amoung other things i am an independent user not affilated with bruce in anyway actually i only stumbled across this site 6 months ago but have been using the stuff for 12 months, the results speak for themselves and what about those that start using them and are amazed by the results and stick wit hthe forum it may be ok to drop away, the business studies that show the same results any search of the internet will show such studies i agree that it is over rated by some and bogus sites promising the world as well but there is something there that does work and i for myself certainly intend to keep using the stuff and putting everything up on the forum and for those that it doesnt work for well there is always soemthing else and there are plenty of scams out there that suck people in every day anyway diet weight loss all sorts of bullshit things so if this is bullshit then let it be so, but it works for me and that is all that matters

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: pheromones

    Sorry for giving you the benefit of the doubt. I didn’t realize you were looking for an ass whooping:

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Da_SkEpTiK:
    don\'t get sucked in! pheromones don\'t work!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    If you check the Pheromone Research link on the love-scent home page — or if you enter “pheromone research” into any search engine — you will find scientific research backing up the personal claims found in this forum. You have no objective proof that pheromones don’t work. All you have is your own experiences, which remain a mystery to the rest of us.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Da_SkEpTiK:
    i tried 3 - all crap...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Which three? I’ve also tried 3 products that never worked for me. At best, all this proves, is that we’ve made some unlucky choices.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Da_SkEpTiK:
    - above all, you WANT it to work so read too much into situations and kid yourself afterwards into thinking stuff happened when actually nothing ever does.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    We may kid ourselves that women are checking us out. But how do we kid ourselves that we are getting phone numbers, dating beautiful women, or enjoying more sex than ever before?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Da_SkEpTiK:
    what about money back guarantee??? sure a few might return good but on the whole no-one does. a clever ploy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Having never tried to get your money back from whoever you ordered your stuff from, much less love-scent, how can you make a blanket condemnation of all money back guarantees? Are you really concerned about some unwary consumer that might get suckered into a raw deal? Or are you afraid that others might succeed where you failed.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Da_SkEpTiK:
    who\'s to trust who ppl are on this board???<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Who’s to trust you?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Da_SkEpTiK:
    strange how there\'s always an excuse for stuff not working: \"it just doesn\'t for you\", \"wrong combination\" etc etc..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    What’s stranger, the idea that everybody having success with pheromones is fooling themselves or the idea that everybody having no success is using the product inappropriately?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Da_SkEpTiK:
    Only trust...Da_SkEpTiK!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    [ August 28, 2001: Message edited by: a.k.a. ]

  16. #16

    Default Re: pheromones

    Well thanks for the sorry about the marriage, I really appreciate it. After going
    back and reading what I had wrote I realized that it sounded like i was saying I have
    my opinion on you. The only opinion that I had was I beleive you had a bad attitude. I meant at that last part that I have my opinion about
    people in general and how their attitude effects what happens to them in life. I
    personally have been that person that holds his head down, and doesn\'t see when he
    may have a chance with someone. Again I have also been the person that has
    looked it right in the face and still didn\'t get it. I guess the whole point of mones
    would be that I pay 70 dollars for a bottle of cologne. I paid 30 dollars for a bottle
    of APC. I have gotten more compliments on the smell of the APC than I have the 70
    dollar bottle of cologne. Whether this be the phero\'s in it, or just a pure likable
    smell. I understand your point more after thinking about it all day. The phero\'s
    have a pure and simple product sell on the bottle. \"They help you get sex\". This is
    basically what I am lead to believe when I look at and want to purchase a bottle.
    Now, some actually do say how they work. But what\'s the difference, when we go
    out and buy a bottle of CK1 it gives no guarantee that it will smell good on
    everyone or that everyone you come in contact with will like it. I guess its just how
    you look at what you are buying. Me I look at it as Im buying a product that should
    draw attention. Weather that be because it smells like a cat pissed on me or
    because it smells good. Im going for the attention anyway and nothing else. I will
    give you credit for posting your opinion and coming back to back it up. It shows
    character, you have my respect just for that.

  17. #17
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: pheromones

    Hello All,

    Thanks for the the help. I really appreciate it. I can always tell when a loon like that is in the forum, \'cause sales skyrocket. I guess folks feel sorry for me, but I swear I didn\'t send him in there. He\'s the genuine article. It\'s ironic, but the only person (other than me) who can be sure Daskeptic is not part of an elaborate conspiracy is the man himself.

    I remember when I first got to Japan 11 years ago, I used to stand in the park in Tokyo and play the violin all day long for tips, and one day this crazy homeless guy walked by and violently demand I give him money or he wouldn\'t let me continue the show. I handed him a little money and then he jammed his hand into the tip basket and pulled out a fist full of Yen and walked away. Well, by the end of that scene there was an enormous crowd as far as I could see. At that time, I couldn\'t speak Japanese at all, so I just looked out at the crowd and shrugged my shoulders. I guess I looked pretty pathetic, \'cause as soon as I finished the next tune there was a stampede to the tip basket. I probably made ten times what he took. After that I had friends offer to stage a holdup like that every day. (never took them up on it though)

    Anyway, I really appreciate all the help. I don\'t always get much chance to check the board when we are on the road. I\'ll try to do better from now on. I get complaints from board members when stuff like this happens.

    By the way, this guy says he is not a love-scent customer but claims to have tried The Edge for a month. That\'s interesting since the product is only on sale at love scent. I think that was paint thinner he was sniffing, not the Edge.

    Cheers and thanks again,

  18. #18

    Default Re: pheromones

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruce:

    this guy says he is not a love-scent customer but claims to have tried The Edge for a month. That\'s interesting since the product is only on sale at love scent.

    the plot thickens...

  19. #19

    Default Re: pheromones

    mmm interesting, those types generally end up looking the goose in the end, seeing as though he is the real deal several holes appear in his story as bruce pointed out the edge only being available here for one, but it is good to have someone to go up against every now and then it improves sales for bruce here and generally livens things up and provides much needed feedback.

    For the rest of us to see where our approach to different things and allows us to test our own opinions that may have a false basis, hey sceptik if you are still here where did you get the edge from ??? also another question what dosages did you use of the products you mentioned alter eog and the edge ???

    Another question which country are you from you mentioned foreign girls interesting point ???

    Could you please respond to these questions as we have taken the time to respond to yours.

    Thanks for giving me a few pointers on different things to you have been very helpful and sorry about offending you if i did i occasionaly get a bit fired up every now and then. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: pheromones

    Bruce,dubious and Paul,

    Take a close look. I think that line about the Edge in SkEpTiK\'s response was in fact SkEpTiK QUOTING PG-29. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]


  21. #21
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: pheromones

    Hi Oscar,
    You are right. My mistake on that.

  22. #22
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: pheromones


    You MAY HAVE tried a product on the Love-Scent site that WAS crap! Some ARE! \"YES\" for example has very little phero content and smells AWFUL in my opinion,but Bruce sells it nonetheless.Presumably there\'s a customer base for it or he\'s just got a few thousand units of it he can\'t send back.

    \"...who\'s to say Love-Scent is any better?\" Just guessing here, least a couple of hundred of the people who participate in this forum.

    \"How on earth am I to trust love-scent even if the products are different,when other ones I\'ve tried haven\'t worked?\".Different products have WIDELY VARYING levels of Pheromone concentration.The stuff you bought before could have contained only trace amounts of synthesized human pheromones,or worse,PIG pheromones.(That\'s not an abbreviation,I\'m talking OINKERS here!) AS for the trust,that\'s up to you.

    \"How can one tell them apart?\"
    Being able to tell them apart isn\'t easy.If the \"them\" to which you refer are websites selling pheros,then all you have are your instincts to rely upon. Your instincts brought you here,what do YOU think?
    If \"them\" refers to products,there are at least two websites out there that have comparison charts,(one of them is the Primal Instinct Homepage, a search of \"pheromones\" will get you there) but unfortunately they list only a few products each. This is why I\'m attempting to create a comparison chart,table,graph,whatever... of the potency and dollar value of various products,sold on this site and elsewhere to be posted at some point in the near future.But there\'s plenty of good info available here already.

    When you DO find the names of the stuff you used before,please let me know.I\'m planning to include a summary of reviews, opinions and other subjective analyses of products in my comparison post, and assuming your evaluations are accurate, I\'ll be happy to list your stuff under the heading \"CRAP\" [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  23. #23

    Default Re: pheromones


    You mentioned that you spilled 2 drops of pi in a trash can near women and they became talkative about sex.

    A question for you (since I\'m a new PI user [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) How long did it take for their conversation to turn to sex? Did more women use that waste basket than any other around? I\'m trying to get a feel for how long it takes for their vnos to kick it with constant inhalation of the mones.

  24. #24
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: pheromones

    Don Juan,
    This was in the fall of 2000. So I only remember what impressed me at the time.
    The office was divided into six \"pods\" — each with its own trash can, computer, desk, etc. — that sort of faced each other.
    The trash can was less than a foot from one woman, about 6 feet from the next closest woman, and at least 15 feet from the farthest.
    The woman that was closest started acting a little goofy right after she got back from lunch. After about 10 minutes she and the next closest woman started having a goofy conversation, and other women tended to get involved whenever they passed by.
    I don\'t remember anybody actually using the trash can, or even lingering around it. But in less than an hour even the woman that was over 15 feet away was talking about movie hunks that she had hot dreams about. The (married) women that were closest to the PI were discussing good places to meet guys during happy hour. The next day I asked one of them if they had gone out. She blushed, said \"no\", and made me promise not to say anything to her husband. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    PS I used PI a lot before I met my girlfriend. I wore it to mostly dance clubs and it seemed to hit girls instantaneously. Not to brag, but I didn\'t really have to talk that much. If I met the right girl, just the proximity of dancing together made her hot, the dances got progressively hotter and I got lucky more times in one summer than my whole life up until then.

    [ August 29, 2001: Message edited by: a.k.a. ]

  25. #25

    Default Re: pheromones

    Hey Paul,

    I really like to read your posts ... could you please use capitol letters and blank lines between paragraphs?

    It makes it so much easier to read!


    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Paul Down Under:
    [QB]Ok sceptic, pauls back ha ha ha, well where to start, they do come along every now and then to throw the debate wide open ive doen it myself sometimes with different screen names saying that they really dont work, well they do, lets just say its all down to personal experience the things with sceptics is that they take a couple of points and really work ... [QUOTE]

  26. #26
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: pheromones

    Hey writer guy,
    How can I get a job like that? Paul\'s posts make perfect sense to me.

  27. #27

    Default Re: pheromones

    Hey Avatar, Paul\'s rushing to be the first to reach 1,000 posts so he can win the solar-powered Pokemon tea cozy Bruce is awarding. He doesn\'t have time for no stinking commas.

    Now speaking as an editor, I make a living by turning stream-of-conciousness ramblings like Paul\'s into coherent communications. If everybody wrote in clear, readable sentences, with proper punctuation, I might have to get a real job, and that would suck.

    So rave on, PDU!

    Writer Guy

  28. #28

    Default Re: pheromones

    ITs to save time and get everything out more than everything else, but i will do the good thing and put it all into proper gramma.

    To see if this is better for everyone else on the board, i have always been a bit lazy on that side.

    So here we go is this better everyone or do we want the old way to stay time for another vote i think.

    Yay or Nay

  29. #29

    Default Re: pheromones

    Ok ive decided to clean up my grammar a little bit better. So that i can be understood i have received a bit of flack.

    So this is probably easier for me to reread my old posts when i need to so its a good idea anyway.

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