Effective distance isn\'t a simple matter of how many feet--there are too many variables.

I think we\'re underestimating effect of various air currents that move minute scent particles over great distances. I\'ve seen women affected at a distance of 50-60 feet when the A/C vents moved air past me toward them. It took a few minutes, but I saw it happen repeatedly -- at this publishing conferences, women would turn away from one booth, look in the direction of where I was sitting without seeing me, and wander toward me, gazing around. When they got closer, they locked in on me, and I got the DIHL, etc. I realized that they always came from the same direction, never from the right or left.

The same could happen at a traffic light--even with the windows closed. As your ventilation system blows out your phero scent, her car\'s ventilation system inhales it, and blows it in her face. She looks around for the source, and there\'s your studly self next to her. And she\'s wondering how you worked your mojo on her...

I think our VNO sense may even approach the directional sensitivity of a bloodhound\'s nose, but we\'ve forgotten how to use it on a conscious level.

So, as has been repeated a zillion times on this board, there is no simple, one-size-fits-all answer. There are too many variables. Effective phero use requires thought, and experimentation, and patience. And, since those things only come with maturity, some guys will never get it.

Writer Guy
old as dirt