Being "on" is a very important

aspect of pheromone use.Attitude and the "aura" that you are producing will have a huge impact on weather or not you

get "hits."I am the prototype for that concept.I am short (5'6") bald and somewhat over weight altho I carry it

well because I am also very muscular.I am very average looking and people always kinda think it's funny when I

leave a group of friends to go hit on some twenty one year old debutante.By the way...Im 38 years old.But if Im

"on," I get wonderful responses with or without pheromones.Altho I have to say that using pheromones has an impact

on the quality and duration and end result of my contacts.But if Im "off,"I will likely get a smile and thats about

it.Personal energy can be read a half mile away.If it's good,people will like you....if your energy is dark or will be far less likely to get good responses.I dont even have to dress well or comb my hair(what I

have left of it) to get good reactions most of the time.As for the references to "personal chemistry,it is my strong

oppinion that personal chemistry is as much about acids and enzymes in your sweat reacting to pheromones as much as

anything else.If your sweat is very alkaline or acid,you will likely get different results.Thats my two cents
