No. Our all-volunteer armed

forces are that way for a good reason. I am of draftable age, and I am not afraid of a draft. It's not about

whether a war is "justified" or not, because all that is completely subjective. It's about service on behalf of

my country. If am called upon, I will step up. As JFK said, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what

you can do for your country."

Iran is not in gunsights in terms of an invasion and regime change. There

are powers within Iran that are slowly turning the wheels against the Islamic fundamentalists. Any attack on Iran

will be tactical air strikes on facilities to keep them in check.

North Korea is bluffing once again.

Any country that wishes to announce to the world that it has nukes will detonate one during a test to leave no

doubt. They blackmailed Bill Clinton with tough words, but they don't intimidate the current administration.

Besides, there were declassified documents from the Clinton days that revealed we would have nuked North Korea had

they attacked its neighbors. The declassification was done purposefully -- to remind North Korea not to try

anything stupid.