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  1. #1
    Man of La Pancha
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    Default High Dose of Chikara Turns Me into Sap

    I'm not one to use high dosages of -mones (not because I'm a minimalist but because I'm cheap), but

    today I decided to go with 4 sprays of ('bad' batch) Chikara. Now, you may or may not think this this is a high

    dosage, but I usually use 1-2 sprays (1 when mixing with other -mones, 2 stand-alone). I am unsure if this is the

    -mones or not, but I have been completely taken by a friend and co-worker today.

    I am in a sticky situation

    where I am trying to back off completely because interactions with this person drive me completely insane (very

    awkward for me), but it's hard because we sit next to each other. Now, I'm not saying that -mones gave me

    feelings I didn't have, but they are putting on rose-colored glasses for this person (not the right term for it,

    but let's just say it's making me lovey-dovey and she's the closest target...since I had interest in her, it's

    bringing back potential feelings). The person's voice is making me sigh (puts me into a trance) and I completely

    lowered my guard on that one.

    I'm getting back to normal as I type this (maybe I'm putting my guard back up or

    shaking it off), but man...I have to say it was the -mones on that one because I went off to another world for a few

    minutes. Now, if this only had that effect on others as it did me, then maybe I'd get somewhere...

    I'll let you know if any other interesting things happen since I jacked it up to 4 sprays today.

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Weak Chikara (Bamboo label), or

    Beta Chikara (no label)?

    Sometimes I get a wierd high while using 4 sprays of Beta Chikara.

  3. #3
    Man of La Pancha
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    Bamboo label/white cap


    I may have felt a lesser effect otherwise with my current situation, but this is ridiculous. I think

    I'll hit the gym and take a shower to lower the strength to a suitable range for my current environment...or maybe

    I'll ride the wave and see what happens.

    Has anyone experienced a moment with someone that you know/think is

    full of romantic tension/vibes but somehow the other person manages to shrug it off? I've noticed that I get

    moments like that with this one person and yet she is in denial about the whole thing. Leave it to ol' Pancho to

    get involved in relations with people more messed up than him. I know this person makes both a conscious and

    unconscious effort not to get attached to people, but I also know that I make things awkward for her because of how

    I handle myself around her (I naturally move towards a close friendship/maybe relationship when I get along well

    with someone...drives her nuts). As I mentioned before, I'm trying to back away. With the latest awkward moment,

    I dropped eye contact and ended the conversation by looking back at my still didn't drop the feeling

    in the air, though, until she moved away.

    My confidence level is one where I'd question my own intuition on

    this situations solely on the base that she would tell me otherwise...but since I know she's trying to keep me away

    (hard to explain, but there's a difference between trying to keep someone away you don't like and trying to keep

    someone away you do like), she could just be kidding herself. Anyway, I just wish this situation was over but I

    can't run from it when it's literally---and I mean literally---right in front of my face all day.


    On a positive note, I feel pretty good otherwise, so I guess that's a good thing. I just wish it didn't turn me

    into so much of a softy.

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I have the beta Chikara, have

    used 4 or 5 sprays many times and haven't noticed any difference in my behavior.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
    Man of La Pancha
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    I went to the gym, took a

    shower a little bit ago, and feel better now. Go figure.

    I just think the effect I was hoping to have on other

    people turned against me. After all, isn't the effect I described what most people would want to have on other


  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pancho1188

    anyone experienced a moment with someone that you know/think is full of romantic tension/vibes but somehow the other

    person manages to shrug it off? I've noticed that I get moments like that with this one person and yet she is in

    denial about the whole thing. Leave it to ol' Pancho to get involved in relations with people more messed up than

    him. I know this person makes both a conscious and unconscious effort not to get attached to people, but I also know

    that I make things awkward for her because of how I handle myself around her (I naturally move towards a close

    friendship/maybe relationship when I get along well with someone...drives her nuts). As I mentioned before, I'm

    trying to back away. With the latest awkward moment, I dropped eye contact and ended the conversation by looking

    back at my still didn't drop the feeling in the air, though, until she moved away.

    yeah i've been in a situation like that before. worked with a girl for about 5 months. same type

    situation she was interested but denied her feelings. she also had a b/f who made her miserable. 3 months after i

    left that job she called me up out of nowhere... boom chicka boom chicka bow wow- dont see her anymore hope she can

    walk again
    seriously it is not a fun position to be in. me i just realized i had to get away from


  7. #7
    Man of La Pancha
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    I wish I could...two weeks,


    Today has been much better. After I washed off what seemed to be either an OD or a "backfire" (meaning

    it effected me and not anyone else...but I noticed that my reactions weren't so great yesterday, either. This one

    girl had this bad look on her face while I was talking to her...horrible), yesterday ended well.

    I put on a

    couple of inches of SOE on each side of my neck (a V-shape) today, and everyone has been super-friendly and

    super-talkative. I'm telling you. My conversations have lasted longer than usual, and I found myself being

    dragged back into a conversation I was trying to leave from. The best part was when the girl I'm having an

    internal conflict over just said something randomly to me that she already said earlier in the day. I think she

    said something to me just to say something to me. Fun stuff, that SOE. My manager and I were laughing it up so

    much that we were told to keep it down. Whoops.

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