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Thread: Working Out

  1. #1
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Working Out

    I started writing the section below in the middle of an unrelated thread where the subject of bodybuilding came up, and decided it deserved its own thread so I snipped it out and brought it over here.

    There have been a number of learning experiences that I had over the many years of my life spent unmarried that I feel were crucial crossroads in the realm of attraction. One of them was learning to dance well. There was a long thread about that and I can\'t stress enough how much that turned my life around.

    Another major turning point in my fairly sucessful single days was becoming a professional musician, but that is a story for another day. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Because today\'s tip is: getting a nice body together. I highly recommend that everybody, men and women alike who are interested in becoming more attractive, jog over to the nearest fitness center and sign. Then on your way home stop off at a dance school and sign up there too.

    Ladies, feel free to give me flak if you think I am out of line here, but I am under the impression that the best kept secret of women and is that they don\'t like guys with muscles. When I was young I had my fair share of girlfriends, but I was always very thin. I got used to it, and whenever the subject came up about muscles my gf was always kind enough to tell me they don\'t like guys with msucles, but it was a load of BS. Later, when I was in my late 20s I started practising martial arts hard and started getting a somewhat atheletic build. My gf at that time despite having already convinced me that she liked skinny guys, was going absolutely freakin\' nuts during sex, pawing and talking about my body. That\'s when I came to know about the \"big lie.\" I\'m not talking about being Mr. Universe. Women are probably being very honest when they say they don\'t find that attractive. I just mean fit and athletic looking.
    You take virtually any male on the planet and train him to:
    A. Look great in a bathing suit
    B. Dance like Fred Astaire
    C. Smile and make people laugh
    D. (and for the Asian market) he better have some drive and determination and a fat wallet wouldn\'t hurt either.
    Do all this and you will have a guy who doesn\'t have time to be messing around with women. No, just kidding, you will have a guy who is covered with drool.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Working Out

    When I was just turning 18 I started lifting and taking TKD. I had girls all over the place. After about 20,21,22 I started juicing and became rather big. Not Mr. Universe but bigger than most. The rate of girlfriends died down a bit as I think the girls were intimated. Oh yeah, the time in my life when I had the most women was when I was a complete asshole. Fighting all the time and such...You might know the story. Also during this time I was in a serious relationship(six years) which I did not commit completely to because I cheated, as did she but that is not the point. Point being, I had a hot girl. I had tons and I mean tons of girls wanting me. Well here I am 32, just had back surgury, lost alot of buff. Actually a pretty nice guy. Cleaned up my act with the partying, meaning I do not at all. Well here I am playing with pheromones because I have different taste in women now, meaning I want to go to the theater and such not just the local bar. I act nice and respectful and without the drugs and bad attitude, my game is not what it used to be. You know I\'ve always wondered, I\'ve done my fare share of ,speed, and when I did I was always sweating, wearing shorts in the winter and still sweating. Girl\'s where all over me, I wonder if it was in part because I had phero\'s all over me all the time. That shit comes right out your pores. I don\'t want you all thinking I\'m some kind of junking. I havn\'t had a drink, drug or anything in over three years...called growing up....well with growing up I have a hard time socially interacting with women like I used to. Not as aggressive, not a dick..and as I will be 32 next month getting older doesn\'t help. I\'m just rambling. Oh yeah the steroids make you smell to.The kind of smell I believe girls like, becuase I had \'em You can practically smell the testosterone coming out of you. Here I am trying phero\'s. Wonder if I burnt all my own up???

  3. #3

    Default Re: Working Out

    You know Bruce, now that I read what I said I don\'t think I addressed a single issue you mentioned. Sorry. Fitness does count whether girls say so or not. I really think that wroking out and other activities raises you phero level\'s on a long term scale, meaning you still have a bit more that night even if you didn\'t just come from a workout.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Working Out

    Thunder ;

    Good post. It rings true from what I\'ve experianced for the most part. One thing I have to disagree about is the fitness part. I really don\'t think women care that much about it. I see more desirable women with fat guys and drunks than I do with \'in shape\' type guys. I still train hard at 49 staying at about 10-12% body fat at 180 at 5\'6\"; with two workouts a week and eating decently - not a \'health food fanatic\'by any stretch. I never did steroids but competed twice in bodybuilding years ago, only because of my girlfriend at the time requesting me to. I trained and continue to because I enjoy it, not to attract women as I\'ve seen very little evidence of that.

    But as far a \'assholes\' attracting women; that always seemed true and seems like it always will ... that \'bad boy\' thing we here about so much. Why that is fasinates me and pissed me off at the same time, LOL. [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]

    I have seen and continue to see \'nice\' or \'good\' women in relationships and marriages with the biggest jerks in the universe so I believe there is definately something to it.

    My thought is it has to do with the woman taking credit for being able to \'make a change\' in a guy. If see hooks up with a real dick head ; drunk and in trouble all the time with DUI\'s, cronic unemployment, etc. - and she can make a positive change in the jerk ; she gets \'bragging rights\' like ...

    \" He\'s damn lucky I came around. If he didn\'t meet me , he\'d be in jail by now ... blah, blah, blah \".

    On the other hand, if she meets a guy with a decent, steady income from a good job or running his own business, good living habits, interesting hobbies/side bussinesses, etc - there isn\'t much \'improvement\' she could take credit for if they got together ; or the real horror of it being the guy that made life change for HER. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    Just my opinion from the way I\'ve seen shit over the years. My most recent experiance of this ;

    A friend at my day job just picked up this nice looking girl and took her back to his place. This guy is so irresponsible with money and everything else that this past year I bought his Christmas presents for his daughter. He didn\'t ask me to, but I couldn\'t see a little girl with no presents on Christmas and telling her friend her Dad had no $$.

    Anyway, after the girl that he brings home falls asleep, he steals the cash she had in her purse alond with some earrings and bag of pot ... then refuses to give her a ride home! Makes her walk !!

    A few days later , he goes home and she\'s waiting for him on the steps ....with three big bags of groceries, waiting to cook him dinner!!! She won\'t leave him alone!!

    No - he DOESN\'T use pheromones ! If he uses anything, he might put some Jack Daniels behind each ear.

    From what I see he uses and empty wallet, drinking problems, and a car held together with paper clips and duct tape. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Working Out

    I think why most women like jerks is because of their pass relationships with their fathers. If he was a jerk then she\'s attracted to jerks. Most women want to feel protected, so they go out with a arrogant guy that doesn\'t take any crap, but then treats them like shit. As for the working out issue most women at least like broad shoulders and a nice flat stomach on a guy. I work out myself not to attract women(although it does help)but to keep myself healthy. I don\'t want to be one of those old guys at age 80 who needs a cane to walk,I\'m hoping I\'ll be jogging at that age. Bruce makes a good point get dancing lessons, women love a guy that knows how to dance. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Working Out

    well, I\'ve taken to weight lifting much more intensively than I ever have before in the past couple of weeks, Which for me means doing tons of research into ways to make it more efficient too [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Basically if your going to lift every day or so, the most important thing is to eat tons of protein, and ideally eat a small meal every 3 hours or so. I like to try and have a breakfast and an evening meal and drink a protein shake (whey) every 3 hours or so. I’ve been doing this for only two weeks and I can already see im making more gains than in months of lifting 2-3 times a week or even lifting 4-5 times without extra protein.

    The other supplement which is most worthwhile would be creatin. it allows you to work harder for longer by providing more energy for your muscles during intense activity.

    Next step for me, is to get some cardio in. Im only about 9% body fat, but im not very aerobicaly fit. time to hit the ski machine every few days I think [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Working Out

    I agree that working out, getting physically fit, looking athletic etc. definitely a positive affect with the ladies. And found this discussion of \"why women like jerks\" topic interesting and thought I\'d post a link to 2 articles which seem to have it summed up pretty much right, although it\'d be interesting to hear what ladies think about this. Anyways, the links are below:

    Women & Jerks 1

    Women & Jerks 2

  8. #8

    Default Re: Working Out

    Female POV: Yes, most women do like a man who is physically fit... just like men like a woman who is \"built\". It\'s called eye candy. We appreciate a nice view just as much as a guy does. However, to most women, physical appearance is not all that important... not nearly as much as it seems to be to a man.

    Jim, the woman you mentioned in your append is a total fool. She is NOT the norm; women don\'t as a rule \"go\" for a guy who robs them and then kicks them out with no way home. Let me ammend that... she\'s not just a fool, she\'s an idiot. There are plenty in the female sex... just as there are in the male sex.

    And guys, one of the reasons women end up with jerks is because THEY ask. When no one else does, a jerk is going to get a \"yes\" answer, even though she\'d rather have... YOU! As liberated as women are in the world today (well, at least in the U.S.-that\'s really all I know about), there are still MORE women who won\'t ask a man out than will.

    So if you\'re interested in a woman, TELL HER! Ask her out. Don\'t wait for her to make the first move; chances are pretty good (even with pheromones) that she won\'t do it. And if she does, it\'ll be as a \"friend\"... which isn\'t what she really wants, nor what you want.

    The two articles listed are a bunch of crap. In my experience and in talking to my friends, it all boils down to one thing... the guy asked, and the one I really wanted didn\'t ask. Now remember, I\'m talking about bathing beauties here who can take their pick of drooling guys. I\'m talking about REAL women. The kind you see at the office, and at the grocery store. Not the kind you see flaunting her figure at the gym or the pool. I\'m not saying fat or ugly... just REAL. Normal. Everyday. Like YOU, maybe?

    Give us a chance, fellas. If you ask, you\'ll probably get a \"yes\".

  9. #9

    Default Re: Working Out

    Oops. Got ahead of myself. That second-to-last paragraph was missing the word NOT:

    \"Now remember, I\'m NOT talking about bathing beauties here who can take their pick of drooling guys. I\'m talking about REAL women.\"

  10. #10

    Default Re: Working Out

    Good, informative articles. For the most part , I agree but am confused when it speaks of \'dominant\' and \'strongest\', as I haven\'t seen those traits in the jerks and losers I\'ve known. Some maybe, but certainly not all as those articles suggest.

    I\'ve known plenty of assholes who were pathetic physically, mentally and emotionally - definatly not the \'alpha male\' in any sitiuation - but did better with women than almost any other guy who was highly successful in other areas of life.

    I must have a different idea of what \'dominant\', \'strong\' or \' wimpy\' mean. What is your definition of these descriptions as they are refered to in these articles?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Working Out

    As I got pretty buff throught weight training since my teenage years, I only gained a lot of respect from guys. Guys (even heterosexual guys) are much more impressed with muscles than girls. Of course, the homosexual men think I\'m gorgeous. =)

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Working Out

    So-called \"nice guys\" are less assertive when it comes to asking ladies out this I would definitely agree with. However, I have to add that how many \"nice guys\" who have asked out a lady have heard the \"lets just be friends/not interested/don\'t want to date anyone right now lines etc \" and next minute same lady is going out with the so-called \"jerk\" - seen it too many times, and experienced it myself in my former \"nice guy\" days so while I agree with the notion that a lady needs to be asked, there\'s also much more to it than this. Jim, in answer in answer to what you said about these terms \"dominant \" and \"strongest\" it\'s a confusing issue I agree, but the way I look at it is that the traits that seem to define so called \"jerks\" universally is they have this aura of being \" untamable \" by women, do what they want, say what they want, without much regards for the feelings of others - their needs/wants come first and that\'s it - period!! And they aren\'t afraid to call women on any sh#t they might try to pull, the mindgames/bs etc. Now personally, I don\'t care to adopt some of these traits simply because I couldn\'t pull it of if I wanted to, however, I have gotten rid of this \"nice guy\" aura to a degree, by making clear what I want from the get go, not tolerating any bs (not by acting out in anger, but simply walking away and moving onto the next ), basically having the confidence to set certain parameters which if she doesn\'t follow it\'s over.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Working Out

    I havn\'t had a chance to read alll the posts yet but I\'ve seen those articles and they are completely accurate. As for dancing. Bruce is right. Women love a man who knows how to dance. Have a good SUN. Thunder.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Working Out

    I think that Proteus\' last post explains it the best. Even if the nice guy DOES ask the girl out it\'s not the same, it\'s a fake confidence, and the girls can see right through it. Now, I don\'t remember who asked but they were talking about the weakling jerks still getting the girls...It\'s not as much the weakness, but their will to use it all.

    Here is an example: my sister has a lumix (a dog) that is real small (cute little basterd). He is weak and everything, but he will take on any fucking dog that walks buy...this 9lb lumix will try and bite the shit out of a 200lb lumix...

    As for the weightlifting, creatine is the best, however, after you have been working out for a long time it stops working as well, simply because the body learns to use it\'s own creatine more efficiently. Tribulus...Something better, Nutrasport has textoxtrin gel...It\'s much better because it doesn\'t have to be digested (which creates a little, ahem, estrogen problems....). They also have cutting gel which is the best damned thing you can use for losing fat on the midsection.

    Thunder: what were you talking about when you were saying speed...I take caffeine and ephedrine, however, this is legal. I recently went up to Indiana..And I was outside in the fucking snowing without a jacket on and my dad thought I wax fucking nuts, I wasn\'t cold....

    Great articles on the jerks...However, you have to change who you are, not ACT like a jerk...People will see right through you, if you TRULY have the confidence than you will pull it off...I\'d say you\'d get this buy losing weight, getting ripped, etc.

    I\'m 180# myself, 5\'9 16 years old, and I have a six pack, I don\'t know the it\'s not very accurate, because of people having different bone structures, it\'s about under 10%.

    I have ordered some of the androstenone from the kits. I have used that different places, arm pits, pubes, under ears, all that..The best place, by far, is the underarms, covered up with deodorant. Yes, I use it strait. You can\'t say, I want them to be just this much intimidated...If you use NONE they will be intimidated, no doublt, if you don\'t want to use it heavy than just use something else, you will have much luck. And yes, I believe it is the concentration that is what counts, not so much as how much you put on. And, with the results of wearing NONE from the kit strait. Hits, and stares, and girls around me are so nervous (how I like it..maybe I\'m just sick) and they drop things and stuff. I will be working at the Wendys where I work, making sandwiches, or at the counter, and a girl will just stare at me as if she wants to rape me right there in the store, however, when I talk to her she is nervous.

    I also agree, that when a girl sees something better she screws the other males. This was proved to me when I was at the counter, and this hot girl is with her boyfriend...She just stares at me, and starts talking to me...Now, her boyfriend is just standing there like a retard, I mean, what\'s he going to do, I\'m bigger than everyone else in the whole damned store.

    EVERYONE....KNOW THAT WE KNOW ABOUT THE JERKS! I WANT TO KNOW WHY THE GIRLS GO OUT WITH THE WIMPY NON-JERK, UGLY SKINNY, SKATEBOARD TYPE PEOPLE! My guess is that they feel non-intimidated and the boarders just slip and and fuck them......Whereas the better guy, even though he may be better, he can\'t get in as easily, I don\'t know.

    Too long of a post, nevertheless however, a good one.


  15. #15

    Default Re: Working Out

    Marv, what I meant by speed was ephedrine to the next level. Anyhow. I think that class distintion makes a difference too. I was so busy picking up on bar flies in my youth I never experienced the ...lets say....the finer things in life. Women of higher quality and standards and culture. Jumping from one class to the next is one tuff job. I\'ve made the jump once or twice, one only lasted six months. She could not get over my past. Can\'t change it. But danmit, I want something different. I can go get laid if I want by women who are more than happy to just be fuck buddies. Well at least for a while until you here the \"what do you want from me?\" YIKES!!! I guess the theme of this post is that not only is just asking a girl out or the like important but It\'s a different story if youn\'re trying to jump classes.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Working Out

    Watcher I\'m curious - what results did you get from taking 5-HTP. I\'ve tried lot of supplements out there but haven\'t heard too much about that, and wondering what kinda results you\'re seeing.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Working Out

    Tiffany :

    Thanks for the reply , I love to hear a women\'s thoughts on this stuff. I\'ve talked about these things afew times with friends wives and it\'s always interesting.

    I guess the \'asking\' part is pretty much true - but only in the clubs and bars -places where alot of my buddies type girls (like the nut in the recent story I posted)hang out. At a club or bar, if someone doesn\'t \'ask\', any girl would feel rejected.

    I don\'t frequent bars and clubs as truly dispise the atmosphere in these places. So in my experiance, in \'real life\' situations ; work enviroment, stores, gym, etc., women are very defensive toward someone \'asking\'.

    Talking about this to a friends wife, she suggested in such a situation women certainly are flattered, but in such a situation where being \'asked\' isn\'t the norm and is what is expected, they are apprehensive defensive. I\'ve found this to be true for the most part. The ones \'asked\' in \'real life\' that are most appreciative towards the compliment, are the married ones.

  18. #18
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Working Out

    ill agree with the females on this one it comes down to asking theyll do the rest if they are really interested but maybe its time soem women took more of a lead and guys also got some more confidence. Which for most guys is destroyed because women can be very demanding for perfection and also these HOT types as they get called ruin it because they flirt with every guy lead them on and then it goes nowhere. Thats called destroying the male confidence. SO maybe sometimes females need to turn on thier own and say look stop screwing with these guys mentally because you are ruining it for the rest of us lol.

    Oh on the bodybuilding part tribulus 5-HTP and creatine as well as glutamade are good. And yes it makes a huge difference. Ive built up gone of pheromones for 2 weeks as a test gone to new areas and guess what the women do react. How

    Well they are with the boyfriend and just look my way and totally forget about mr Bf and start flirting with me (mr Bf is still there getting pissed)
    They start getting the giggles and yapping as if there is no tomorrow.
    I wear the pheromones SOE and all shit hits the fan but as they say women just float around looking for mr perfect and they screw the rest of the male race over in thier quest to make us all compete.
    Ive just taken to ignoring all except those that will talk to me and be nice because MOST self respecting males read women they really do self destruct any chance at happiness by thier labido. And us men are meant to be bad but we are sometimes.

  19. #19
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Working Out

    ill agree with the females on this one it comes down to asking theyll do the rest if they are really interested but maybe its time soem women took more of a lead and guys also got some more confidence. Which for most guys is destroyed because women can be very demanding for perfection and also these HOT types as they get called ruin it because they flirt with every guy lead them on and then it goes nowhere. Thats called destroying the male confidence. SO maybe sometimes females need to turn on thier own and say look stop screwing with these guys mentally because you are ruining it for the rest of us lol.

    Oh on the bodybuilding part tribulus 5-HTP and creatine as well as glutamade are good. And yes it makes a huge difference. Ive built up gone of pheromones for 2 weeks as a test gone to new areas and guess what the women do react. How

    Well they are with the boyfriend and just look my way and totally forget about mr Bf and start flirting with me (mr Bf is still there getting pissed)
    They start getting the giggles and yapping as if there is no tomorrow.
    I wear the pheromones SOE and all shit hits the fan but as they say women just float around looking for mr perfect and they screw the rest of the male race over in thier quest to make us all compete.
    Ive just taken to ignoring all except those that will talk to me and be nice because MOST self respecting males read women they really do self destruct any chance at happiness by thier labido. And us men are meant to be bad but we are sometimes.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Working Out

    LOL!!! Jack Daniels behind the ear, jeeze it doesn\'t get much better than this.


    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Jim:
    [QB]Thunder ;

    No - he DOESN\'T use pheromones ! If he uses anything, he might put some Jack Daniels behind each ear.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Working Out

    To be honest Bruce, I think you lived in Asia for too long or something. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    I don´t want to believe that women don´t like men with (a little) muscles.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Working Out

    Hey Marv,

    I have to disagree on a couple of points..

    Nutrasport Textoxtrin Gel - I would be really careful with the product...Personally I think it\'s just bitch tips and hairloss in a tube...Honestly, Textoxtrin is probably the worst prohormone ever\'s just Androstenedione (4-androsten-3, 17-dione) which is probably the least effective and most side-effect prone of all the prohormones...bad stuff man.

    Cutting Gel is crap...just a local water-loss gel...does the same thing as Preperation H....just cost more.

    For more info, go to, on the message boards and do a search for these two products...I think you\'ll find some amazing info on both, as well as info on other products that will actually deliver.


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