How nightmarish. Reminds me of

my own bottle fiasco in the Spring. I first inquired about bottles the day after shipping the beta batch, thinking

I'd get them in a week. Months went by. You wonder how a supplier can get off the phone with a customer justifiably

angry at having their order ignored multiple times, and just ignore them again -- and then allow this type of phone

call to be repeated twice a week for months. I imagined their desk was clear of annoying things like paper and

writing utensils, and that they saw their job as merely getting off the phone with the customer. This bottle company

screwed up on every single micro task they agreed to complete, including failing to return a single phone call,

until months went by and they finally sent the order, with the wrong lids and having misquoted the price for

the right lids. This whole time I was trying to explain to folks why I was taking so long. How comical.


option is to, um, rip them a new asshole just to get the single order moving, and then change vendors. Jim Croce

once sang, "bridges are meant for burning".