I've been reading some articles

recently on Asian-American relationships. It appears that many Asian men living in the United States are

complaining that many, if not most, of the Asian girls they know are choosing Caucasian boyfriends and husbands over

Asians (some Asian-Hispanic relationships are also being reported). There is a populist syndrome called "Angry

Asian Male" in which young Asian men complain on the Internet about the shortage of interested Asian girls. They

compare themselves to African-American women who are complaining about how African-American men seem to prefer

Caucasian women.

Now, there are also plenty of close-knit Asian ethnic communities in several areas of the

country, and those communities seem to harbor a smaller percentage of Angry Asian Males than other areas. The

phenomenon seems real enough, and a lot of speculation is occurring about why it is happening. Some Asian women

have written that they just have a larger pool of Caucasian men to choose from.

It may very well be that a lot

of these girls are influenced by the higher Androstenone production of Caucasian men. Of course, if that is the

case, why aren't they influenced by the even higher Androstenone production of African-American men? Maybe that's

just too strong a mix. Of course, I have been assured by several Asians that there is a lot of racism among

traditional Asian families.

Now that I am back in Houston, I find I still get plenty of interest from Asian

girls. It's an interesting experience but I would say there are probably several primary factors which determine

why women are drawn to some men more than others. Pheromones comprise only part of the picture. Status and

ambition/confidence comprise two other parts of the picture.