</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
I think she might be a great catch. It\'s very

good that she is open and speaking to you about her problems. Most people wouldnt even bring something like that

up. I don\'t feel she is a psycho (if she was I dout she would of spilled all that information). Just sounds

like she knows she needs help, and she is getting it. It also helps for people in situations like these to talk

about there problems. It probably made her feel 100x better to even get it off of her chest. With her situation I

would agree that working with mentally ill people isnt helping her, but I think she has a good heart. Not many

people would take the time to work with them. I would deffinately stick around to see what could become of this.

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A good place to spill the problems would be on a shrink. Might

need and antidepressant, too. Being that \"upfront\" that early could signal emotional vampirism.