</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
Applying this to pheros

(FINALLY): Well, this would show why -mones get inconsistent hits....

<hr /></blockquote><font


It\'s not the pheromones getting the inconsistent hits, it\'s the guys using them. I know

from my own experience that it takes more than pheromones to get a woman\'s interest going. If I dress casually,

put on pheromones, and stay relaxed, I can walk into one venue and have women turning the heads or even coming out

of the woodwork to talk to me. I can leave that venue and go to another one where I am just another guy who

doesn\'t get much attention.

What is the difference?

In the first venue the women are mostly single and

still looking and I am dressed better than the other men. In the second venue most of the women are married or with

steady boyfriends and the guys are dressed at least as well as me.

The pheromones do their thing just fine. You

just have to keep doing your thing consistently.