</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
I would really, really like

to find a mone that does produce some results; I definitely do not want to come to the conclusion, 5 months from

now, that these products are the equivalent of oil from long, legless reptiles. I would much rather be able to state

that some pheromones are effective and very worthwhile, and want to recommend them to everyone. So please, let me

know which under-50-dollar products have been the strongest, and most likely to produce at least some reactions in

people. I would like especially to hear from people who have used TE and/or PPA with little or no results, but went

on to find another product which worked well.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

This is kind of a

goofy argument. I\'m assuming you are frustrated and want to vent, but please understand if you aren\'t

noticing results that really has no impact overall on whether pheromones \"work\" or are snake oil. We all have a

vested interest in them working, so we all will look favorably on any evidence whatsoever that may help the cause.

In my experience, \"hits\" are more a sign of the person \"working\" than the mones working per se. I can

wear all the pheromones in the world and sit at home and I wont\' get any hits. If you aren\'t in situations

where you can succeed, there is little use in them. I don\'t know about your situation, but I often find people

who complain about \"things not working\" haven\'t changed anything else in their lives. Pheromones can be part

of the whole package in creating new strategies for success, but they aren\'t the only thing.

It is very hard

to judge how effective mones can be/are. Part of the problem is that this a niche market. Brad Pitt isn\'t looking

for the perfect pheromone. Guys/girls who are getting play all the time don\'t usually worry about these kinds of

things. So the universe of buyers tends to be people who have \"struck out\" in the past. And speaking as someone

who has struck out in the past, whether or not I had pheromones on would not change the outcome.

Don\'t ask

them to change everything, they can\'t and try and work on other aspects of repetoire to increase the chances for
