I use bulgarian concrete for

that effect these days, but really I just smell the rose oils and pick one. One always stands out as being what you

are looking for. Lemon, as with orange, goes very well with frankincense. It also goes well with rose (which

obviously goes well with your chosen oils, too), as anyone who has smelled lemony roses knows. I had a wild idea

about "rock rose" (labdanum) being similar that way, or at least being "willing to be talked into it". Come to think

of it, I did once create a perfume that was lemony with labdanum that turned out nice -- like a dessert


If you have a heady mix already, more heady things might not make it moreso; but might just

create a unified effect with depth and breadth; a perfume that refuses to apologize for itself. A great

perfume, like any great work of art, is one single idea. Of course, what that idea is comes from your own

singular imagination, not another's advice.

I know what you mean about recipes. I am also limited by not

wanting to divulge too much, as any perfumer will pretty much lose the ability to pay rent by divulging their most

teasured formulae, or even a signature combination used in various creations. But if I know I'll never market a

scent I can feel better about giving it up. How do you sell your stuff, violetsky?

I can liquify benzoin in 4

in my microwave! So yeah, go easy on the nuking.

Salem, huh? Ooooooooooo, witchy woman!