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  1. #1
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    Default Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    I\'m reading this PDF, \"Mind Power Seduction\", anyone ever read it? I\'m having problems grasping the ideas it\'s trying to present. I can follow the exercises it talks about (very much like meditation), but when it tries to explain the principals of how their technique works it\'s flying right over my head. Can anyone make sense out of these paragraphs I\'ve included below?

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Here\'s exactly how your thought waves get into the mind of another person (if you can understand it). Your thought waves (either Alpha or Theta) arrive outside of the skull of the person you are using mind power manipulation techniques on. From the outside of their skull, this incoming wavefront sets up a resonance or a vibration in the 5 sections of their cranial bone. Setting up a resonance of these 5 sections occurs when the wavefront \"bounces\" around equally to all the 5 sections. If you made a cross section of the skull as this event occurred and if you could see the resonance being established, the wavefront vibrations would form a pentagram within the skull with each point of the pentagram touching one of the 5 cranial sections. This pattern is called a \"fivefold standing wave\" pattern of Tachyons lowered to the vibrational rate (Alpha or Theta). These Tachyons interact with the liquid crystal structure of that person\'s brain structure. The Tachyons provide Deltons because they enfold energy. This in turn creates antematter and matter at the exact same time. When this dual action happens, electrons are formed and an electric pulse flows to the part of the brain that turns electrical impulses into thought ... thus thought is perceived by the person you are influencing. The crystalline structure is found in the calcium bone in the cranium (a layer around the inside of the skull). All this gets into tensor fields, micro-unified fields, electron shells, phase space, and Fourier translations so I will skip the heavy stuff.

    Now this knowledge is out there but I doubt you will read the above understanding in any book in a bookstore. This is great knowledge for mass mind control through ELF/ULF modulated RF or microwave non-hertzian wavefronts. Controlling people\'s thought from extremely low frequency waves that bounce off your hydro wires isn\'t something that certain factions don\'t want known.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I originally started reading this PDF for obvious reasons, but then I was more interested in what it had to say in my research on DIHL\'s &amp; how the subconscious mind works. I\'ll include another snippet from earlier in the document to share what it describes what we have been calling the hypnotic trance effect in DIHL\'s in a reply to this post.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    Hey bivonic, this pdf caught my attention awhile ago, I then posted about it I am not sure what post it was in.

    To be honest I had an open mind going into this, the way things are explains sounds perfect right, but when they give you their so called \"proof\" or why it works it goes way out there and doesn\'t make much if any sense. I have lost a bit of hope in this, and I rarely call anything junk science, maybe I will need to give it another try, but I still don\'t think I am going to get much out of this, they are way to elusive on much of what they say in it, and where\'s the proof if any. Check out their website too it hasn\'t been updated in years.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    It is firmly established from extensive research that the human brain has certain frequencies depending upon what the mind is doing. EEG results show that when a person is wide awake, the frequency range of the brain/mind is 14 - 30 cps (cycles per second or hertz). This has been given the name of \'Beta\'.

    BETA: 14 - 30 cps - when the mind is engaged in physical activity and is alert.
    ALPHA: 7 - 13 cps - like when you are day dreaming or in a meditative state.
    THETA: 3.5 - 7 cps - the exact moment when you fall asleep.
    DELTA: 0.5 - 3.5 cps - when you are cold out zonked (very deep sleep).

    [Notice the frequency change from Theta to Alpha to Beta. See how it increases? As I said earlier, the frequency of the planet is also increasing. Could this mean the planet is starting to wake up? An interesting thought when you consider the times we are in!]

    You access all of these different states throughout your full 24 hour day (unless you’re an insomniac). When you have a highly developed mind, you can access or get into any of these states at will. This is what I hope you will develop when you begin to put this book into use. These states sort of merge together so that you can have high and lows of each brain state. If your brainwaves are at 7 cps, it could be considered low alpha or very high theta. If your brainwave state is 6 cps, it could be considered very low alpha or high theta. When your brain gets into these different states, you experience things differently and your thoughts have different effects on you and your environment.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    There are five main reasons why you need to change your brainwave cycle when you want to sexually arouse someone just with your mind:

    1) Your brainwaves will become closer to the natural frequency of the ionosphere. If you have been understanding everything I’ve written so far you will see why this is necessary ... namely you will have an easier time manipulating and effecting your environment. We are not talking the clouds, ground and trees, etc ... but your space around you within which you live i.e. energy/time/space. It’s like driving your car at night time. During the nighttime it\'s obviously dark ... So to move around easier you need to turn your car lights on. When you lower your brainwave cycle to a cycle that’s closer to the ionosphere you are sort of \'turning your lights on\' in the ionosphere, so your mind will be able to move around easier; your mind will have easier access to manipulate your surroundings (energy/time/space).

    2) Your awareness and your ability to use your mind will become easier and stronger. This will effect all your mind power work. You will be able to access different states of awareness and different levels of consciousness (kind of like getting high but without drugs and their destructive side-effects).

    3) Your heart rate will slow down and your bodily functions will relax. Remember in the introduction (unless you didn’t read it) how I reminded you that your \'unaware\' part of your mind takes care of all your inner bodily functions? Your mind has to take care of a lot of stuff, from cell development, to blood pumping, to analyzing nerve stimulus, to accessing memory, to digestion, to balance and tons more. Your mind is obviously busy and all this happens while you do other things; you don’t have to think about it. Since you are not thinking about these things during you daily life, these processes are governed by your unaware mind (some people call it the subconscious, but its name doesn’t matter). Basically, when your brainwaves are slower and thus your mind is more relaxed ... your body will be more relaxed and then your mind spends less time keeping the body going. Your unaware mind will have more time, so-to-speak, to work with your techniques. When less blood needs to be pumped to your body functions, then more blood will be pumped to your brain when
    you are using mind power techniques. Your brain will be more nourished when your body is relaxed.

    I don’t want you to think that when you are very busy that your unaware mind will put your seduction techniques on hold till your body is relaxed. Having a relaxed body is just a way to help yourself with the techniques. Slower bodily functions is very important when it comes to stomach digestion. Digestion uses a lot of energy. Digestion will quicken when your body is relaxed and when less energy is spent trying to digest that food, then more energy can be put to use with your seduction techniques. If you want to make things really conducive and easy on your energy level, then try to do the techniques on an empty stomach (not starving, just empty). You will notice a difference and your stomach making those digesting noises won’t bring you out of your relaxed brain state. This doesn’t mean that you have to have an empty stomach if you are practicing your techniques in a public place. I’m just suggesting a way to ease your body up during the times when you are doing advanced mind power techniques when you are in a deep ‘meditative’ state. Other things can effect your energy level and I’ll get to these later under the \'increasing power\' chapter.

    4) You can become more focused when your brainwaves are slower. It’s hard to focus on studying when you a sitting beside a construction site with 10 jackhammers blasting. I probably could get focused because my mind is very highly trained (with practice), and yours will too if not already. But if you were studying for exams while in a relaxed state (even with the TV on in the background) you will have an easier time focusing. When everything is deadly quiet around you and you are very relaxed, your mind will focus even better and your mind will absorb the info easier (unless you get bored and fall asleep).

    5) You are accessing different parts and functions of your brain so you basically have the advantage over others who are not trained in this.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    That\'s all I\'ll clip for now, you can get the full 61 page PDF off Kazaa.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    Is there any conclusive evidence, to why this happens, why sending out \"brain signals\" of how you would do a girl in your dream land works (had the pdf)? Is it working for you bivonic? I just can\'t imagine it working.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    I heard about this brain-waves stuff a lot ago. The way it was presented to me was much lighter though.

    Basically it all dealt with the fact that our brain can be in one of those Beta/Alpha/Theta/Delta states at a time: the ability to control which state our brain is in doesn\'t come for free, but can be achieved through relaxation exercises and practice (that\'s just what I read).

    Another trick is using a brainwave synchronizer: by hearing waveforms (through headphones) which have the very same frequence you want your brain to be in, you are supposely able to switch your state without too much hassle. On the book where I read all these things there were also some so-called \"brainwaves journeys\", which involved the use of a software which generated brainwaves varying their frequence over time, bringing you from full-awake state to almost-trance-n-meditative and back to full-awake.

    Never tried any of these things, but I recall seeing a brainwave generator option in a wave editor software called Cool Edit 96, if I remember correctly.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    It makes reference to a tape (or CD?) for $20 from an online source you can purchase to achieve this as well. It also makes mention of $1,000 machines you can purchase to do this as well, but it strongly recommended learning the \"old school\" techniques it preaches rather then wasting money.

    I haven\'t not tried this yet, still reading the document, but I\'ll certainly let you know. I am more interested in being able to control my dream sequences (I\'m not sold on using \"the force\" ala Star Wars), I\'ve been able to do that on occassion, but few &amp; far between (dream controls).

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    dreaming is another thing aka Lucid dreaming, I have done it before, basically it is telling yourself you are asleep when you are a bit hard.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    I do this at the dog track but only when I\'m desperate for cash. I\'ll focus on the dog in the starting gate and \"will\" it to win. Always works but I don\'t abuse it, just when money\'s tight.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    This pattern is called a \"fivefold standing wave\" pattern of Tachyons lowered to the vibrational rate (Alpha or Theta). These Tachyons interact with the liquid crystal structure of that person\'s brain structure. The Tachyons provide Deltons because they enfold energy.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    WTF? Bivonic, the reason you find it difficult to grasp is because it doesn\'t make sense. It\'s all New Age mumbo-jumbo designed to sound impressive, but with no basis in reality.

    Do you know what tachyons are? According to Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity, nothing can acelerate to the speed of light. It\'s impossible. It would need infinite energy to do that. There are some particles, like photons, which always travel at the speed of light, but they can never slow down or speed up. But theoretically there\'s no reason why particles can\'t exist that are always faster than light, and never slow down to the speed of light or below. These particles were called tachyons. Tachyons actually increase in speed as they lose energy, and they travel back in time. Sound pretty cool, right? Very exotic. Scientists have been looking for tachyons since they came up with the theory, but they haven\'t found them. Maybe they don\'t exist. So far it\'s just a theory. A theory which has nothing to do with the brain or brain waves.

    New Agers have hijacked the term tachyon and have been using it for all sorts of nonsense for years now. Tachyon energy this, and tachyon energy that. Bah! It\'s just a fancy name that few people understand that they can use to confuse things and make them sound scientific.

    Then there\'s all that rubbish about deltons and enfolding energy and creating anti-matter. And it\'s so nice of him (?) to skip the \"heavy stuff\" about tensor fields, Fourier translations etc. My guess is he just threw those terms in because they sound impressive.

    My suggestion is, throw it away.

    However, this bit is ok:

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    BETA: 14 - 30 cps - when the mind is engaged in physical activity and is alert.
    ALPHA: 7 - 13 cps - like when you are day dreaming or in a meditative state.
    THETA: 3.5 - 7 cps - the exact moment when you fall asleep.
    DELTA: 0.5 - 3.5 cps - when you are cold out zonked (very deep sleep).

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Although people can remain awake in theta. Theta is the state reached by very deep meditation.

    I strongly recommend learning to go down to alpha at will. It takes some effort, but it\'s worth it. Most people spend way too much time in beta in our fast-paced society, and it\'s just wearing them out. Going to alpha slows things down, releases stress and encourages the body to heal and repair itself. Alpha is also the perfect state to learn in. It\'s been called the \"Super Learning\" state, because you achieve far greater comprehension and retention of information in that state. It\'s also the ideal state to implant auggestion and affirmations.

    Use meditation and alpha programming techniques to improve yourself, and you\'ll automatically be more attractive to women anyway.

    I can recommend the Silva Mind Control courses and books, if you\'re really interested. Their techniques work, and they\'re somewhat more scientific than the trash you\'re reading now.

    Good luck. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


  11. #11

    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    Something i have tried before is deprive myself of REM sleep for a couple of days and then sleep for a long period of time the following day. When you do this youll have what is commonly known as REM rebound. During REM rebound periods of REM sleep are longer; Therefore, REM rebound produces longer more vivd dreams. REM sleep is highly associated with dreaming. During REM rebound you have an increased percentage of sleep spent in REM. In REM sleep your brain waves are very similar to BETA waves. Although in REM the body becomes completly paralized keeping us from acting out our dreams. Altered states of conscousness result from sleep deprivation along with meditation and psychoactive drugs.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    You could also try the Hemi-Sync CDs from Monroe Institute.

    // W

  13. #13
    Phero Guru Sagacious1420's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    \"...There are some particles, like photons, which always travel at the speed of light, but they can never slow down or speed up. But theoretically there\'s no reason why particles can\'t exist that are always faster than light, and never slow down to the speed of light or below. These particles were called tachyons. Tachyons actually increase in speed as they lose energy, and they travel back in time. Sound pretty cool, right? Very exotic. Scientists have been looking for tachyons since they came up with the theory, but they haven\'t found them. Maybe they don\'t exist. So far it\'s just a theory. A theory which has nothing to do with the brain or brain waves....\"

    <font color=\"purple\"> </font> If only I could find a hottie that could talk to me like that...wavicles tickle my spine! ooooohhhhhhh yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Image as you peel off those geekie glasses, undo her bun and her long hair falls about her shoulders as she shakes her head. She begins to unbutton her starched white plouse and [fade into to a cheesy porn soundtrack] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

    \"...slow things down, releases stress and encourages the body to heal and repair itself.\"

    Sound advice no matter where you\'re comin\' from my friend! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    When i was engaging mine for more esoteric and spiritual, i ve bought a meditation cd called \"light meditation\" (guidet meditation) and a very slow rhythm, it changed my mood and feelings to extremly relaxed [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

    ehh* I ll sure think those mind power seduction works.. but still very hard to learn ...

  15. #15
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    WTF? Bivonic, the reason you find it difficult to grasp is because it doesn\'t make sense. It\'s all New Age mumbo-jumbo designed to sound impressive, but with no basis in reality.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    At least we have one person on this forum that isn\'t living in La la land. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img] Good post, Hungry [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    If only I could find a hottie that could talk to me like that...wavicles tickle my spine! ooooohhhhhhh yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Image as you peel off those geekie glasses, undo her bun and her long hair falls about her shoulders as she shakes her head. She begins to unbutton her starched white plouse and [fade into to a cheesy porn soundtrack]

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Well, I could wear glasses, but my hair is short and I don\'t think you\'d like what you found under my shirt. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]


  17. #17
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    This pattern is called a \"fivefold standing wave\" pattern of Tachyons lowered to the vibrational rate (Alpha or Theta). These Tachyons interact with the liquid crystal structure of that person\'s brain structure. The Tachyons provide Deltons because they enfold energy.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    WTF? Bivonic, the reason you find it difficult to grasp is because it doesn\'t make sense. It\'s all New Age mumbo-jumbo designed to sound impressive, but with no basis in reality.

    Do you know what tachyons are? According to Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity, nothing can acelerate to the speed of light. It\'s impossible. It would need infinite energy to do that. There are some particles, like photons, which always travel at the speed of light, but they can never slow down or speed up. But theoretically there\'s no reason why particles can\'t exist that are always faster than light, and never slow down to the speed of light or below. These particles were called tachyons. Tachyons actually increase in speed as they lose energy, and they travel back in time. Sound pretty cool, right? Very exotic. Scientists have been looking for tachyons since they came up with the theory, but they haven\'t found them. Maybe they don\'t exist. So far it\'s just a theory. A theory which has nothing to do with the brain or brain waves.

    New Agers have hijacked the term tachyon and have been using it for all sorts of nonsense for years now. Tachyon energy this, and tachyon energy that. Bah! It\'s just a fancy name that few people understand that they can use to confuse things and make them sound scientific.

    Then there\'s all that rubbish about deltons and enfolding energy and creating anti-matter. And it\'s so nice of him (?) to skip the \"heavy stuff\" about tensor fields, Fourier translations etc. My guess is he just threw those terms in because they sound impressive.

    My suggestion is, throw it away.

    However, this bit is ok:

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    BETA: 14 - 30 cps - when the mind is engaged in physical activity and is alert.
    ALPHA: 7 - 13 cps - like when you are day dreaming or in a meditative state.
    THETA: 3.5 - 7 cps - the exact moment when you fall asleep.
    DELTA: 0.5 - 3.5 cps - when you are cold out zonked (very deep sleep).

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Although people can remain awake in theta. Theta is the state reached by very deep meditation.

    I strongly recommend learning to go down to alpha at will. It takes some effort, but it\'s worth it. Most people spend way too much time in beta in our fast-paced society, and it\'s just wearing them out. Going to alpha slows things down, releases stress and encourages the body to heal and repair itself. Alpha is also the perfect state to learn in. It\'s been called the \"Super Learning\" state, because you achieve far greater comprehension and retention of information in that state. It\'s also the ideal state to implant auggestion and affirmations.

    Use meditation and alpha programming techniques to improve yourself, and you\'ll automatically be more attractive to women anyway.

    I can recommend the Silva Mind Control courses and books, if you\'re really interested. Their techniques work, and they\'re somewhat more scientific than the trash you\'re reading now.

    Good luck. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    With you on this hungry, sounds like BS to me. It was ok until the antimatter and the tachyons, which while interesting, reeks of BS in this context.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    People who believe they can influence other people\'s thoughts with their own are generally thought of as PSYCHOTIC.

  19. #19
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    People who believe they can influence other people\'s thoughts with their own are generally thought of as PSYCHOTIC.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


  20. #20

    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    Hmmmm I wonder if some might think people using pheromones to influence others is Psychotic. Either way, lets be honest everyone using pheromones is attempting to influence someone\'s subconscious in one way or another. Maybe were all pyschotic. lol. Anyway to me manipulation of the subconscious is the all the same. It can be done through mind control or chemical substances. In my opinion chemical would be worse because if a chemical reaction will occur in the VNO then its going to occur no matter what. Anyway im here using pheromones and have nothing agaisnt it. I just believe subconsciously manipulating someone is the same no matter how you do it!

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    People who believe they can influence other people\'s thoughts with their own are generally thought of as PSYCHOTIC.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I\'m not below - sounds like VooDoo to me!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    When you are doing this visualized \"magic touch\" and seeing the person you want getting hot and bothered for you, your thoughts are travelling through ionosphere and reaching that person immediately. If you are in a good Alpha state, you are more connected with the ionosphere and your thoughts will travel easier and quicker. What happens to the person is this:

    First the physical sensation hits them without any awareness. Then they become aware that they are getting a little turned on. And then thoughts of you come into their mind. These thoughts may be very obvious to them and they will consciously feel attracted to you or these thoughts will be a little more deeper and their unaware mind will make more of the connection. The later is not a bad thing because it is better to establish a deep foundation within the person\'s psyche. Often you might get a little turned on but don\'t really think about anybody specifically. Your unaware mind has often had some links to certain people and then when you see those people in your daily life you will become more aware of your attraction to them. As this increases, the times when you get a little aroused the thoughts of a certain person will come into your conscious awareness. This is how it might happen in the person you are working on. They might not instantly think hot thoughts about you but their subconscious mind will be associating these arousal feeling to you and then it will manifest as the person becomes more attracted to you. So if you don\'t see any instant reactions, don\'t worry because their subconscious mind will be programming their conscious mind to be drawn to you. Their subconscious mind will seek you out only and will not think that these arousal feelings are coming from someone else. Allow this to happen and you\'ll see that the person will come to you eventually. This won\'t take long. Remember, since this is a natural feeling that will be developing inside of them (as if it was their under their own accord), you probably will go through the usually motions like dating, getting to know each other and all that sort of stuff. But don\'t worry, you will be continually imbedding deep passionate feelings within them and they will manifest quicker than if you went through the usually motions without using mind power techniques.

    These feelings that you are visualizing upon them will last forever. I don\'t mean that they will feel turned on till the end of time but they will feel attracted to you in the same way you can be attracted to someone over decades. If you are doing these techniques while the person is sleeping then they will dream about you (they might forget the dream as most people do but it will still happen). Some \'experts\' might say that influencing while the person is asleep is more effective than if the person is awake. Both are just as effective and both should be practiced. The person\'s \'guard\' or something isn\'t down when they are asleep because your thoughts get to them NO

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    this is a very interesting thread and in fact, i learnt this sort of \"remote influence\" (as i call it), 4 years ago. i was going to publish a book on it but decided not to as it is actually quite dangerous in the wrong hands and general society + i was 14 at the time so ppl would think i was mad. and yes, i have experienced results, as has my friend.

    when i was reading the original post, i was interested to find out why this was the case, and although all of the analysis and theory makes sense, i don\'t know much about the scientific terms used.

    i influenced a few girls i liked, and had 2 dihls from one of them (no mones involved at all), which had never occurred until i used remote influence + all of them were turned on by me = a good sign,

    i stopped after a while from ethical/religious concerns + i was a bit scared considering my age at the time, seeing it as though it was some great form of black magic i was doing or something

    it works on things besides seduction as well. i used it to attract money and 2 years ago, i was offered an 8 figure dollar sum in an international deal, legitimate, and details of which i still have now.

    ive recently started it again, and have started seeing the results, usually taking about a month to appear. the more you practice, the quicker the results, transforming into instantaneous after a while,. Hence the problem - think it and it will happen, which really is quite dangerous.
    i would\'t recommened it however, unless you really know what your doing and asking for, as you might end up influencing yourself to do things you might later regret....

    meanwhile, keep pasting the stuff - its damn interesting

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    this is a very interesting thread and in fact, i learnt this sort of \"remote influence\" (as i call it), 4 years ago. i was going to publish a book on it but decided not to as it is actually quite dangerous in the wrong hands and general society + i was 14 at the time so ppl would think i was mad. and yes, i have experienced results, as has my friend.

    when i was reading the original post, i was interested to find out why this was the case, and although all of the analysis and theory makes sense, i don\'t know much about the scientific terms used.

    i influenced a few girls i liked, and had 2 dihls from one of them (no mones involved at all), which had never occurred until i used remote influence + all of them were turned on by me = a good sign,

    i stopped after a while from ethical/religious concerns + i was a bit scared considering my age at the time, seeing it as though it was some great form of black magic i was doing or something

    it works on things besides seduction as well. i used it to attract money and 2 years ago, i was offered an 8 figure dollar sum in an international deal, legitimate, and details of which i still have now.

    ive recently started it again, and have started seeing the results, usually taking about a month to appear. the more you practice, the quicker the results, transforming into instantaneous after a while,. Hence the problem - think it and it will happen, which really is quite dangerous.
    i would\'t recommened it however, unless you really know what your doing and asking for, as you might end up influencing yourself to do things you might later regret....

    meanwhile, keep pasting the stuff - its damn interesting

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\"> What did you exactly do to gain these \"powers\"?

  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast Enticing's Avatar
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    I would never poo-poo anything to do with brain power because there is just sooo much that we just do not understand.

    I was in a meditation class and, while in those deepened states, it was not unusual to have very specific experiences in meditation as the person sitting next to you. At the end of the meditation we\'d discuss what each of us \'saw\' or \'did\' while we were \'away\' - and some of the experiences that were in common were just too uncanny. I believe we each do have the power to communicate thoughts without words and body language. But you probably need to have a relaxed recipient. We were all in the same sort of state when this happenned. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

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    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    when i was reading the original post, i was interested to find out why this was the case, and although all of the analysis and theory makes sense, i don\'t know much about the scientific terms used.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    If you don\'t understand the scientific terms used, how can you say it makes sense? Well, I DO understand the terms, and I can tell you for a fact that it does NOT make sense. In fact, the terms are used in such a nonsensical way that I can confidently say he made the whole thing up. If you don\'t believe me, do your own research on what those terms mean and decide for yourself.

    Incidently, there have been remote influencing techniques floating around for many years now, so you\'re certainly not the first to have thought the concept up. It\'s dead easy to get a hold of too.

    But you know what? Let\'s assume for a moment that it does work. At best it would be a subconscious influence (by definition). Ever used a subliminal affirmation audio tape? Most are pretty damn useless because the effect is weak, and you\'d need to listen to it constantly to get anything out of it. Any effect from these remote influencing techniques would be on the same level. You\'d get a much greater response from people just by going up to them and talking to them. There are very *powerful* ways of influencing people on a conscious level, simply by the way you talk to them. The best leaders do it all the time. So why resort to some ineffective subliminal influence? You\'re better off spending your time building your confidence and social and leadership skills. They are far more efficient and effective ways of achieving the same thing.


  26. #26
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    Ok , unless foofoo comes up with a few techniques so we can learn and try it for ourselves , I\'m with Hungry on this one [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    i love getting personal messages [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] in reply to your questions, maybe he did make up all the terms used hungry, but he nees to call these features something, and so he probably borrowed the terms of something else. and even then if it is bullshit, the process still works. i didn\'t do anything to \"gain these powers\". it just took about 5 minutes to get to grips with, actually about 10 seconds. its also better + easier if you already have a strong visualizing faculty. the results however depend on how frequently you practice. also about me writing a book, its purpose and perspctive was different from all the others and was not intended for self-help use.

    as for the book on this thread,i read the whole book as soon as i got it of kazaa and its different from my original technique by miles, although i can see how the two are connected. interesting also how only certain controversial parts were pasted on this thread, givig a misleading picture... anyways.,

    i used both techniques together today for about 2 hours flat, not really caring about what to expect from the \"magic touch\" technique from the ebook, really i didnt think twice about it. i\'ll post the results when they\'re in.
    the reason why i had such confidence was from my previous understanding of philosophical ideas and realities.

    so the best thing to do, as i would recommeend, is to really go in with a totally open mind, receptive to new ideas, and find out your own proof by testing it, cos any proof is no proof as the mind is always creating the results, no matter if you accept it or not, and so any perspective is no proof, except through the philosophical understanding of the \"nature of objective reality\",(for you philosophers out there, and so those that are harping on about proof are actually talking horse manure [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]). thats why the writer\'s proof\" seems like no proof at all, cos it aint proof in the first place

    but thats far from the concept of not actually witnessing bizarre thigs, assuming you are aiming for unconventional goals, so that you could possibbly attribute these to changes in the structure of the consciousness from mind techniques.

    personally, the evidence i had from my circumstance had multiple causes and results, but i knew tacitly that my \"manipulation\" techniques were having effect.

    also when my friend told me it was working, thats all that settled it really. + hes had out of body experiences, etc so he was a reliable source for a secondary understanding

    the worst that can happen is that your visualization skills improve, thus your overall intelligence, and you will have a greater ability to relax your body.

    the reason why perhaps some of you are skeptical is because of your indoctrination system, + background, even then i wouldn\'t recommend it to anyone. i\'ll write more later

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    i think it has something to do with demons man. if you\'re posessed, you could probably send out that demon to go tell someone else something dont you think. its all too freaky for me though. except the mind machine. i really wanna try that. seems intersting to be able to learn at a faster rate than normally possible.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Alpha/Theta - Mind Power Seduction

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    but he nees to call these features something, and so he probably borrowed the terms of something else.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    This is what I find annoying. These things have well-defined meanings. The only possible purpose for using them is to confuse and impress people. They simply do not apply in the context he\'s used them in.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    so the best thing to do, as i would recommeend, is to really go in with a totally open mind, receptive to new ideas

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I do this with everything, and I don\'t only read about these things, I practise them. The thing is, science is a very rigorous discipline, because there are so many random factors in everything that need to be eliminated in order to come up with a little bit of truth. That\'s where self-styled \"experimentors\" always fall short, so their results are always dubious. There\'s also a difference between \"being open minded\" and \"wanting it to be true\". The second clouds your judgement too much to make any experiment valid. That\'s why things like double-blind tests etc are so essential in *real* science.

    Incidently, many of the hit reports I read on here suffer badly from this problem. People have a tendancy to attribute any success with whatever they\'re playing with at the time, simply because they want it to be true. That doesn\'t mean \'mones don\'t work, that just means most of the hit reports I\'ve read are simply not useful in determining if it was the \'mones doing the work or not.

    Likewise, I never once said remote influencing didn\'t work. I just said the explanations in that book were nonsense, and that even if it did work, the effect would be minor compaired to simply interacting with people face-to-face.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    through the philosophical understanding of the \"nature of objective reality\",(for you philosophers out there, and so those that are harping on about proof are actually talking horse manure

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I studied quite a bit of philosophy actually, so I\'m more than familiar with it. The thing is, a philosophy is just a *theory*, a possible explanation of reality. Just because someone says it, doesn\'t mean it\'s right.

    Let me give you something to ponder over: I take a ball and put it on an even surface. I push the ball. It rolls away. I repeat this experiment a billion times, and it happens every time without fail.

    Sorry if that\'s a bit obscure, but think about how it applies to what we\'re discussing, and the difference between real science and philosophy.

    As an aside, Descartes\' famous \"I think, therefore I am\" was held to be a fundamental truth for a long time, and still is by most people, but these days philosophers generally do not agree. It was shown (using simple logic) that it\'s simply not a necessary truth. That\'s the key phrase BTW, \"necessary truth\". If you\'re clued up on philosophy, you\'ll know what that means. To me it shows that philosophy actually has very little real value. I left it behind years ago.

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    hes had out of body experiences

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    So have I. That doesn\'t mean that the theories about what it is are true. And it doesn\'t mean that everything you see during an OOBE is true, even if a few details are. There are so many way of explaining an OOBE experience, but people seize upon the one they want to be true, even if the evidence does not support it.

    Foofoo, I wasn\'t having a go at you in my message. I was pointing out that I think remote influencing, even if true, has very little value. And I stated why I thought this. So far you haven\'t given us any reason to accept what you said about your experiences, or why you think your theories about them are correct. And implying that we\'re close-minded and ignorant, or \"indoctrinated\" because we\'re sceptical about your claims really doesn\'t help your case. Remember, being open-minded goes both ways. If you expect us to respect what you\'re saying, you need to respect what we\'re saying.

    If you believe in remote influencing, that\'s fine by me. You can believe in anything you want. And if you give us a logical and viable theory as to how it would work, then I would read it with great interest (and with an open mind). But if you do what that author did and attempt to confuse us with obscure and impressive sounding scientific words, I\'ll take you up on it, because the chances are I\'ll know what those words mean and whether you\'re using them correctly or not.

    At this point, I agree with TBird\'s suggestion. Give us something to try ourselves so we can form our own opinion.

    So, any good hit stories recently? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]


  30. #30
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    At this point, I agree with TBird\'s suggestion. Give us something to try ourselves so we can form our own opinion.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Yes please [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

    We are all (relatively) resposible, we deal with pheros after all.

    But untill i try it out, I\'m still a skeptic, but obviously I will try it and give it a chance.

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