I know that a few of the wipes would always be dry, but I really miss nHance wipes. I didn\'t have to worry about overdosing or dropping and spilling containers. Since I\'m clumsy, that made Nhance much more preferable to the bottled version known as The Edge.

Also, I knew that some serious flirting could be had just by wiping on an nHance and then adding two or three dabs of Pheromol Factor.

I remember one time I applied that combo at a local bar. The bartender was an utterly gorgeous young woman of Italian heritage, with the kind of doe-eyed facial features one usually only finds in Japanese animation.

Unfortunately, she was also a complete snot. Her challenging attitude was as much of a turn-on as it was a hindrance. One time, she actually asked a female friend of hers to move away from me, so she wouldn\'t have to bother with me.

Well anyways, getting to the point, the next time I go to her bar, I walk into the restroom and apply an Nhance wipe, with three dabs of PF as an added \"spice\".

The difference was night and day. Within minutes, she practically started cooing at me. She giggled at my jokes, dragged her co-workers over to listen to what I had to say, and started calling me \"intelligent\". She gave me refills on my soda, which is against company policy without the purchase of a meal.

While all this was going on her on again/off again boyfriend was sitting two seats down from me!

Damn, I miss Nhance wipes.........