Greetings Phellow Phero Phans! I\'m a newbie. I discovered this forum almost 2 weeks ago. I read some of the current and archive posts and decided to place an order for AE/m, as I felt that it may be best suited to me...I\'m a bit of a lone wolf type and thought that I could benefit from a more rounded all-in-one type of product. That Bad Boy look doesn\'t do much good if I\'m unapproachable, huh. Anyway, I\'ve been testing my AE in a variety of different situations for the last week and have seen some amazing results. So let me begin w/ some info about me and then some examples of what I have observed.
As for myself, I\'m a 38 y.o. white male, 5\'11\", 145lb. (yup I\'m a skinny puppy - that band rocks btw), light brown hair w/ a touch of gray and blue eyes. I think I\'m above average looking. I typically don\'t have any probs w/ women noticing me, but I wouldn\'t say that I necessarily get a lot of double-takes/totally checking me out or women approaching least not really hot ones. It would seem that the 6\'s & 7\'s are pretty much no problem...slept w/ a 6 the night before my AE arrived. I\'m hoping that pheros may give me a better edge with the 8\'s & 9\'s...dare I even say a 10. LOL I have a great sense of humor and am very good at utilizing situations or props to initiate a fun first contact w/ women...provided they have a sense of humor and if I am a \"student\" of human behavior and I love to watch people interact in various social situations. On many occasions I could easily be that quiet guy hanging out in the corner of the club...happily observing the scene, as clubs are by far the most entertaining. I would say that I am very keenly aware of the subtleties of body language. I have been aware of pheros for a long time and have never doubted the role that they play in the social interactions of various species. Olfaction, i.e. the sense of smell, is very underestimated and few people realize how much we rely upon it and I\'m not even referring to the VNO. Smell is our strongest memory trigger, or so it is said. With that said, my only doubts, until recently, have been with the phero products I knew of on the market. Didn\'t want to walk around smelling like black truffles...don\'t get me wrong, they\'re deliscious...just don\'t want to smell like one. The last thing I want is to start attracting feral pigs...being a thin guy I have enough trouble fighting off the porkers with a stick, as it is. OK, so enough of that, now on to the fun stuff.
I will try to give you some highlights from the last week, since I recieved so many reactions that it boggles the mind. I have to say that my first DIHL was on my first interaction using 3 drops AE on wrists, behind ears and bridge of the nose. I had to go back to the bar where I had hooked up the night before, because I had left something behind. So I\'m walking down the sidewalk and I see 2 ladies in their mid 30\'s walking and talking about 50 ft. in front of me. So, I\'m thinking maybe i should pick up my pace and get closer. I get about 30 ft away (they are down wind) and the taller one starts sniffing intently, like she smelled something and was driven to find the source. I don\'t think she was consciously aware of her behavior and next the shorter one begins, as well. They begin to slow there pace, heads turning in all directions; thus, I\'m getting closer and closer. Once within 10 ft. of them, they stopped walking. Within 5 ft., they turn around and the shorter girl froze. Within 3 ft., her eyes dialated and became glazed over, her jaw dropped and I swear she began to twitch. She was totally tweekin\'. I smiled, nodded and when I turned around to look over my shoulder the short one was still dazed and her friend went from staring at her to staring at me. Totally freaky stuff. Later at the gas station. I get in line and this stunning blonde girl(alas, way too young) nearly snaps her neck as she looks over at me, looks away really quickly and then again back at me. The same thing as on the street a few minutes before this, dialated pupils, glazed over look, jaw dropped and some major hair play. She caught herself, regained her composure and left. I\'ve noticed the hair play in girls as young as about 8 or 10 yr. old and it appears to be an instinctual kind of thing. [I didn\'t catch on to this until I began to observe it in young girls. It\'s not exactly like the type of hair play that I usually see women engage in consciously; I don\'t know exactly, it just seems a little different, perhaps more exaggerated or something.] It seems that I was consistantly getting these DIHL reactions whether indoors, outdoors, from a few feet away to within personal space. I have found it within the age range of say 13/14 up to mid 50\'s. I went to the Chefs\' market (a weekly \"block party\") and noticed these reactions left and right. I noticed no general difference with regard to ethnic background, as I\'ve read in other posts. Got a DIHL from a hot asian woman (9.5-10) and had 3 asian gals following me around at the outlet mall the other day. I have noticed that women tend to hover around you at a pretty consistant distance, although some (shy one\'s?) may hang back a bit more. Granted I have noticed more women really checking me out (8\'s, 9\'s and 10\'s) than DIHL, but I was still amazed at how consistantly I would encounter these women who were dazed and confused. This has not been limited to stangers, even a few female aquaintances were having this experience. Some hot women that I know who are always friendly but really wouldn\'t give me the time of day are now being veyy friendly and flirtatious, including this one bartender whom I thought was lesbian, but am now suspecting may actually be bi. I have noticed some of my friends\' very shy or non-social girlfriends become more open since I\'ve been wearing the mones around them and the more alpha types in our group seem to be acting more beta, much more quiet (especially if I\'m really near) and heads down...just as I\'ve seen described here in the forum. I have one friend who can\'t do enough for me, it\'s almost a little annoying. A word of warning: I have received blatant sexual hits from a couple of my friends\' girlfriends and in front of their boyfriends, at that. BTW, the heaviest sexual hits came after I recieved my PCC: 2\" into the pubes and 1\" behind my earlobes. This is some powerful stuff, so be careful IMHO. Trust me, I\'m flattered that a 21 yr. old hottie can\'t get enough of me, but if you value your friendships, just be prepared. BTW, many of my friends and aquaintances are quite younger than I am, most of the 30-somethings around here are married and dull. Most of the singles in my area are in their mid to late 20\'s and we have a 3:1 ratio of men to women. Great odds, huh.
OK, maybe that\'s enough rambling for now. I\'m taking a couple of days off the pheros and then test again this weekend. Perhaps, I\'ll have some fun stuff to share soon. BTW, glad to be here on the phorum and thanx for having me. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I hope this is useful info for all.