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  1. #1
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    Default AE SPILLED!

    The lightweight AE bottle strikes again, yesterday half the bottle spilled all over the place yesterday while in a rush to get ready. I had to go so I wiped off what I could and put on some extra SOE and WAGG to try and counteract any OD effects.

    Well, heres the first thing I noticed...went to a mcdonalds and when the girl was giving me my drink she had this odd spaced out look to her (DIHL?) and she spilled the drink all over the counter, thankfully not on me tho, but it did spill on someone else there. I\'m guessing the AE OD could have confused her, but then again that might just be normal behavior for someone at mcdonalds! Well, later on that day nothing too unusual happened, except at least one alphamale type seemed to act very threatened around me.

    The spilled AE is all over my room now. Last night one of my cats was jumping from window to window in my room and acting all crazy, I\'m guessing from the spill. So today in school my backpack had some of the spilled AE on it and I put some more SOE and WAGG on myself, well a lot of SOE. People were very friendly, and all seemed to gather around my general area, even people in the class that I don\'t usually talk to.

    So all in all, yeah a bunch of AE is now wasted but at least I was able to avoid any nasty OD effects. I\'m guessing I have WAGG to thank for that, because I can only imagine how much -none was spilled.

    Anyone have similar spill experiences or comments?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: AE SPILLED!

    Yea KILL BRUCE lol just kidding [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]. The stupid crap spilled on me too that why I poured the rest of the stuff into a heavy 15ml empty PPA bottle and diluted it with some oils to get a reasonable dose and prevent spills. (GASP) AE/m FRAGRANCE RULES!

    Edit: I feel like such a idiot now I should of applyed all the crap that spilled on my table and on the floor on myself to see what kind of freaky OD effect I could of gotten. HMM.. wait it does\'nt seem like a good idea now because I would of had a really big fragrance OD and a big guy name BUTCH would of put me on a leash and made me his man B|TCH! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img].

  3. #3
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    Default Re: AE SPILLED!

    I was almost you bro, it sucked I was in somewhat of a rush and I had my bottle open and was closing it kind of quickly and it flung out of my hand (slippering or something) I was like oh my god oh my god crap crap but luckily I had closed it just in time. There is no pain like a waste of something valuable especially mones, but if you don\'t have any money restrictions I guess it\'s bad but not as bad.

    AE bottle you should be very careful with its very easy to spill that thing

  4. #4
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: AE SPILLED!

    Yeah when ever i open up my SoE bottle I place it into another small drinking cup. If it does spill ill atleast catch it in the cup. I\'ll still lose some mones but its better than losing the whole tube.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: AE SPILLED!

    With those AE bottles, not only spillage is a near certainty, they are also very weak. I broke a bottle (1/3 full) wenn it fell on the bathroom floor. Oh well, it wasn\'t my favorite product anyway ...

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
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    Default Re: AE SPILLED!

    lol i\'ve dropped it before too [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img], lucky it did\'nt break [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]. One of my APC bottles broke by me twisting on the cap too hard, the little mouth just shattered and I had to transfer it into a empty atomizer [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

  7. #7
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    Default Re: AE SPILLED!

    when i opened up my newbie pack, the fruity gold atomizer flew out of my hand on to my counter and broke into a million pieces. I never use it anyway, and its way to big to test mixes in anyway. I now just use my pheromax 2ml atomizer, since its super portable and won\'t ruin huge amounts of mones if a mix goes bad.

    P.S. I never really got great results from pheromax, and only now could I imagine it working better as an additive, but the atomizer is really cool and convinient, so it may be worth checking out. 3 none: 2 nol.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: AE SPILLED!

    Hah. The day after I got my AE bottle, I had a near spill. I had it on my desk in my computer room, took out the dropper, applied the 3 drops on my neck/chest and just set the dropper back on top. Reached around w/o screwing the top back on and knocked it over. Luckilly (sp?) it had made a seal and I was able to save her. Man would that have sucked.


  9. #9
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: AE SPILLED!

    Hey Bruce, are you reading this?!?

  10. #10
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    Default Re: AE SPILLED!


    If Vodka can be used to get the pheros out of clothing,
    Does that mean that something could be happening when we mix oil based pheros with alcohol based cologne? For that matter, What about mixing alcohol based pheros with oil based pheros?? Could they be working against each other???

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: AE SPILLED!

    Well folks that is where an empty bottle of SOE comes in, they are way stronger, i still say Stone labs needs a rollon version of AE.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: AE SPILLED!

    As far as I understand it, pheromones are not a liquid subtance. In fact, even at these concentrations (less than 1%), it is hard to get them to dissolve without cristalizing. Alcohol or oil are simply carriers. So especially in the case of alcohol based product, you spray on the pheros, the alcohol evaporates leaving your skin or clothing laced with the actually pheromones molecules in a relatively low concentration. Because these components are more easily dissolved again back in alcohol, if you dump alcohol on the area, it won\'t \"kill\" them or render them ineffective at all. They will just dissolve back into the alcohol and the washing machine will hopefully get rid of the liquid mix.
    Dumping alcohol on the pheros and letting it evaporate won\'t do a thing. That\'s like if you resprayed the clothing. Put it this way, is the washing machine more likely to remove pheros that are still wet (just been sprayed on) or ones that have dried into the clothing? Well how can you redissolve dried pheromones so that they are easier to get out? Dump a cheap source of ethanol on vodka.


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