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  1. #1
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    Default Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    Hello all Pheromone users, I discovered the and got very curious to try the products, after reading alot of threads I ordered NPA and SOE gel, I dont know if I did a good choice, the reason I want to use this products is to attract my girlfriend, I am 5.8\" tall, body structure is normal, not to skinny, not fat, I am 23 years old and I consider myself 7/10.
    Few weeks ago, my gf told that she doesnt feel atracted to me like before, I got very said because I lover her alot and I dont want to lose her.

    I would like to ask here to all experience ppl how I should use my products (NPA and SOE gel) to attract her back, if anyone have nice working ideas to help me please reply to this post.

    best regards,

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    Welcome. I just got here not too long ago, and am hooked now.

    Not too bad of a purchase for your first. NPA is a very concentrated product, and is used for sexual hits. You might need to cover the scent though. Most people use APC (also available on to cover it, but you can use your cologne to do it too.

    First, read though the reference manual at the top of the forum page. This is one of the best pieces of literature you can get when referring to -mones and how to use them. Read through the whole thing. Next, check out CK\'s mix vault, should be on this main page. It will show a few GOOD mixes that you can use to attract her.

    With the NPA, since it\'s so concentrated, you\'re not going to be able to use much b4 you OD. 1 maybe 2 drops. I would apply one under each ear, then take about 1/3-1/2 of your SoE gel, and disperse it between your wrists and jaw line. Cover it w/ your cologne, and you should be good to go for a baseline. It\'s all experimentation though, so you\'ll have to see how much of each works w/ your body chemistry.

    From what I\'ve heard (and I could be wrong, I\'m still a little wet behind the ears here :P ), it might take a little longer for your GF to respond to the -mones you\'re applying. Since she\'s already got you pegged as being one type of guy, and is used to you, you might not notice results right away. They\'re more geared toward people who just meet you, but they will work on people that know you just might have to give it a little time.

    Good luck,

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    Sorry, but I don\'t think this will work. Pheromones are working best on people you don\'t know. It might even backfire because she notices your signature change, what makes a pheromonal stranger out of you. Add the lack of attraction and you\'ll get a real mess.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    thanks jon and andy for the advices, I am kinda confused in what to do, if anyone know what I should do I appreciate the advice.

    Best regards,

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    Andy, that doesn\'t mean pheromones are no use for getting results from ppl you already know...

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    I know some ppl who tried it in the past and ended in a big mess with their gfs. They had new gfs in no time, but the breakup seemed to be even forced.


    I don\'t feel attracted to you like before.

    I think you suck and I want a new cock, but I\'ll play with your feelings till I get completely bored or another stud.

    Sorry .. but it was the foreplay to the kick every time I heared from a friend that his gf said such things to him.
    Maybe my vision is still a little blurred ... but think about it. Is she even worth the effort ?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    I have already read lots of posts where it was said that mones did achieve very good results from known ppl... for example, at work... or friends.

    But of course, it seems logic to me that perhaps they work better with ppl u don\'t know.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I have already read lots of posts where it was said that mones did achieve very good results from known ppl... for example, at work... or friends.

    But of course, it seems logic to me that perhaps they work better with ppl u don\'t know.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Yeah, I can see where that would be different, and what Andy\'s saying.

    It could be the differences in the closeness between the 2 relationships. People at work, even ones that you know, aren\'t really that \"close\"...and aren\'t even in the same ballpark as say a \"gf\". That\'s why it may be easier to get results from someone who is at work than it would be from a GF. Either way, I think it\'s worth a try for him. Stick on the NPA and seduce her..either what, what does he have to lose?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Than

    hi JW182,
    in my very humble opinion (I\'m a gay woman and you may think what I say is worth nothing), why not try WAGG ? I got really nice reactions from a friend I would love to attract as a gf...
    NPA is perhaps too strong and too directly sexual (= too aggressive). If you need to improve your phero signature to sexually attract her again, mayble you\'ll need to go through a \'nice guy\' phase, ready to seduce her again.

    my 2 cents

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Sorry, but I don\'t think this will work. Pheromones are working best on people you don\'t know. It might even backfire because she notices your signature change, what makes a pheromonal stranger out of you. Add the lack of attraction and you\'ll get a real mess.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\"> My first order was the TE Newbie pack. I poured it into a empty vial and took it with me to my best friends (female) place. I was only using 4 dabs and she was all over me (she never acted like this before since I was in the \"friend zone for probably a year), she told me how much she wanted to give me a blowjob and got to work in no time [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img]. I think all that crap about pheromones only working with people you don\'t know is BULL. Try using 2-4 dabs of NPA and half a pack of SOE gel, Trust me they\'re will be a SIGNIFICANT change in her attitude.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    She wasn\'t your gf .. that doesn\'t count [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    I was in a similar situation as you when I began my experiments in the phero world. For one thing, I do not believe that using pheros will hurt at all. These sort of things do not have a tendency to fix themselves anyway, so you are on top of a large hill headed downwards. I feel that the sooner you start, the better (the less you will have to climb back up). I started with TE (basically what you have, just diluted) and ended up getting the best results with Andro 4.2. Now I use a half and half mix, sprayed twiced covered with cologne. Anyway, here\'s the way it goes.
    She\'s looking for something different, exciting, and more attractive to her. As far as using the pheros around people you know, it doesn\'t seem to be as effective to people trying pheros for the first time because some people are more suseptible to the effects of pheros than others. Plus, yes...the people you know view you a certain way already. Bruce recommends looking for reactions in people you don\'t know to let you know that the pheros are working because it\'ll be easier to notice the effects. This doesn\'t mean that they don\'t work on people you do know. She is looking for something new, but so far, hasn\'t seen it in any other guy. When she does, she\'ll be gone. So you need to be that other guy. I do not think she is looking for a \'nice\' guy seeing as she mentioned she may not be physically attracted to you anymore.
    I\'d recommend 3-4 dabs of NPA covered with cologne. Don\'t kiss her a$$, but seduce her using different ways than you have in the past. Try picnics, art shows, dinners...more exciting stuff. I\'d suggest emailing and asking for free samples of their frangrance line (if you haven\'t heard about Amouage, search for it on the forum). I believe that using something such as NPA (or TE, Andro 4.2, etc.) will work better than SOE. Just because of the time you have spent together, she probably views you as a close friend; you need something more sexual to turn up the heat.
    This worked wonders in my situation, but unfortunetely, I\'m away at school so I only got to see her once every month or so. I\'ve found that pheros (or atleast the ones that I was using) only work for a little while after you are no longer in their presence (maybe a few days to a week). Anyway, so things are good when I\'m home, but bad when I\'m away. Go figure...anyway, all of this is just my opinion. I\'ve just been there...unfortunetely, I was engaged to the girl [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]. It\'s tough, but give this a shot. Like someone else said earlier, what do you have to lose?


  13. #13
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    That\'s a good point, looks really like you have nothing to loose anyway [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    wow, Thank you all, thanx for all the advices, This forum is excellent, as observationist said \"Anyway, so things are good when I\'m home, but bad when I\'m away.\", I live with my gf, maybe will be easier for me since we spend alot of time together, I think I am going to try 1 dab on each side of the neck and 1 dab on each wrist of NPA and half packet of SEO gel in wrists and jaw line!

    Thanx everybody

    best regards,

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    Tell us how it goes, I think alot of people are anxious to hear. Good luck with the ladies, or lady [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img].

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    wow, Thank you all, thanx for all the advices, This forum is excellent, as observationist said \"Anyway, so things are good when I\'m home, but bad when I\'m away.\", I live with my gf, maybe will be easier for me since we spend alot of time together, I think I am going to try 1 dab on each side of the neck and 1 dab on each wrist of NPA and half packet of SEO gel in wrists and jaw line!

    Thanx everybody

    best regards,

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Since you live with her tear all the labels off the bottles and make sure its hidden well

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    great point sky, you don\'t want to have to explain this to her at all, like sky says tear the labels off, second hide it well, and not where you hide your porn bro, cause if he she does smell it she will play 50 questions and start sniffing it and so on.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    great point sky, you don\'t want to have to explain this to her at all, like sky says tear the labels off, second hide it well, and not where you hide your porn bro, cause if he she does smell it she will play 50 questions and start sniffing it and so on.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Well if anything I think he could pass the SoE gel paks off as a hair gel sample or something other depending how slick he is but NPA has no fat chance in hell. Once thats found its all over!

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Hello all, I am newbie, please need Help! Thanks

    Hello all, I will tear off the labels and make sure the products will be hidden very well, as soon I start using the products I will post everything and keep you guys in touch with all the news.

    Thanx to all

    best regards,

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