</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

good job bro...it seems like wagg works the same way for you as it does for me...I myself produce large amounts of none naturally (and I suspect you do as well, judging from your description)If you havent already, read my thread entitled (Im a Wagg Man From Now On\". In it I talk about my experiences mixing WAGG with PI/m as well as Ae/m. This product has literally been a godsend for me since it allows me to try none containing products without OD\'ing. Before any amount of none (even the small amount in AE/m) would immediately cause me to OD...anyways I just wanted to say good job bro..and keep up the experimentation. All these newbies that have flooded the board in the recent months should look up at you as a model forum member...

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I\'m pretty sensitive to none myself. I think I\'m under the mistaken impression that all because I cant smell it other people cant either. Thanks for the tip Sonnyblack I\'m going to try combining my none prods with WAGG, up to now I\'ve been using it as a standalone. And also yes terrific, fantastic post Hungry. Definetly keep us appraised of your 2nd goal of plentiful sexual conquests...e.g. \"the pretty girl\".